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Your hands were clammy as you returned to the ship with two sacks of credits. You boarded the open hull of the Razor Crest with the two sacks and placed them on a crate. You assumed Din was in the cockpit and so you climbed the ladder.

Although, when you reached the cockpit you found that no one was up there. You furrowed your eyebrows and then decided to walk back down. But as the blast door opened a sudden punch to the face was thrown at you by an unknown attacker and you fell to the floor. The attacker got on top of you and pinned you down but as you turned your head you only realized it was Din.

He stopped his fist that was about to come down for another punch. "What the hell?" You asked, adrenaline still coursing through your veins.

"I thought you were a thief." He said as he stood up, getting off of you. "My apologies." he said as he held out a hand to pick you up, which you took. "Maker, maybe look next time?" You asked, it coming out as angry, raspy, Ubesian.

You walked past him and climbed down the ladder, Din wasn't far behind you. "What's our next target?" You asked, sitting down on a crate near the corner and pushing aside the sacks of credits. "Not exactly a target." He said as he grabbed his holopad. "Just someone I need to find." He said, as he pulled up a 3-D image.

Of you.

You nearly froze in your place but Din didn't notice as he had his head turned to set down the holopad which was projecting an image of you. "I don't hunt someone who's worth nothing and is a nobody." You said, your own words stinging yourself. Well at least you were honest with yourself.

A sudden 'bang' was heard from right in front of you. You looked up to see Din had punched the wall of his ship, denting it. "She is not a nobody." He growled as he turned to look at you. "I will give you the credits I earned from the last mission." He said removing his fist from the now indented wall.

"Cara kept some contact information on Carmen and the person we're looking for." Din said, and now you were going to have to play along. "What's the name of our tar- of the person we're looking for?" You asked, correcting yourself from the word 'target'

"Her name is Y/N Y/L." Din said as he typed a few things into his vambrace pad. "The transmission number was made on this planet." Din informed, he in fact showed the planet you had lived on with Carmen. You bit your lip, sadness filling your chest as you looked at the planet.

"How are we supposed to track either of them? That planet is very populated." You said and Din turned the holopad off. "That's where you come in. I want you to track that number, or track any facial identities within the past month." He said as he put his holopad down. Without another word he leaves the hull by climbing the ladder up to the cockpit

You clenched your fists up, you were not ready to give up your identity to Din. You wouldn't even be on this stupid ship right now if it weren't for the adorable green monster that lives on it.

You were going to have to disappear, somehow, again.


A shake of the ship jolted you awake and you immediately sat up. You hadn't even realized you fell asleep. Or perhaps you drifted off while in you're thoughts.

Either way, you were awake and alert now. You grabbed your belongings and put them together, while you were doing so, Din climbed down the ladder and opened the hull.

"I tracked the ship she was last in. It narrows it down to two locations of which I think she spent her days." He informed as he slinged his blaster rifle over his shoulder. "And she's still here then?" You questioned, trying to act oblivious. "Not that I know of." He said, it almost sounded like he was... sad.

You followed Din out of the ship, and he locked it just as he'd done many times before. "And you already know... the location of these two places...?" You questioned as you walked along side him. "Of course." He blatantly stated. It made you a little sick, that even without your help he could most likely find you all by himself. "I need you to hack into the planet's security. See where she could be. I want to be sure." He demanded as he continued to walk. You bit the inside of your cheek but obeyed his command.

"She hasn't been here... in over 5 months." You informed and he practically stopped in his tracks. "What?" He angrily asked. He turned around to look at the holopad built into your vambrace. The data was true, it had been a good 5 months. "What was her last location?" He asked and you pulled it up. Footage of you speeding off from your shop to your ship played. Data of where your shop was located was also displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.

Din immediately began his way to a transport ship. "We can't just walk right in-" You interjected, chasing after him. You caught odd stares, as Boushh's kind wasn't often seen out of their home-world. Not to mention their language was rarely spoken. "I will decide what we do." Din growled as you boarded the transport with him.

A strong sense of deja-vu filled you as you remembered how many years you lived here. But as well as a slight sadness filled you. You had to leave this place so suddenly, and while you didn't want to return, you realized how fast the years had gone by while here, you wished you could have slowed down and took every moment in.

But that was the past, and now, you were going to have to figure out how you were going to disappear again. But a small voice, kept trying to convince you, to reveal yourself, show him who you truly were. Another voice however, one strong and one you trusted more, told you to keep Boushh's identity so you wouldn't become a victim of Din again.

Every time you thought about the day he left you, immediate anger boiled in your veins, but along with it an overwhelming sadness calmed your raging emotions after some time.

You were in your thoughts so long you hadn't realized the transport had stopped until a stranger accidentally nudged you getting off of the transport. You quickly followed Din, as you saw him slightly ahead. he must be anxious to find you. Little did he know, you'd been standing next to him the whole time.

"This isn't it." Din grumbled, he looked at your old shop, which had been destroyed at the hand of a bomb. But now the debris had finally settled and there was caution tape loosely hung on the outside walls of the destroyed building. "It is." You softly informed, but now you had to come up with an explanation as to how you knew so. "The security cams... this was a shop before an explosion." You explained, cautious as not to stutter.

"There is nothing left, here." You said, hoping that'd be enough to convince him to just forget about the whole thing.

But of course, he kept going.

Resenting a Return [Mandalorian x Reader] SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now