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Yourself and Carmen had made your way up to the pick up point, you were waiting for Cara, but you were nervous. You knew very well Cara could take care of herself, and you knew that even before looking into her file. Just by looking at her you could tell she could kick ass.

Your com-link, which had been hidden under the cuffs you were wearing, began to go off. "Y/N, I'm nearly to the rendezvous point. Just hold tight." She said, you could hear blaster fire in the background. "Are you sure? We can come and help-" You were cut off. "No, I'm all good. I just have to take care of a few more guys and I'm on my way. Get to the man's ship who's coming to pick us up." She said and the transmission ended. You nervously tightened your grip on the blaster you found. "Maybe we should just go-" Carmen began and you gave him a sharp glance.

"What? She can make it out herself right?" He asked and you rolled your eyes. "I don't care which galaxy you're from but that's a low blow, no matter the species. She came here to help you out, and now you want to just abandon her?" You asked, crossing your arms and he nodded while scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah yeah. You're right. Sorry." He apologized quickly.

Your com-link then started to beep again. "Y/N, change of plans. Too many of the Black Sun members are blocking my way, I'm going around. There's some back up speeders so I'll meet you at the space port." She said and you sighed. "Stay safe Cara." You said and you heard her chuckle airily. "Always am." She said, before the transmission ended again.

You then heard the engines of a ship roar in the sky. "That's probably our ride out of here." You said and you peeked around the corner to see a familiar ship landing just outside of the gates. "You've got to be shitting me..." You said, your heart sunk.

Out of the many planets, the many years. So many different people and you couldn't get him out of your mind. But after so many years, you were finally beginning to go hours without thinking about him.

And now, Din was back.

You gripped your fists and turned to Carmen. "Change of plans, we're taking a speeder bike on the other side." You said but Carmen seemed to be in pain. "Y/N, I can't keep running. My ribs.." He said with a grimace of pain and you swallowed harshly. Your ego wasn't just about to let you face that dumb Mandalorian after so much time. What the hell did he think he was doing here anyway? Did he even know you were here?

Then, another idea popped into your head. "When we see him." You said catching Carmen's attention. "Don't say my name. At all." You said and Carmen gave you a confused look. "Who is coming to pick us up?" He questioned as you clipped the side of your mask back to where it was. "Someone from my past. But when we get back to the space port we're going back home, okay?" You said and Carmen nodded his head.

You then led Carmen out to the ship, you tried to hurry Carmen but he was as quick as he could be in his dire situation. You made it to the chrome-armored ship and boarded the open ramp. You hadn't seen Din quite yet.

The ramp closed and the ship lifted off. Then you heard familiar clanking of armor, and you saw him coming down the ladder. Your heart was racing, just like every time before when you had seen him. But it was different, he now had a jet pack and beskar armor. You were very surprised to say the least.

"Take a seat." Din commanded Carmen, towards the medical table. Carmen did as he was told, clearly intimidated by the Mandalorian. You kept your head down, you couldn't bear to look at him, even if you weren't seeing his face.

"Did the other- Cara, did she make it out?" Carmen asked and you glanced up, you saw Din nod, confirming that Cara had indeed made it out. You felt relief overwhelm you as Din stood idly, you felt as if Din were looking at you every now and then. Everything was silent for a long while.

"Thank you, for your help." Carmen said, referring to you and Din. You didn't say anything but you were sure Din just made another simple nod.

Din then left to the cockpit again and Carmen looked at you. He opened his mouth as if he were going to say something but leaned in as if he were going to whisper it. You put a finger over your mask to where your lips would be and  shook your head. Carmen snapped his mouth shut.

The Razor Crest landed not too long after Din climbed up the ladder and you were extremely relieved to get off of the ship and back to the space port, where you saw your ship still sitting. You helped Carmen to your large ship, thankfully of which would go unrecognized by Din as it was a fairly newer ship. As you placed Carmen down on your own medical bed he kept watching you.

"What?" You asked, you knew he had something on his mind. You took off your mask as it was going to be easier to see what you were doing. "How come you never told me about him?" He asked, all curiosity and not at all defensive. "I didn't think it was important to share." You explained, as you began to clean his wounds that were visible without removing clothing. "Seems pretty important. I've never seen a Mandalorian. I thought the purge wiped them all out." He said and you shook your head.

"I only shared with you the important parts of my past, he is not one of them." You said, you pressed a little harder on Carmen's wound than you meant to and he hissed. You mumbled out a quick apology.

"What happened, between you and him? Was it a one time job... or...?" He asked and you bit the inside of your cheek, internally debating whether you should even continue the conversation.

"I knew him. I was friends with him for a long time. But he left me one day, when the Empire fell and the Guild went into a period of darkness. He is the reason I left the Guild." You said and Carmen shook his head. "But you said you wanted to pursue other things-" You cut him off while throwing away the now bloodstained cloth. "It was apart of the reason, yes. But he was the main reason." You explained and Carmen nodded his head, he decided it was best not to push his luck with you.

"Now let the bacta spray begin its healing. You stay here, I have to go pay Cara." You said and he nodded, he as well laid down with pain laced in his features. As you walked towards the ramp you grabbed a grey cloak to cover up the not-so-modest outfit you were wearing. You saw Cara near the entrance of the city, leaning against a speeder bike. You held the bag of credits in your hand and outstretched it towards her. She took it with a smile. "Thank you again, for your help." You said and she nodded.

"I owed Greef a favor. Glad it was a success. If you ever need anything, here's a com with my transmission number." She said and you smiled, you took the comlink gratefully. Cara then hopped on her speeder bike and rode off to the other side of the space port.

You heard a familiar clanking of armor behind you.

Time to go.

Resenting a Return [Mandalorian x Reader] SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now