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"You're insane."

You blurted at Din, he only looked down at you through what seemed to be such a lifeless and desolate visor.

"It's our only shot at getting the guy. He'll be safe." Din said, referring to the child. Greef had sent Din, and now you, on another hunt. But you were supposed to be watching over the child, not going out to hunt the bounty with Din on an extremely populated planet.

You set down the child onto the cot as he was already fast asleep and you shut the cot blast door to let the child sleep as well as protect it.

"You really think, leaving a child alone on a planet, that just marked 3 trillion people, should be alone on this ship? You know how long we're going to take-" You were cut off by Din, "That's why I want you to come with me Boushh. Your tracking skills are... unique." He said and you shut your mouth. Well at least he was right about one thing.

You stood silently for a moment before you grabbed your blaster off of the nearby crate. "Lets get going then." You muttered, but it only coming out as a low, raspy grumble through the helmet. You walked past Din and off the ramp of the open hull and began to set a few things on your holopad which was built into your vambrace. "Found an identical match to our bounty. He's just leaving a pub now and is clearly drunk out of his mind." You said after reviewing some footage on your vambrace.

Din locked down the Razor Crest and you led the way afterwards. It took you a moment to find the right level, but one bar looked familiar. "He was here." You point out, but trying not to be to obvious as to the fact you were both looking for something. You stepped off of the hovering platform just like other civilians that were exiting the transport.

Din was not far behind you as you weaved your way through the crowd, but Din was loosing you since you were much smaller, being easily able to fit in smaller spaces.

You looked at your tracking fob as you began to hear silent beeps, once you lifted it you noticed that you were indeed, extremely close to the target.

You looked up to see a stumbling man, but he began quickening his drunken pace.

That was the man.

You then weaved through the crowd faster, even having to push a few people to the side ever so gently just to squeeze through.

You followed the drunken fool into another cantina not too far from the last, you'd nearly lost eyes on him as he went to a back room. You subtly pulled out your blaster as you followed him into the room.

As you entered you saw the man in front of you, propped up just barely on a desk. But he came as a distraction for when you were hit in the back of the head with something metal. You fell to the ground as you felt your head split. Your vision became black just for a moment before you rolled over, avoiding another strike to the head. You reached for your blaster, which had fallen out of your hand but it was kicked away suddenly. Another strike was coming but you rolled once more, and the metal pipe hit the ground with a loud 'clank'

Just as you were about to be struck once more a blaster shot was heard and the man dropped the metal pipe. You moved out of the way and got up to avoid the man's lifeless body from falling on top of you. "I owe you one." You said, looking at Din and he holstered his blaster with one movement.

You looked back to the bounty who was now attempting to tackle you, but you easily stepped aside and he fell flat on his face.

You pulled out some binders and roughly put the man's arms behind his back as you clipped them together. He mumbled curses all the way back to the ship.

You let Din carbon freeze him before you talked to him. "Do you have any medical supplies?" You questioned and Din looked at you. He nodded and only simply pointed to a cabinet near a medical table and you walked over to it. You pulled out some bacta spray and then left to the fresher. "You can do that in here." He said and you looked at him. "Although I am not a Mandalorian, I like my physical identity kept secret." You simply responded before stepping into the fresher and then closing and locking the blast door.

You painfully took off your helmet and set it on a nearby piece of metal that served as a counter-top.

You kept your grunts and hisses of pain to yourself, not even making a sound even seeing the blood had already seeped into your hair and was trickling down your neck. Although, the sight did make you feel a little dizzy.

You were quick with spraying the bacta on your head, it gave a nice cool and clean feel when you sprayed it, but the pain was still nearly unbearable. You then slipped on the Ubesian helmet once more and stepped out of the fresher after throwing away the empty container.

Din was nowhere in the hull but you saw the child climbing down the cot that was stored away. A small grin spread on your lips at the adorable sight as he waddled over to your feet.

You gently picked up the child as he made little grabby hands up at you. You cradled the small being for awhile, but it kept reaching up at your helmet. All attempts of which you ignored, figured he was just wanting to hold the seemingly foreign object. When you felt the ship gently shake, you knew you'd just entered the orbit of Nevarro so you decided to put the kid on the cot.

He only cooed as you walked away and collected your belongings. It wasn't long before Din was down the ladder and shutting the blast door to the cot. The ramp to the hull was already open, so you began walking towards the exit but you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Boushh." He simply said and you turned around. "You owe me a favor. Collect the bounty and return to my ship." He said and you nodded.

You left with both fobs and headed towards the cantina, all the meanwhile your mind racing as to what sort of favor he was going to ask from you.

Resenting a Return [Mandalorian x Reader] SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now