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You put your hood on and kept your head low as you turned to walk to your ship. But you felt a hand on your shoulder. Out of pure reflex you took the arm and tossed the body over your shoulder. You watched as Din fell to the ground with a thud and he made a loud grunt.

Some people around you stared but then continued on their way. You quickly walked around him but he grabbed your ankle, making you stop in your tracks. "Stop." He said as he stood up. "Why did Greef call me about you? Who are you?" He asked, your back was facing him. You clenched your fists. Wanting so desperately to find a way out of the current situation, but their was none.

Din was in the middle of asking another question when you turned around, you took your hood off and just looked at him straight into the darkness of his visor. He immediately stopped talking and froze up. "If I would have known he was going to call you, I would have found somebody else myself. I'm sorry this was such a waste of your time, Mandalorain." You spat as you turned away again, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him.

"Stop it-" You began, but a gloved hand came up to caress the left side of your face. You looked up at him, stunned by his action.

"It's been so long." He quietly said, you wanted so badly to lean into his affection and just forgive him. But the same flare of anger from so long ago rose in your chest. You pulled your arm away and used it to push his hand away. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go tend to my boyfriend's wounds." You said, a fake smile playing on your lips as you turned away and left.

Din approached you, he was so unsure of why this certain urge for him to go up to this unknowing and strange female simply was drilled into him the moment he saw you. So he had to know why Greef Karga asked a favor from him to help you. It didn't bother him that he simply had to take you and the man from point A to point B. But that you made him wonder who you really were underneath the mask. Now he was beginning to understand what other people felt about him.

But as he placed a hand on your now cloaked shoulder he was suddenly flipped into the air and onto the ground harshly. Some air escaped his lungs as his eyes squeezed shut, not being able to get a look at you. When he was able to get up he opened his eyes to see you walking around him so he grabbed your ankle more out of desperation than to try to forcefully stop you.

He stood up when you stopped, and he began to ask questions. Questions that came out angry as he was beginning to be impatient about not knowing your identity. In the middle of his sentence you turned around while in the same motion you took off your hood.

Din felt his stomach rise and then drop and then it felt as if his heart were skipping every other beat. Hell he was so nervous he felt as if he were going to puke. You had said something he didn't register. He was too captivated by your presence to even process what was going on.

But when you turned to leave he immediately reacted without even thinking. He gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you against himself. You told him to stop but he knew you didn't really mean it. He gently caressed your cheek with his gloved hand, wishing it was his bare skin feeling your own smooth one instead.

"It's been so long." He practically whispered, he'd become so disarrayed by this unexpected meet that he was just speaking what was on his mind instead of keeping it to himself like he normally did. Din looked into your eyes, missing the way you would look at him with such curiosity, but enough affection to make him feel like he wasn't wearing so much armor.

He saw just a flash, a single moment where it was as if every emotion of anger, sadness, and fear dissipated, and it looked as if you were just soaking up his affection. His heart fluttered in that moment. But it was just a moment before it all came back to your features again. You leaned away from his touch, and the heartbreaking words he hadn't expected fell from your lips. "I have to go tend to my boyfriend's wounds."

Boyfriend? Really? Boyfriend? That man he helped escape the Black Sun was your boyfriend? Now he was wishing, just out of jealousy, that he had shot the guy where he stood and just took you instead. But that was only his emotions speaking for him, not his logic.

He watched as you walked away, thank the maker he was wearing a helmet so no one could see the tears beginning to well in his eyes.

You sat in the cockpit of your ship, alone. Quiet. You were debating so much at the moment. Should you leave Nevarro? Should you take your boyfriend home to heal? Or should you stay? Would you irk Din or forgive him? You wanted to talk it out with him but then there was that wall that kept coming up. The defense you built up when Din left. You learned that you should never trust anyone to stick around. Even when Carmen was taken, as much as you wanted him back you were ready to let him go.

But if you opened yourself up to Din again, would you be able to let him go? Why were things so different with Carmen?

Then, something clicked.

Carmen, your boyfriend. The man that helped, in a way rebuild you. While you worked on yourself during those years without Din, you were able to learn through Carmen you could have an affection for another person. But you realized that Carmen was only filling a void.

Now you were mad, at yourself. You let Carmen in only to fill a void, not to be with him because you loved him. You did love Carmen, but not in the way he deserved.

You gripped the arm rests on the pilot's seat.

It was time to end it.

Resenting a Return [Mandalorian x Reader] SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now