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"We'll enter from here, I'll keep your weapons on me until it's time to run like hell." Cara said, pointing to an area on the holo map. "Ideally we want to exit through here, but if not our pick up can adapt to our situation." She said and you nodded.

"Now here is your fit." She said as she tossed you a white and light fabric outfit. You raised an eyebrow. "A slave outfit?" You asked and she nodded. "Always works." She grinned and you sighed. You left the room and went to change. You noticed in the mirror that it wasn't exactly concealing of your figure which made you groan uncomfortably.

You walked out and Cara handed you something. "Just in case we get separated." She said and you nodded. You took it, and then took a light fabric mask and put it around your face, so you wouldn't be recognized. "And remember, don't look anyone in the eye, not even me." She said as you both hopped onto one speeder. "I'll put some cuffs on you when we get there." Cara said as she started up the speeder and just as quick as it started the both of you were off.

Admittedly, the outfit felt nice on the boiling planet, the breeze did as well, but you had to keep a hand on the lower part of your outfit so it wouldn't fly up.

It wasn't very long until the two of you arrived since Cara had the speeder into the highest gear practically the whole time. You noticed that the base the Black Sun had set up on Nevarro practically looked like a palace. Cara stopped the speeder just outside of the gate and hopped off. She whipped around and cuffed you like she told you she would. But then she put a metal collar around your neck with a chain. "Seriously?" You muttered and she shrugged. "Gotta make this look as real as possible." She said and you sighed. She kept her hold on the chain of the collar and you both walked to the front of the palace.

You walked slightly behind Cara, and kept your head down. As you both approached the gate you heard footsteps. "What is the meaning of this?" One guard asked and Cara spoke up, "I would like an audience with Olick Hucc. I have brought a proposition and a gift." She said, motioning towards you as the 'gift'.

A moment later and you heard the gate opening. You followed Cara's lead into the gates and into the castle. In front of her one guard and behind you was another. Soon afterwards you stopped. "Olick Hucc." You heard Cara speak up.

"Who are you?" He asked and you heard him grunt. "And what're you doing here?" He questioned as he shifted in his chair. "I am an assailant, Eron Kree. I heard of the Black Sun station here on Nevarro, and when I saw your return, I thought now was as good as any time to talk about recruitment." Cara said and then she stepped aside. "I as well, brought a gift. I hope you see it to your liking." Cara said. You heard Olick get up and approach you. Your breathing grew heavier, fear of the unknown settling in your chest.

"Yes, this one. This one is a good one. Why don't you stroll with me, Eron. We have much to discuss." Olick said and you were taken by some guards.

"Lock her in cell B with the new prisoner." One guard said to the other. Your chain was tugged roughly and you resisted the urge to spit out some slang at the men walking you to the cells. "You'll be prepped soon, slave." The guard said as he pressed a few buttons on the keypad to the cell. The bars flew upwards like a blast door and you were shoved right into the cell.

It was dark towards the back, but you could see a pair of legs poking out into the light. The cell bars shut quickly behind you, making you flinch slightly. After the pair of heavy footsteps distanced you slowly got up and crept towards the person. "You got captured too?" You heard Carmen's familiar voice. You sighed in relief, "Carmen." You said and he immediately got up and stepped out of the dark, you could see the relief on his face. But you also noticed the cuts and bruises all over him. He immediately fell but you caught him.

"Y-You came for me?" He asked, surprised as he embraced you. you unhooked one side of your mask so it dangled to the side. "Why wouldn't I? You know about my past, I couldn't just let them take you. Plus they blew up our shop." You said and he nodded. "They were wanting information, on the Guild. But I don't know anything about the Guild, why would they want me?" He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows. You then realized, they must have captured the wrong person. You looked down at the cuffs on your wrist and you pressed a button after twisting your hand slightly, it unlocked the cuffs and they fell to the ground. "We need to get out of here now." You said as you pressed a button that would signal Cara that you had Carmen. "What's happening? Do you know something?" Carmen asked and you looked up at him, you gulped. "I-I'm not sure. But I'll explain what I'm thinking once we get out of here, okay?" You said as you grabbed his hand and gently tugged him your way, so you could start picking the lock to the cell. But he didn't budge.

"Y/N, tell me." He said and you sighed. "I think they meant to get me... Instead of you." You admitted as you looked down. "Lets just get out of here." You said, filling the silence after he hadn't said anything.

You picked the lock to the cell and it opened immediately. You made sure to check both ways to the hallway, and thankfully it was clear. You took Carmen's hand and you both quietly and quickly reached the end of the hallway. "I'm going to have to hot-wire this." You said, referring to a metal blast door that had a combination on it.

You grabbed tightly onto the metal box and pulled harshly, it came off fairly easily and you set it down. After the unhooking and connecting of a few wires you opened the blast door. You then walked by a weapons rack, but not without grabbing two E-11 blasters, one of which you handed to Carmen.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? There's hundreds of them and only two of us." Carmen said and you shrugged.

"Well we do have help and you forget that I was a bounty hunter. As long as I have help the odds aren't exactly against us." You said and Carmen raised an eyebrow.

Resenting a Return [Mandalorian x Reader] SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now