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It had been a few days, you had waited until Carmen healed for the most part. It seemed tough trying to avoid him for the most part, to keep the conversation short. But now, you had to do it.

"Carmen." You spoke up, softer than you wanted but he still heard you, evident of the way his attention was now on you.

You cleared your throat as you approached him. He had been scrolling on his holopad. "We.. We need to break it off." You said, you thought that maybe it was just like ripping a band-aid off. Better than beating around the bush. Right?

Carmen looked completely dumbfounded, absolutely shocked. He didn't even know what to say as he was trying to say something but it was as if all of his breath left his lungs.

"H- What..? Why?" He asked after dropping his holopad flat on the table. "I- We just can't. After being around the Guild again. And the fact the Black Sun went after you, mistaking you for being in the Guild. It's a risk Carmen. I cant' keep putting you in harms way." You said, what you did reveal was the truth. Apart of the truth.

Carmen stood up, desperation present on his features. "No, we can work through this. Y/N it's worth the risk." He said and you shook your head. "No Carmen. It's not. I've given you full access to this ship. All the paperwork has been done. The ship is yours, the house is yours, what's left of the shop is yours." You said and his shoulders slumped. "That's it? You're dropping your whole life? For what, the Guild?" You asked and you tilted your head to the side in contemplation. "Yes- in a way." You said, it was silent for a moment. You looked up into Carmen's eyes. They were filled with sadness. "Once a Guild member, always a Guild member." You said, repeating Greef Karga's words from several nights ago.

You grabbed your satchel and grey cloak, you headed towards the ramp. It was already open and as you walked towards it Carmen called out for you. "Tell me one thing." He said and you turned. "Is it because of him?" He asked and you looked away shamefully, but answered. "With the Mandalorain, there is much history that has been dug up. Too much to ignore, too much to walk away from. I can't be faithful to you if I have to work things out with him." You said and you visibly saw Carmen's hand ball up into a fist. He didn't say anything but you simply said your last goodbye to him.

You walked off of the ship and to the space port town of Nevarro. You put your cloak on and walked to the entrance. As your ship- now Carmen's, was taking off you noticed Din's ship landing. The ramp to his ship opened and he stepped down, a white egg shaped contraption floating beside him. You watched as Din stared up at your ship which was now leaving the atmosphere.

You noticed as Din was approaching the entrance of the city and you decided to take your leave and mesh in with the crowd. You still thankfully had that motel room of which you'd use until you could find a more permanent residence on Nevarro.

But as for now, you needed to find a disguise. One where you could walk around Nevarro and be unrecognized by the Mandalorian. You first sought out Greef Karga, and asked him to meet you at your motel. He agreed without hesitation but asked as to why. You only told him you'd explain when you got there.

You soon arrived to your motel, and there stood Greef Karga. You checked your surroundings and of course you weren't followed, no one had any reason to follow you. You typed in the pass code to the room and Greef approached you. "What is this all about? Why all the secrecy?" He questions and you open your door. "Because I need a disguise. Or a new outfit I'd like to call it." You said and Greef gave you a confused look as you shut the door.

"With the Black Sun still out there, and they probably know my appearance, I need a disguse." You lied, just a fib to get any other reasoning out of the question. And Greef Karga took the bait. His eyebrows lifted in sudden a understanding and he nodded his head. "Oh yes yes. Okay, I have plenty. What would you like?"

"A mask, any mask. And a full body suit. I want no skin of mine showing." You said, being very specific. Greef nodded and pulled out his holopad, a 3-D image of a mask appeared. "How about this?" He asked and you looked at it. You shook your head. "Too bulky, and would be too expensive to repair if it got damaged." You said, he swiped to the next mask. "This?" He questioned, you examined it but then shook your head. "Easily broken, too vulnerable." You said and Greef nodded understandingly and swiped to the next one. "Ah! The helm of Boushh, tragic fate. Funny how he died by the Black Sun. You know, there was a rumor that even Princess Leia Organa herself entered into Jabba's palace as Boushh. But of course it's just folk lore. I traded a bow of Dathomir for this." He said and you nodded.

"I'll take it."

Your suit was crafted and your helmet arrived the same day.You put on the tan suit and the helmet. You stepped out of the fresher room and looked at Greef Karga, as he wanted to be the first to see your new look. It was odd having to only see through a screen, to view the outside world. But by no means were the receptors delayed in any way. "How does it look?" You asked, but then by hearing your own voice, a module in the helmet translated your words from English to Ubesian. Greef looked at you confused.

You took off the helmet. "Didn't know it did that." Greef Karha remarked and you smiled. "Good, it'll mask me even more." You replied and handed Greef a bag of credits but he shook his head and held up his hand. "No need, this is a favor. Of which you've done many for me." He said, and you retracted your arm and nodded. "Thank you, Greef." You said and he smiled.

"Now I will be referred to as Boushh. Only you should know of my true identity."

Resenting a Return [Mandalorian x Reader] SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now