Chapter three: Having him at my side whatever I go

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" That's good to hear Adramalech, you better be a good boy to her," said Kate, looking at her son " do you have to be at my side at school too?" I said, looking at Adramalech. " Yeah," said Adramalech, looking at me " great, I'm so excited," I said, looking at him " yeah same here, I can't wait to follow you everywhere you go," said Adramalech, looking at me and rolled his eyes. " What about you two get along, who knows you two might will fall in love," said Kate, looking at her son. Me and Adramalech look at her " you wish mom, I will never fall in love with her," said Adramalech, looking at his mom. " Yeah, same here," I said, looking at Kate " what about we watch something, since we are all a wake," said Kate, looking at me and her son " sure," said Adramalech, looking at his mom. " Whatever," I said, looking at Kate, so me, his mom and him went downstairs and sat down on the couch at the living room and start watching tv. After the tv is over, Adramalech and his mother look at me and saw I was sleeping against Adramalech right shoulder. " She must be very tired and how terrible is her father is?" said Kate, looking at her son " I don't know, I haven't meet him at all," said Adramalech, looking at his mother " will then tomorrow, you and Scarlet go to her house and meet her father," said Kate, looking at her son. " What are you serious? she is afraid of her father, he abused her, he cut her side, lucky I was there and her friend if me and her friend wasn't there she could of die and she soo skinny it looks like she hasn't eaten in days," said Adramalech, looking at his mom. " Please, for me and her, look at her, it looks like she is suffering, you to end this by killing her father," said Kate, looking at her son " wait no I can't do that, I will start a war or worse I will end up in jail and Scarlet will hate me forever," said Adramalech, looking at his mom. " But yet you don't like her at all, but you are slowly falling in love with her are you?" said Kate, looking at her son " yes, I am mom," said Adramalech, looking at his mom. " Yes, I  new it," said Kate, looking at her son " whatever, I'm going to take her to my room, love you mom," said Adramalech, holding me up and teleport me to his room, he lay me down on his bed and I grab his shirt. " Please don't leave me," I said, still sleeping and having my eyes close " okay I will stay with you, but you are going to get mad at me if I sleep right next to you," said Adramalech, walk towards the left side of the bed and lay down right next to me. He closed his eyes and started to sleep, but in the middle of the night he woke up and felt something holding his wings, he look at the right side and saw me holding his wings. He started to blush and passed out. 

In the morning I started to woke up and saw Adramalech sleeping right next to me " WAKE UP," I said, looking at him. He woke up and look at me " what was that for?" said Adramalech, looking at me " first why did you sleep right next to me? and second because I felt for it and we have school today," I said, looking at him. I got up and walk towards the bathroom and changed, after I'm done changing, I walk downstairs where his mother is at " good morning Scarlet, how are you feeling?" said Kate, looking at me. I sign and said okay to her, she can see something is wrong and said " what's wrong dear?" said Kate, looking at me " nothing is wrong," I said, looking at her. " Don't lie to me Scarlet, what is wrong?" said Kate, looking at me " if you must know, I don't want to go to school today I'm afraid I'm going to get bullied again, I've been bullied everyday and it doesn't help that my dad abused me too, I don't belong here," I said, looking at Kate. " You poor dear, don't worry you will have my son right beside your side, whatever you go he goes," said Kate, looking at me " I guess your right," I said, looking at Kate " let's go to school," said Adramalech, teleport to the living room where me and his mom is at. I jumped when he said that behind my back, I look at him and said " you scared me, I hate when you guys teleport out of nowhere," I said, looking at him " sorry, us demons can't help it," said Adramalech, looking at me. " Wait a minute, you never be nice to me, what's going on? I thought you hated me?" I said, looking at Adramalech " will for now on, I want to be nice to you and be friends, but I'm not falling in love with you though," said Adramalech, looking at me. " Agreed, now let's go to school before we be late," I said, looking at Adramalech, so me and Adramalech walk out the door and walk towards the school, when we got to the school Rose and her boyfriend was waiting for us. I was shocked that her boyfriend is here " no way, Caleb, your here I thought you are at angel school," I said, looking at Caleb. " I was but, you and Rose is in danger, so I have to protect my girlfriend, but it looks like you have a demon to protect you from evil creatures instead of me," said Caleb, looking at me. Then the bell ringed, everybody went inside the school building and enter their classroom, we all sat down and listen to the teacher while he is talking " hello class, tomorrow we are going to a field trip to a sunset beach, so today class will get out early so you guys can go pack everything up," said the teacher, leaving the classroom. Everybody got up and walked home. I look at Rose and said " I can't believe we are going to sunset beach, that is the best theme park/ hotel/ beach ever," I said, looking at Rose " this will be me and Adramalech first time going to sunset beach," said Caleb, looking at me and Rose.

" I will gave you a warning that the field trip we are going to, it is sunny and you have to bring a swim suit," said Rose, looking at Adramalech and her boyfriend. " Don't worry, luck me and Adramalech have swim suits and we don't melt in the sun like vampires," said Caleb, looking at me and Rose. " Frist that's cool and second how do you know each other?" I said, looking at Caleb and Adramalech.

" Me and Caleb went to school together, demons and angel high school, that's before they decided to have only demons and angel school, me and Caleb are best friend forever," said Adramalech, looking at me and Rose. " That's awesome, will me and Adramalech should go home and pack up see you guys tomorrow," I said, looking at Rose and Caleb, me and Adramalech grab our backpacks and walk outside of the school building. And walk towards the house " so, Scarlet do you have a swim suit?" said Adramalech, walking with me " yeah," I said, looking at Adramalech. Then when we got home, me and Adramalech enter the house and saw his mother in the living room with her husband. Adramalech, was surprised that his father is here at home with his mother " dad, your here?" said Adramalech, looking at his  father " yeah, I want to see you and your mother and where is your friend that your mother told me about?" said Adramalech's father, looking at his son. I look at his father and walk towards him " my name is Scarlet," I said, looking at Adramalech's father " it's nice to meet you, my name is Coda, Adramalech's father," said Coda, looking at me. " Same here," I said, looking at Coda, Adramalech's father " well me and Scarlet is going to pack up for tomorrow," said Adramalech, looking at his mother and father. " What for Adramalech?" said Kat, looking at me and her son " we are going for a field trip tomorrow," I said, looking at Kat " oh have fun Scarlet and Adramalech," said Kat, looking at me and her son. " Thanks mom we will bye," said Adramalech, looking at her son and me, me and Adramalech walk upstairs and pack everything up for the field trip tomorrow. After we are done pack our stuff up, Adramalech father teleport to his son's room and look at me and his son " you guys finish packing?" said Coda, looking at me and his son " yeah we finish," said Adramalech, looking at his father. " Good, you, me and Adramalech, are going to your house Scarlet," said Coda, looking at me and Adramalech " what? no way in heck I'm going back there again please don't let me go inside that house," I said, looking at Adramalech and Coda. " Scarlet, you need to face your fear and call 911, you need to out your dad in jail," said Adramalech, looking at me " f-fine," I said, looking at Adramalech and his father, then Adramalech teleport me to my house with his father. I felt a little bit dizzy, Adramalech look at me and said " are you okay Scarlet you look sick?" said Adramalech, looking at me " yeah I'm fine, I just got a little bit dizzy when you teleport me," I said, looking at Adramalech. " Let's go inside now and I wall call 911 outside," said Coda, looking at me " what about you Adramalech?" I said, looking at Adramalech. " I will be right against the door to hear everything," said Adramalech, looking at me.

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