Chapter thirteen: My first date

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" What? ugh," I said, looking at the teacher, and walk out of his classroom with Rose and Sandy, all three of us enter the dentition room and saw our boyfriend in the dentition. I'm kind of not surprised that Adramalech is in dentition, so all three of us walk towards our boyfriend, all three of them turn around and saw me, Sandy, and Rose in dentition " how did you three end up in dentition?" said James, looking at me, Sandy, and Rose. " We got in dentition something we didn't do," said Rose, looking at James " it's all Ice's fault, she poor water on Scarlet's head, then we keep telling the teacher the truth about what happen but he didn't believe me, Rose, and Scarlet," said Sandy, looking at James. " She did what? what until I get my hands on her," said Adramalech, looking at everybody in the dentition room " I don't think violent is always the answer, besides how did you guys get in dentition?" I said, looking at James, Caleb, and Adramalech. " Will Adramalech, is started to fight with a different demon because he heard awful things about you and I guess the teacher thought me and Caleb was helping with Adramalech and Caleb's demon form is gone and show his real form," said James, looking at me. " Lucky I didn't get expelled just because my real form is out," said Caleb, looking at me, Rose, and Sandy. So all six of us wait until dentition is over, when the dentition is over we got out and walk home, Adramalech look at me while his walking and said " do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow at 4:00pm," said Adramalech, looking at me while walking. " I love to," I siad, looking at Adramalech while we are walking, Adramalech was happy that I said yes, then teleport to James's house. " Hey that's not fair, we can't teleport," said Sandy, looking at James " Sandy, you can, besides Scarlet and Rose is almost at our house, now teleport to our house and see what is Adramalech up to," said James, looking at Sandy. " Okay," said Sandy, teleport to her and James's house, for two minutes me, Rose, Caleb, and James went inside the house and Sandy was getting excited that I'm going on my first date with Adramalech. She grab my hand and teleport me and Rose to the mall, I look at Sandy and said " why are we here at the mall for?" I said, looking at Sandy " you are going to your first date and me and Rose is going to pick a dress for you," said Sandy, looking at me. " Hmm okay," I said, looking at Sandy, then Rose spot a store that has a beautiful dress and said " let's go inside, that store has a beautiful dress," said Rose, looking at Sandy. Sandy look at the store and said great idea.

So me, Rose, and Sandy went in the store and Rose grab the dress and make me put it on, so I grab the dress and went in the changing room. And put the dress on, I came out and show Rose and Sandy the dress I am wearing " OMG, it's perfect for you," said Sandy, looking at the dress that I am wearing. Rose look at the tagged and see the price " holly crap, that's a lot of money for that dress," said Rose, looking at Sandy, Sandy look at the price and said to Rose " don't worry I have a lot of money, I work at a hotel that gave me a lot of money," said Sandy, looking at Rose and me. " Are they looking for people to hire?" I said, looking at Sandy " yep, they are still looking for people to hire and you want to work at a hotel that has a lot of demons?" said Sandy, looking at me. " Yeah, we can't stay at your boyfriends house forever, plus his your boyfriend and we want you two to be alone to each other," I said, looking at Sandy " alright then, tomorrow you to can follow me to my work, I start working at 3:00pm," said Sandy, looking at me and Rose. " Okay sounds good," said Rose, looking at Sandy, so I went back in the changing room. I take off of the dress and out on my clothes and holding the dress at my right hand. And walk towards Sandy and Rose, Sandy bought the dress and she teleport me and Rose out of the mall and went in James's and her house. We teleport inside the living room where James, Caleb, and Adramalech is at  " hi girls, it look like you guys went shopping, for a dress," said James, looking at me, Rose, and Sandy. " Yep, Scarlet is going to wear this dress for tomorrow at 4:00pm, but at 3:00pm me, Rose, and Scarlet are going to my work, so they both can see my boss, they both want to work at a hotel that has demons," said Sandy, looking at James, Caleb, and Adramalech. " Are you kidding me? demons haven't seen humans working at a hotel for all creatures, this will be the first time they will see them," said James, looking at Sandy. " Don't worry, they will not get hurt I promise, besides Scarlet is a demon," said Sandy, looking at James " she does have a point," said Adramalech, looking at James. James sign and said fine " they can come with you tomorrow, just be very careful, and look out for David," said James, looking at his girlfriend " don't worry I will," said Rose, looking at her boyfriend.

" We better sleep, we have a big day tomorrow," said Adramalech, looking at me, James, Sandy, Caleb. " Great idea, let's go to sleep," said Sandy, looking at me, James, Rose, Caleb, and Adramalech, Sandy teleport to James and her room. James teleport to his room too, Rose and Caleb fall asleep on the couch and me and Adramalech laying down on the floor, I look at Adramalech and said " Are you afraid about me going to a hotel with Sandy?" I said, looking at Adramalech. " Yes, your going to a hotel that is full of demons and one of the demons that will be in the hotel is name David, David is an evil demon that wants human souls," said Adramalech, looking at me. " Sandy will protect me and Rose, don't you trust her?" I said, looking at Adramalech " yes, I will trust you, but if you get hurt I will follow you everywhere you go and protect you," said Adramalech, looking at me. " Okay sounds good," I said, looking at Adramalech and fall asleep, don't get me wrong I love Adramalech but his a little bit protect ever since he meet me and turning me into a demon. His now overprotective of me now. But I sometimes need space from Adramalech watching over me like a hawk, in the morning everybody started to woke up, me and Rose got up and Sandy teleport me and Rose to her work. Because it was 3:00pm, Sandy walk towards her boss and we follow her " hi boss, I bring two friends that want to work here, will you hire them? I promise they are perfect for the job," said Sandy, looking at her boss. Her boss walk towards me and Rose and start looking at our eyes to see how strong our spirit " alright, you two are hire, I can see your strong and brave spirit, but that girl right next to your side has a spirit fighting," said Sandy's boss, looking at Sandy and pointing at me. " That's because, my friend Adramalech turn her into a demon, she used to be a human," said Sandy, looking at her boss " I see you what are you names young ladies?" said Sandy's boss, looking at me and Rose. " My name is Scarlet, and this Rose, my best friend," I said, looking at Sandy's boss " did you turn into a demon too?" said Sandy's boss, looking at Rose " no, it's just Scarlet, but I am dating an angel," said Rose, looking at Sandy's boss. Every demons gasped for what Rose said " I don't think you should say that," said Sandy, looking at Rose. " Ops sorry," said Rose, looking at Sandy, Sandy look at the clock and saw it was 3:58, she look at her boss and said " I'm going to teleport Rose and Scarlet to my house, then I will come back," said Sandy, looking at her boss. " Okay," said her boss, looking at her, Sandy grab me and Rose's hand teleport us to the house, I grab  my dress that Sandy bought and enter the bathroom, I lock the door and put my dress on. I unlock the door and exist out of the bathroom and walk towards the living room at Adramalech, I look at Adramalech and saw him wearing a suit that is more fancy then the other suits he wears. I started to blush and said to Adramalech " n-nice outfit," I said, looking at Adramalech, Adramalech look at me and saw me wearing a dress and he started to blush too and said to me " n-nice dress," said Adramalech, looking at me. " T-thanks Adramalech, let's get going and where are we going?" I said, looking at Adramalech " you will see and found out," said Adramalech, looking at me. He hold my hand and teleport us too a fancy restaurant. My jaw dropped when I saw a fancy restaurant, then I closed my jaw and look at Adramalech. 

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