Chapter nineteen: My inner demon is coming out

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It hurt so much, I keep screaming and screaming every time " you poor thing, that must of hurt," said Coda, looking at me. Then all of a sudden my inner demon is coming out and Coda is freaking out a lot " I need to go home to tell them what's happening to you," said Coda, looking at me and teleport to his house where Kate and his son is at. " Son, Kate, everybody there is a problem her inner demon is coming out, but it is slowly coming out, she's  forcing her inner demon not to come out," said Coda, looking at Kate, his son, Rose, and Caleb " but she need to turn into a demon so she can be alive," said Rose, looking at Coda. " I know, I will check on her," said Coda, looking at everybody in the living room and teleport to the fighting area for demons, he saw me struggling and screaming " I know your in pain, calm down Scarlet," said Coda, looking at me. I try to calm down, but it hurts a lot I couldn't calm down " Scarlet let your demon out right now," said Coda, looking at me. I didn't listen to him and keep forcing my inner demon inside of me ''this is not working, I need to get Adramalech and quick," said Coda, teleport to the living room where Adramalech and walk up to him and said " Adramalech, I need you to come with me to the fighting area for the demons, Scarlet will listen to you," said Coda, looking at his son. " Alright let's go," said Adramalech, teleport to the fight area for demons with his father and saw me in pain, he walk towards me and said to his dad " I thought she's turning into a demon?" said Adramalech, talking to his dad. " Scarlet supposed to but she is not letting her inner demon out, even though her soul is dead," said Coda, looking at his son " I go talk to her and make her demon come out," said Adramalech, talking to his dad. " Okay thank you, she's not listening to me," said Coda, looking at his son, when his dad teleport home, Adramalech look at me and said " don't force it, let your demon out, I want you to be alive, I don't want you to suffer," said Adramalech, looking at me. I calm down and stop screaming in pain, Adramalech saw my inner demon form slowly coming out, Coda teleport where his son is at and walk towards his son and me. " How is she doing?" said Coda, looking at his son " she's doing fine, her inner demon form is slowly coming out, but she's still in pain a lot," said Adramalech, looking at his dad " that's great news except the hurting part, see she listen to you more then me," said Coda, looking at his son. " Maybe because I'm her boyfriend," said Adramalech, looking at his dad " you do have a point but you need to change her up because she never been a demon and she probably will lose control of her form and try to hurt you," said Coda, looking at his son. " Your right," said Adramalech, looking at his dad, so Adramalech pick me up and walk  at the right side of the fighting area and changed my arms and legs up. And back up, he sat down and wait until I wake up, his dad walk towards his son and said " don't worry, you will unchanged her up when she control her demon form," said Coda, looking at his son. " Okay, thank you dad," said Adramalech, looking at his dad, when Coda teleport home, the sky turn night and Adramalech started to get tired.

He started to yawn and teleport home, he teleport to his room, he lay down on his bed and fall asleep. In the morning, he woke up and went downstairs and enter the living room where Caleb, Rose, Kate, Coda, James, and Sandy is at. Adramalech was happy to see James and Sandy in the living room, he walk up and hugged James and Sandy " I miss you guys how are you?" said Adramalech, looking at James and Sandy. " We are happy to see you too, but where is Scarlet?" said Sandy, looking at Adramalech " she's at the fighting area changed up," said Adramalech, looking at Sandy. " What? why is she changed up?" said Rose, looking at Adramalech " will she's never been a demon before, so if she wake up she will lose control her demon form, so she has to be changed up until she control her demon form," said Adramalech, looking at Rose. " What type of demon is she?" said Rose, looking at Adramalech " she's a very powerful and dangerous demon on earth she's even powerful then David and me," said Adramalech, looking at Rose. " I will teach your girlfriend how to used her powers and control it, when she control her form," said Coda, looking at his son. " Okay good idea thanks dad," said Adramalech, looking at his dad " no problem," said Coda, looking at his son. " But for now let's all eat dinner, then you can go to the fighting area," said Kate, looking at her husband " okay," said Coda, looking at his wife. When dinner is ready, everybody sat down on the dinner table and sat down and started eating dinner " I hope she's okay," said Rose, looking at Sandy, James, Adramalech, Caleb, Kate, and Coda. " I know Rose, but she will be okay we promise," said Coda, looking at Rose. " Really thanks," said Rose, looking at Coda " no problem Rose," said Coda, looking at Rose, when dinner is over, Coda got up and teleport to the fighting area. Where I am at and still asleep " wow she's still sleeping, how long is she sleeping for?" said Coda, looking at me and talking to himself, then all of a sudden I started to struggled at the changes when I'm feeling pain again. I was screaming in pain wants again " I feel so sorry for you Scarlet, I know it hurt so much," said Coda, looking at me. Then I break a change at my right arm. Coda gasped and used his powers to get the change on my right arm. But this time it is a strong changes so I will not break it. " She is getting stronger demon on earth," said Coda, looking at me and stop using his powers, then I started to scream in pain a lot, the demon bones is breaking my human bones. Coda saw my tail come out, he was getting excited that my inner demon form is almost complete, all I need is my demon form complete is my wings and my eyes and when I woke up. So Coda teleport to his house and tell Adramalech the good news " Adramalech I need to tell you something big," said Coda, looking at his son. " What is it dad?" said Adramalech, looking at his dad " the good news is her demon form is almost complete, but the bad news is she is still sleeping, she hasn't woke up yet," said Coda, looking at his son. " What? is that normal?" said Rose, looking at Coda " will since she is a human, it is normal, but if she was a demon that is never a human that will never be normal at all," said Coda, looking at Rose. " Oh I see, is Scarlet going to be okay?" said Rose, looking at Coda " she will be just fine, she is strong," said Coda, looking at Rose.

" What happen father?" said Adramamlech, looking at his dad " will when I was at the fighting area, Scarlet's right arm break the change, and I have to used my powers to make a strong changes for her arms," said Coda, looking at his son. " I hope she can control her demon form when she wakes up," said Rose, looking at everybody " same here Rose," said Sandy, looking at Rose. " What about me, Sandy, and Adramalech will come with you at the fighting area to see how is Scarlet is doing? And want to help you too," said James, looking at Coda. 

" Great idea let's  go," said Coda, looking at James, Sandy Coda, and Adramalech teleport to the fighting area and saw me sleeping and saw my tail. " Wow her tail is out, awesome her deom form is almost complete," said Sandy, looking at Coda " I know, but her demon is slowly coming out," said Coda, looking at Sandy " it takes time for demon forms coming out, remember how Adramalech form take so long until it comes out for his 18 birthday and only take two days for him to control his demon form and powers," said Sandy, looking at Coda. " That's because his dad and his mom is a demon and they teach him how to control his powers and form, Scarlet is a human and never have a demon form before and her mom and dad die, she's new about this demon form," said Coda, looking at Sandy. " I know but you can teach her how to control her demon form and powers and Adramalech will help you," said Sandy, looking at Coda " what? why me?" said Adramalech, looking at Sandy. " Because she's your girlfriend and you will help her how to control her form remember, you told her that," said James, looking at Adramalech " I remember, then I will help my dad," said Adramalech, looking at James. " Good, but I will help you guys too because I said that too," said James, looking at Adramalech " and I will sat down and watch you guys, so I don't get hurt by Scarlet's power and form," said Sandy, looking at Adramalech, Caleb, and her boyfriend. " Is she going to be that powerful and dangerous when her demon form comes out?" said James, looking at his girlfriend " James, she used to be a human and now she's a demon, she never been a demon before so she will probably will not control her form and powers yet until you guys teach her and help her how to control her form," said Sandy, looking at her boyfriend. " I guess your right about that," said James, looking at his girlfriend " yep, will I'm going to sat over there so I don't get hurt by Scarlet's powers and her form," said Sandy, teleport to the right side of the seat of the fighting area and watch James, Adramalech and James. " When will she wake up?" said James, looking at Adramalech and Coda " I don't know, I hope today," said Coda, looking at James, for five hours later I'm still sleeping and my rest of my demon form has not come out yet. Adramalech, Coda, and James is about to get worry about me not waking up, James look at Coda and said " she's not waking up, I'm scared," said James, looking at  Coda. " James calm down, she will wake up soon I hope," said Coda, getting worry too " what about we sat down on the ground?" said Adramalech, looking at his dad and James. 

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