Chapter eighteen: David and Alex trapped us

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" Same, I wonder that too," I said, looking at Rose, then all of a sudden me and Rose walk towards a different classroom. We enter the classroom and it was dark, I turn on the light and the door slammed and the door is locked, me and Rose gasped and try to open the door but it is still locked. " Rose, I can't open the door, it's locked," I said, looking at Rose " where stuck here alone?" said Rose, looking at me, then Adramalech and Caleb teleport to the room where me and Rose is at. Me and Rose is so happy to see Adramalech and Caleb, so we run up and hugged them " we missed you," said Rose, looking at Caleb. " We couldn't be able to teleport when the teacher and the students there," said Adramalech, looking at me " it's fine, did you saw the policemen yet when you where out there?" I said, looking at Adramalech " yeah, they were picking up dead bodies in the library, the dead bodies didn't have cuts or bruise's so me and Caleb think it was Alex and David," said Adramalech, looking at me. " Can you guys teleport us out of here, I'm already scared," said Rose, looking at Caleb and Adramalech " yeah, let's go," said Caleb, looking at Rose. So me and Rose hold Adramalech  and Caleb's hand and try to teleport out but they can't  something is using their powers for them not teleport out of this classroom. " Is everything okay?" I said, looking at Adramalech " me and Caleb can't teleport out of this classroom someone is using strong powers so we can't teleport out of this classroom," said Adramalech, looking at me. " We are stuck here forever," said Rose, looking at Caleb and Adramalech " no, not until your friend join my side and drink your soul," said David, flying down to the ground with Alex. Me and Rose gasped " you gone to far David, what did you do to those students?" I saidm, looking at David " will me and Alex, drink their souls, that is making us super powerful, but we need two more souls," said David, looking at me. " You are not drinking their soul not when me and Caleb is here," said Adramalech, looking at David " will see about that," said David, looking at Adramalech. " It's on," said Caleb, looking at David and start running towards David and Alex, Adramalech did the same too, me and Rose can't do anything because we are still humans. Even though, I have a demon inside me, that's been clam down because I've been taking the medicine for my inner demon to calm down, Rose look at me and said " what have to do something," said Rose, looking at me. " What can we do, we are humans, and my inner demon is calm down, and I don't have a knife with me," I said, looking at Rose " why do you need a knife for?" said Rose, looking at me. " I'm not letting a demon keeping my soul so I'm going to kill my soul and let my demon come out, I will try to control it," I said, looking at Rose " are you insane?" said Rose, looking at me. " Yes I am, I'm not letting David drinking my soul or your soul, his stronger then Adramalech and Caleb now," I said, looking at Rose " fine but promise me you will be yourself," said Rose, looking at me. " I promise," I said, looking at Rose

" Good," said Rose, looking at me, Adramalech and Caleb try to fight David and Alex, but they are two powerful. Adramalech and Caleb keep going down on the ground, because of David and Caleb, me and Rose is getting worried about Adramalech and Caleb's life " Rose I'm getting scared about their life," I said, looking at Rose " same here, they can't defeat David and Alex, they are too strong, they already drink half of the students soul," said Rose, looking at me " I know, that's why I hate to kill my soul so I can defeat David and Alex with Adrmalech and Alex," I said, looking at Rose. " I hope you will be yourself when your inner demon is out," said Rose, looking at me " there one way to found out, do you have a knife or something sharp?" I said, looking at Rose. " No, but I will found something sharp on the ground,"  said Rose, looking at me " okay hurry," I said, looking at Rose, Rose started to look around something sharp while Adramalech and Caleb fighting. I watch Adramalech and Caleb fighting David and Alex and hoping Rose found something sharp real quick so Adramalech and Caleb doesn't get hurt but I don't know if I will woke up in time to save my friend though. I stand up and walk towards Rose " any luck?" I said, looking at Rose " nope, I still can't found anything that is sharp," said Rose, looking at me. " You better hurry before Adramlech and Caleb can't fight anymore," I said, looking at Rose " your right," said Rose, looking at me and continued founding something that is sharp for me to cut my soul. I help Rose founding something sharp too " we need to hurry," said Rose, looking at me. " Yeah, let's continued founding something sharp," I said, looking at Rose, then we started to look at the left side of the classroom, but still nothing, so we start looking at the right side of the classroom and found sharp glass under the teacher's chair. " Rose, I found a sharp glass, this will work, can you stab my heart," I said, looking at Rose " hmm sure, but you need to lay down so I can do it," said Rose, looking at me. " Okay where though?" I said, looking at Rose " what about there? it's straight," said Rose, pointing the rock that is straight " that's perfect, but I'm wondering why is a teacher is having a straight rock inside the classroom?" I said, looking at Rose. " Same here, it's a little bit strange to me too," said Rose, looking at me and we start walking towards the straight rock on the right side of the classroom " I hope I can control my inner demon," I said, looking at Rose " same here, what about you yelled David and Alex, and then I stab you in the heart and boom you don't have a soul anymore," said Rose, looking at me. " Okay great idea, but you have to explain why you did it to Adramalech," I said, looking at Rose " okay," said Rose, looking at me. When we got to the straight rock, I look at David and Alex and yelled to them " HEY DAVID, ALEX YOU WILL NOT GET MY SOUL BECAUSE ROSE IS GOING TO KILL MY Soul," I said, laying down and look at Rose. 

Rose raised the sharp glass and stab my chest, she saw my chest bleeding to death, I breath heavily. Closed my eyes and stop breathing, Rose started to cry when I'm dead, David was not so happy that Rose killed the soul, so he try to run towards Rose but Adramalech and Caleb is blocking him so David and Alex will not hurt Rose and drink her soul. Adramalech look at Caleb and said " what's going on I can smell bleed what is happening?" said Adramalech, looking at Caleb " Scarlet let Rose stab her heart so now her soul is gone," said Caleb, looking at Adramalech.

" W-what? she's dead," said Adramalech, looking at Caleb " yes, until her demon form come out," said Caleb, looking at Adramalech. Adramalech was not too happy what Caleb said, so Caleb back up when Adramalech got mad and look into Alex and David eyes and killed them with his evil eye. " Adramalech, calm down you killed Alex and David," said Caleb, looking at Adramalech, Adramalech started to clam down and walk towards me and Rose. Rose look at Adramalech and said " s-she want me to do it, it's not my fault, I didn't want to," said Rose, looking at Adramalech and started to cry more. Caleb walk towards Rose whip off  of her tears and hugged her " shh it's okay Rose, she did it to protect you and me, she's knows Adramalech was overprotect her that's the reason why she want you to do that," said Caleb, looking at me. " Let's go home," said Adramalech, carrying me and teleport to his house with Caleb and Rose. They teleport to the living room where Adramalech mom and dad is at and saw me not moving or breathing, they both got up and run towards Adramalech " why is she not breathing?" said Kate, looking at her son. His dad put his ear up to my heart and doesn't heart a heart beat. " Kate, I can't hear her heart beat, tell me what happen when you guys are at school?" said Coda, looking at his son " she want me to stab her in the heart, so her soul doesn't drink by David, I didn't want to," said Rose, started to cry again. Caleb hugged Rose and try to calm her down " oh sweetie it's okay, she made a decision," said Kate, looking at Rose. " When well her demon form come out?" said Rose, looking at Kate and Coda " oh will sometimes demon form doesn't wake up until past few says because they are changing the human body into demon body, but it might hurt a lot when it does that," said Coda, looking at Rose. " Let me look after her while you guys are at school," said Coda, looking at Rose, Adramalech, and Caleb " okay but tell me if she wakes up," said Adramalech, looking at his dad. " She will be with me at the fighting area for demons," said Coda, looking at his son " okay be careful," said Adramalech, looking at his dad. Coda hold me and teleport to the fight area for demons. He put me down and sat down right next to me, then out of no where I feel pain in body and I started to scream in pain. " Shh it's okay, let it all out," said Coda, looking at me, I can feel my bones breaking every time and feeling my body burning up everywhere. 

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