Chapter fourteen: First job for me and Rose

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" This, cost too much money," I said, looking at Adramalech " don't worry about it, they know me and my dad," said Adramalech, looking at me. " Are you sure?" I said, looking at Adramalech " I'm positive now let's get inside," said Adramalech, looking at me " hmm okay," I said, looking at Adramalech. So me and Adramalech went inside the fancy restaurant and walk towards a table and sat down and order our food and drinks. Me and Adramalech order the same food and drinks, we both order water and steak for food, for two minutes later the sever is here and drop our food and drinks down. Me and Adramalech start eatting and drinking our food and water, after we are done eating and drinking our food and water. We exist out of the fancy restaurant, Adramalech hold my hand and teleport me to the house, Sandy walk towards me and said " your guys first job starts tomorrow remember," said Sandy, teleport to her job. I look at Rose and said " did  Sandy said that to you too?" I said, looking at Rose " yep," said Rose, looking at me " what should we do now?" said Rose, looking at me. " I don't know," I said, looking at Rose. " Since you guys are staying here at demon village, I can show you guys around, will you like that?" said James, looking at me and Rose " okay let's go," said Rose, looking at James and leave the house with me and James. We start walking downtown of the demon village, me and Rose can see a lot of demons looking at me and Rose, I look at James and said " why is these demons looking at me and Rose for?" I said, looking at James. " They never seen humans inside a demon village before, this is their first time seeing a human inside a demon village," said James, talking to me " oh that makes since," said Rose, looking at James. Then me, James, and Rose bump into David the evil demon " hi David," said James, looking at David " hello James and who are these two beautiful girls?" said David, looking at me and Rose. " Leave them alone, you will not take their soul not when I'm here," said James, looking at David " will see about that," said David, looking at James " I'm stronger then you David," said James, looking at David. " Fine someday I will return and I will get those two girls without you here or any demons," said David, teleport to his house. " I  think we should teleport to my house, I just make you guys more dangerous," said James, stop walking and look at me and Rose.  " Calm down James, it's not your  fault," said Rose, looking at James " let's continued walking downtown," I said, looking at James " are you sure Scarlet and Rose?" said James, looking at me and Rose.  " Yeah, now let's go," said Rose, looking at James " okay," said James, start walking, me and Rose start walking with James.

James is getting worried about me and Rose's life " James, don't be worry about me and Rose, we will be fine," I said, looking at James. " I can't help it, I'm just afraid of your life's," said James, talking to me " don't worry James, we have Scarlet to protect me and herself," said Rose, looking at James. " Rose, I can't, I don't how to turn into a demon or control my demon form, I haven't have my inner demon coming out," I said, looking at Rose " now I'm getting more worried, and if Scarlet can't control her form, you will get hurt Rose," said James, talking to Rose " James is right, I can't control my form," I said, looking at Rose. " Do you know when you are going to have your inner demon come out?" said Rose, looking at me " I have no idea yet," I said, looking at Rose, then all of a sudden Sandy found me and Rose and walk towards us and said to us " we need you guys to go home right now, it's almost dark," said Sandy, looking at me and Rose. " Hmm okay," I said, looking at Sandy, so Sandy and James hold me and Rose's arm teleport to our house. James, look at Sandy and said " I need to talk to you alone right now," said James, looking at Sandy " hmm okay," said Sandy, looking at James. So James and Sandy teleport to their room so James can tell Sandy what he saw at downtown, Rose look at me and said " I wonder what James is going to talk about," said Rose, looking at me. " His probably telling Sandy what we bump into the demon village," I said, looking at Rose "  your probably right," said Rose, looking at me. Then Sandy and James teleport where me and Rose is at, Sandy look at me and Rose and said " I'm going to talk to Adramalech and tell him the news, he probably will follow you everywhere Scarlet and I will talk to your boyfriend Rose and he probably will do the same thing," said Sandy, looking at me and Rose. " What do you mean Sandy?" said Rose, looking at Sandy " I heard what happen at downtown, I'm not happy what David said," said Sandy, looking at Rose. " It's okay Sandy, calm down," I said, looking at Sandy " still, I'm telling you and Rose's boyfriend what happen at downtown," said Sandy, looking at me and Rose " you know, he will not let me go anymore unless his coming with me," I said, looking at Sandy. " Yes, I know," said Sandy, looking at me " that goes with me too," said Rose, looking at Sandy " you guys have overprotective boyfriends," said Sandy, looking at me and Rose. " We know, but we are getting used to it," I said, looking at Sandy " that's good news I think," said Sandy, looking at me and Rose. Then Adramalech and Caleb enter the living room and Sandy walk up to Adramalech and Caleb " Adramalech, Caleb, I need to speak with you guys right now alone at me and James's room," said Sandy, looking at Adramalech and Caleb. " I'm sure," said Adramalech, looking at Sandy, so Sandy, Adramalech and Caleb teleport to James's and her room, Caleb have to hold Sandy's hand to teleport to her house. I look at Rose and said to her " I wonder what she will talk about?" I said, looking at Rose " probably about what happen at downtown," said Rose, looking at me.

" Your probably right," I said, looking at Rose, then we heard Adramalech and Caleb saying " HE WHAT?" said Adramalech and Caleb. " I have a feeling that they are pissed off," said Rose, looking at me, James walk towards me and Rose and said " what is happening?" said James, looking at me and Rose. " Sandy is telling Adramalech and Caleb what happen at downtown," said Rose, looking at James.

" No wonder Adramalech and Caleb is yelling," said James, looking at me and Rose " so do you think that we are not walking alone anymore?" said Rose, looking at James. " Both of your boyfriends is probably will not let you guys walk alone anymore," said James, looking at me and Rose, Sandy, Adramalech, and Caleb teleport to the living room where me and Rose is at, Adramalech and Caleb walk towards me and Rose. " Scarlet, Rose, we are going to follow you guys everywhere you go so David doesn't capture or drink you guys soul," said Adramalech, looking at me and Rose. " I thought Scarlet is a demon now?" said Rose, looking at Adramalech " she is but she has not turn into her inner demon yet, I don't know when her inner demon is coming out of her," said Adramalech, looking at Rose. " Guys we need to sleep right now, me, Scarlet, and Rose has work tomorrow," said Sandy, looking at James, Adramalech, and Caleb " okay night guys," said James, teleport to his room with Sandy. Caleb and Rose is sleeping on the couch and me and Adramalech is sleeping on the floor, in the middle of the night I'm started to sweat like crazy and my head turn to the right side and left side. I was inside my dream, I walk around and it was very dark I couldn't see anything, then I heard David's voice and I stop walking. " W-who's there?" I said, looking around " I heard what you are Scarlet, you poor thing you can't control your demon form, and you don't know when will your demon from, you know I can help you control it," said David, looking at me. " There is no way I'm letting you help me with my form, James and Adramalech is helping and how do you know my name?" I said, looking around, then he walk up to me and saw him. I gasped and try to walk away from David, but I don't know if I will fall off somewhere so I just stand still and let him walk towards me, when he is close to my face he look at me and said " you will help me drink your friend soul, I've been watching you and following when you were ten years old," said David, looking at me.  " I will never help you," I said, looking at David " then you leave me no choice, when I found you again I will drink your soul, after I drink all your soul all there is left is demon form," said David, looking at me and disappeared when Adramalech waking me up, because he heard me screaming. I woke up and saw Adramalech looking at me worried and look around and saw everybody a wake and look at me. " What's going on?" I said, looking at Sandy, James, Caleb, Rose, and Adramalech

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