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"Hey Coma Girl, remember me?" Waves shyly and moves over towards her bed.

"Love the pillow. Did you make it yourself? Or do you have a grandma who made it? My grandma used to make me a bunch of sweaters and blankets and stuff. She made them to help me through the chemo.

Hey... I don't think I told you why I'm here. I don't like flaunting it around. Makes it feel more real, ya know? Well it's called Ewing's Sarcoma. Nasty stuff. But I'm pretty lucky. It was pretty mild. They look care of it fully three weeks ago. I get to go home in the next week. Hopefully you'll be awake by then. It'd be fun to find out what color your eyes are before I leave. I'd bet they're blue. To go with your blonde hair. Though I'm not sure I'd call your hair blonde. Maybe brown. It's sorta dirty blonde. Or a really light brown.

Sorry... was I rambling again? Yeah I probably was. God I bore myself sometimes. I gotta go or else Nurse Kanu will have my head. See you later Coma girl."

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