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"Listen, I hate remembering our conversation before... this happened. I hate it. Why can't you just let me know that you forgive me?"

"Don't you understand my reasons? I had a right! I... I... just give me a sign. Doesn't that happen with coma people sometimes? Like, squeeze my hand, or open your eyes."

Runs a hand through his hair and glares at her peaceful face.

"You know what? If you're just going to be a little bitch and stay in your safe little coma then you do that. It's not my fault you're here. It's yours. If you hadn't been stupid and just stayed to listen you wouldn't be here right now. So it's your fault.

And you know, Brooke and I did hook up that weekend you were gone. So good job Nancy Drew, you were right. Just stay in that little coma of yours, I prefer you a lot better this way."

He looked up as the beeping that had been in the background every time he came, intensified. There were gasps from the hallways as a few nurses came rushing in.

"What's wrong with her?"

"BP's raising!"

"Pulse is almost non-existent but still there."

"Heart rate dropping!"

Nurses scrambled around the room shouting things about her status.

"I'm Doctor Carson, I'll be supervising this case. What's her BP?"

"179 over 111!"

"Please! Tell me what's wrong with her!"

"Nurse Kanu, get him out of here."

"I'm sorry young man, but you'll need to come back tomorrow."

"What's happening?"

"Nothing you need to worry about, just come back later."

"Please. Tell me."

"Her heart is failing. But we're going to do our best to revive her. Now please, just go home."

Shakes his head, and wipes a tear away. "I'm so sorry."


The crowd of doctors and nurses waited somewhat patiently as they waited for the beeping to settle.

"BP's finally dropping."

"Pulse is back on track."

"Heart rate has dropped to normal."

"Alright good work. Kanu?"

"Yes sir?"

"What did you tell the boy?"

"I told him about her current status."

"I hope this doesn't backfire on you Kanu. We don't need her parents jumping to conclusions."

"Yes sir."

"Keep an eye on her." Pats her hand and leaves the room.

"Let's not give us another scare alright Caroline? What would cause you to give up like that? Was it that boy? I don't mean to pry... but I'm not sure he's good for you. But I guess that's none of my business. I'm not exactly in a healthy relationship either. But you don't what to hear about that. I'll leave you to your music. What do you want? Coldplay?"

Switches the iPod to a Coldplay song, placing the small buds in her ears before shaking her head and leaving the room.

Wake Up CarolineWhere stories live. Discover now