Chapter 1

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Run. That's all i could think about. I had to leave. One word circling my mind and forcing me to carry on. I couldn't let them catch me. No today. Not ever.

I ran into the trees in my human form doing my best to out run the wolves chasing behind me. If they caught me i would be skinned alive. Quite literally.

I am a Leopard shifter. I have been on my own since before i could remember. I have never met anyone like me. I know that a few hundred years ago there used to be shifter's of every kind roaming the globe. That was until the humans decided we were a threat.

Those born in weaker forms such as foxes birds and snakes were wiped out within a decade. They weren't strong enough to fight off the humans. The strongest of us were bear's wolves and leopards . We could kill the humans easily. That was until they learned of things that can weaken us. For the bears it was iron. Wolves it was silver.  Leopards platinum.

They made weapons of mass destruction using these and over manny hundreds of years killed off all of the bears and Leopards. At least they thought they did.

If they did then how am i here. I don't know.

The wolves united their numbers and went into hiding. They formed packs and territories and fought to keep the humans out. Eventually our kind were forgotten and our battles were turned into myths.

We were forgotten to the ages but we still exist. We still walk among the humans but hiding who we are.

I finally escaped to the city where all shifter forms are banned so i am free. I do not stop running though.

Once i believed i was out of sight of the wolves i found a bench in a small park so i could rest. I had no home to turn to as i lived on the run. I never felt safe staying in one place for long so i carry a bag on my back with a change of clothes and some money that i stole so i can buy food.

I wander down the crowded streets to a small corner shop and inside i buy myself a BLT sandwich and a bag of starbursts. I place the starburst in my bag and walk around eating my sandwich.

I needed to eat as i wasted my energy running from those stupid wolves. Me being an absolute idiot wanderd into their territory and they do not like it when trespassers do that so i was chased all the way to the city.

Wolves are so.... possesive. If you touch anything that belongs to them they won't hesitate to try and rip your head off.

I huffed in annoyance. These guys really get on my nerves sometimes.

I had school tomorrow so i hunted around for somewhere i could sleep for the night. I know how does someone who is on the run go to school. Simple. There is a highschool in a pack territory that humans are aloud to attend and seeing as noone could say what i smell like they all think i am human.

I can't remember the name of the pack but they are pretty chill towards humans as long as they aren't agressive. It is about 40 miles away so i would need to wake up around 5 to get there on time but i didn't mind. I enjoyed watching the sun rise.

I eventually found a large tree in the park and climbed up into it. Thank you leopard claws.

I was resting on the upmost branch when the most delicious smell floated past my face. I looked down to see two men walking past my tree.

"I thought you said she was over here."

"This is where i smelt her. Her sent is strong so she must be nearby. Find her!"

My heart was racing. How did they track me here? I was so certain i had lost them. I felt my claws grow waiting for the right moment to run. I guess i'm not sleeping tonight.

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