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about  three days had passed since the photoshoot, and teasers of the new line were being posted on "yoon's" official website. seungcheol was sitting in the back of the college's library, hiding amongst the towering shelves of books while he waited for them to drop. unconsciously biting his already thin nails, the photographer reloaded the page every few seconds, eager to view how his pictures came out. 

the time jeonghan's father, or the head of the company, gave him for the release was exactly at noon, with the time frozen at 11:59, a short sixty seconds felt like a lifetime. glancing nervously at the clock for an eternity, the quick switch of the last digits sent his fingers gliding across the keyboard of his laptop for one last click on the refresh before the post covered all most half of the front page.

he spent a bit of time processing how unedited the whole photo looked, the skin was slightly darker and a bit more vibrant than he remembered, plus they added "yoon's" in a large vogue like font. nonetheless, the added effects made the spring outfits really pop out, and he enjoyed seeing his work displayed where so many people could look and admire the models and how he captured their beauty. 

most of the comments were obviously about the trio and their excitement for the rest of the photos, but there were the occasional complimenting how well the shots were all taken. he couldn't help but smile at the certain individuals who noticed the change in photographer, but also the skills and different style compared to the puppy. and on top of all this, mingyu would be posting the behind the scenes a day after everything would be posted.

embarrassed to see himself, the male wasn't that excited to viewing any type of video with him in it. seungcheol was the type to enjoy his job without getting attention, though he was sure most of the time the giant recorded, he was too focused on his work rather than the camera. if anything, his outfit change that day made him look a bit more presentable rather than his normal comfy self so probably he wasn't as bad as he thought.

it didn't take long until he finally turned off his laptop and put it carefully inside his bag. around his neck was his camera, as always, and the male started to glance around the room. he wasn't sure if his friends were available so he took sometime to go to the library's second floor.

ever since he found that area, he spent a long time there. the higher up room was filled with books, but instead of it's regular brick walls, it was glass and gave you a perfect view of the campus. not only that, towards the area on the opposite side of this was a back door that led to a balcony with plants and small flowers the workers took care of.

the library gave students free access to this quiet and scenic area yet seungcheol had never seen a single person come out there. for him, it was a pretty sight, the occasional bees and butterflies that dropped in to take the nectar from the variety of flowers. he liked to take up close photos of this, and solo shots of each particular plant.

he found his small area quite beautiful and made sure to give each plant enough water to keep them blossoming.  the photographer never thought too much about who would be watching him feed the flora, they'd just see him kneeling with a watering can and gently petting their tops. it was an odd thing to do, but maybe it made the plants feel safer.

once he finished, seungcheol left the can by the door and exited the balcony. leaning now on the inside part of the door, he quickly checked his notifications. 90% of the time, it was the duo sending him messages or calling if he was okay. the male typed a short response to them, ending with a cute "<3". around the two boys, he began to use their habits. what he use to think was stupid is now something he used almost daily.

upon exiting the door, the black haired male spotted the two familiar boys and was quick to run up to them. "hannie, shua!" he said happily, cresents shining on the male's face. the one shy and quiet male grew on the loud roommates, the past days he'd been more active and loud with them. which the others happen to adore and find extremely cute.

the other boys spending as much time as they could with seungcheol. his small habit of stopping them in the middle of a sentence to take a picture of something they saw or how he giggles for almost everything. just the boy smiling more, less awkwardly now too, was a huge step. of course, they all their reasons for being so close to each other.

for seungcheol, it didn't take long to fall for the two. of course, he tries not to seem too obvious and just tries to stay comfortable around them, but because the other two never openly discuss their feelings, he felt conflicted on whether to let them know.

the gentle and sweet male, joshua, was so sure of his infatuation for his friends. even after the photoshoot, he made sure to talk to jeonghan. it was normal for them to openly talk about certain matters, this one just so happened to be about a straightforward confession and so happened to go exactly like how he wished to.

the angelic blonde was always one to openly state his feelings, what he didn't expect was
the brown haired male to say it first. he said like it wasn't something difficult to discuss, maybe since there was another that they wanted to add onto their loving relationship.

mutual, was what their emotions for each other. both were quick to agree they felt what they had was practically what most would label as a relationship. from their closeness, to their living arrangement, they were and still are each other's everythings. of course, they were going to propose an actual "couple" like relationship to seungcheol and hopefully receive a positive response from it.

their only issue now is to find the right time. a moment when the pretty black haired male would sparkle like the night sky, his eyes like a cresent moon and eyes like the stars. the sight of seungcheol with happiness is all they could ever need. maybe if they took him to a perfect spot where they could make all this come true.

with the photographer's big photo display in just a few days, maybe before that seemed like a great way to keep the male from being nervous with eyes on all his works, their works. hours had passed that day when the roommates got to talking. was everything going too fast? what if he doesn't give an answer? there were too many what ifs, and the unknown made everything worse.

finally it came down to the present day, with the giddy boy in their arms, jeonghan brought up the one thing constantly on his and the other male's mind.

"hey cheol, what if the three of us left this place for a day and explored the unknown?"

word count ー 1232

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