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the photographer tilted his head, not fully understanding what the blonde was trying to ask him. the unknown seemed to broadened to limit to just one idea, and the male never had the time to go anywhere except his little apartment. the sudden brought up question made him slightly giddy, why would they ask anything like this if they weren't planning something?

he was never one for surprises, but if it meant spending more time with the duo, he was definitely up for it. the thought of traveling gave him this feeling of excitement, finally going past the small area in seoul he felt tied down to. as seungcheol glanced up at the two  roommates, he saw their eyes. a hopeful look that he would answer with those three letters his pretty lips were so use to repeating.

"yes" the black haired male muttered out, "i would love to spend the day with you both"

the shy male looked at them both with his big, doe eyes. exchanging eye contact from one to the other so both confirmed the boy fully agreed. seungcheol was only an inch taller than the boys yet they always made him feel small, petite even. maybe it was the shoes they wore or perhaps their comforting skinship that made the black haired male melt in their arms. whatever it was, he loved everything about it.

jeonghan and joshua sent him the biggest smiles upon hearing his response. the brown haired male he loved to call shua ruffled his now wavy hair, "make sure to pack two outfits, cheol. we'd go with you, but there are some things we need to get"

as always, the blond would then come in and lovingly cup seungcheol's cheeks, giving him those assuring lines whenever they spent a bit apart. "if something happens, call one of us. okay, bunny?" he said sweetly.

there it was. a word only spoken occasionally yet made the photographer's insides flip. he knew very well the amount of times the other compared him to a rabbit, and just like the first time jeonghan had jokingly told him that very word, he spent quite some time avoiding any form of contact with the blonde. both boys had very different ways of calling him, joshua saying either 'cheol' or 'cheollie' with his calming tone compared to the sweet voice of the angelic-like male and his nicknames.

not only were their names for each other very sappy, they always had long goodbyes. what felt like an hour or so being gone was equal to 20 years in their time. everything progresssd so fast and the gentle male always told the other two to give a meaningful farwell. the future was something no one could predict. of course nothing ever happened to them, but their clumsy photograher always made their heart race and not always for cute reasons.

not one to keep track of time, seungcheol assumed their farewell had been around five minutes. he went in the direction of the trio's apartment complex while he watched the others disappear in the opposite way. the male dragged his feet across the streets, he occasionally tripped on the concrete as he glanced around his surroundings. if it wasn't for him looking up, seungcheol would've most likely missed the turn to get home.

entering the building was never a problem, he just had to open the front door, go up the nostalgic elevator, and make sure he gets off at the right floor to get to his small place. from the past couple of days, the apartment was quite messy. with boxes every where and his stuff scattered across the floor, it didn't feel that pleasant, and certainly not home.

finally, the photographer got around to fixing up his space. the moving boxes were thrown out, everything was put away, and his favorite part, his printed out photos of his works. they were carefully clipped onto a string, covering his walls. perfectly centered in all of his art was the photo he had taken the day of the photoshoot with joshua and jeonghan.

he disliked the concept of selfies, but at that moment, he wanted to persevere that feeling of pure happiness when they surprised him with that small dessert. when he finally saw the printed out version, seungcheol couldn't prevent himself from smiling. everything about the photo screamed happiness, you could tell from how the lighting beamed down as they smiled fondly at him, choi seungcheol.

in every photo, their eyes always laid on him. he was so hopeful they felt the same way as them, why? because that's the same look he knew he put whenever jeonghan or joshua passed him in the halls, when they met up, and whenever he thought about them. even if they were in different locations, they were all that roamed his mind.

so he sat in his room, doing a small portion of his homework and having dinner before he finally heard the loud shouting from the two boys he had been waiting for. at this point, the dark began the dim his entire home, just the moonlight and electric lights let him see. the amount of time that passed must've been hours especially since the time was around 8.

the male didn't know whether he should see them, of course, the three would see each other in the morning but he still wanted to hang out with them for a bit. seungcheol was checking on pokemon and noticed a whole new series was released, journeys. he knew how excited joshua and jeonghan would be with a new set of pokemon + a whole region.

with the spare time he had, the boy was all packed and ready. a small bag with all his necessities where sitting in the corner, it was slightly bigger than a school bag, but he fit a lot of items in them - all of which he asked if it was okay to take -.

soon, he heard a buzzing coming from his phone. the bright screen flashed in his dimly lit room as he squinted his eyes to check the notifications. not surprised when the group chat he has with two others kept popping up. especially from jeonghan who was trying every combination with seungcheol's name.

he might not want to over for the night, but he sure was read to spend it chatting with them. when they say live requires sacrifices, sleep is definitely on the top.

word count ー 1079

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