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the photographer felt a cool breeze brush his hair as he took a seat on the chair his blonde lover sat him in. to make their surprise even more special, the second they parked at the place, jeonghan had gently put a blindfold on them. from the noises he heard, the male was sure they went up an elevator and are now on what felt like a rooftop.

"let me remove this" he heard the blonde tell them softly, and felt a pair of hands pulling down the cloth blocking his vision. once it fell off, the boy was met with a rooptop view of seoul, similar to the place he shot photos at but this time it was empty and a restaurant. with fairy lights strung between the trees, and small garden boxes, both were in shock.

he watched as the more reserved and gentler of the three stood astonished at the cases of flowers and the green house that laid beside the rooftop entrance. eyes sparkling, the boy got up and bent down to stare at the small, pretty plants. the black haired male smiled softly at the sight, remembering how his partners were and are like that with him too.

staying in his seat, seungcheol intertwined his hand with the angelic-like male's as they reviewed the dinner menu. they occasionally stole glances at the brown hair male by the flora, a huge smile plastered on his face as he watched the delicate organisms blow lightly against the cool night breeze.

jeonghan always knew how to get them out of their comfort zone. it reminded him of that one peculiar day that results in sharing their first kiss. a sweet and passionate moment he would never forget with the two. it happened the day the roommates had come home with three painting he recognized as the one he shot for his work.

apparently their friend had told them that the art teacher wanted to give the masterpieces to the rightful owners and of course, judging by the initials, they knew right away who it was. so the photographer helped them hang them on their wall, perfectly even as the three of them stood on the right side wall of the couch.

each had their own unique color scheme that stood out. they hasn't realized how beautiful it really was till they fully analyzed it for what inspired them to choose those colors in the first place. one stuck to relatively warm tones while the other had cooler, and the one in the middle seemed to be a combination of both.

"you know cheollie, this can be interpreted as us. han and i being on the sides, but suddenly everything looks so much better together, that's us when we met you" joshua had spoke with a quiet voice as he admired the center one. the blonde one let out a small giggle and pulled the black haired male to them both, lifting his chin up and staring into his

easily flustered, seungcheol held tightly the other male's hand to gain his attention, as if they all knew what would happen next. nearing the doe eyed boy, jeonghan leaned in and spoke with a whisper, "do you know how many times we want to let you know how much you mean to us? you're our everything"

the brown haired male gave the shy one a tight hand squeeze as the angelic male gave a small smile, "do you mind if i kiss you, love?" he asked, there was no lust in his eyes, only passionate and love. you could practically see the hearts in his eyes.

"yes" the black haired male responded, "and from shua too"

with a chuckle from the initiator, the boy leaned in carefully and cupped the boy's face so delicately. not wanting something rushed, he tilted the other's head before pressing his lips onto the soft, plump lips of seungcheol. hearts racing as they stayed frozen in that position, the blonde doing most of the work as the other wasn't experienced in the slightest.

as they finally pulled away, joshua didn't hesitate to hold the boy closer to him and gave a small smile, "you're okay with this cheol?" he asked again, needed assurance before continuing on.

"shua, of course i am" he said, a small giggle following after. unlike the blonde, the gentle male didn't waste time to gently lock lips with each other, wrapping the other in a hug as he did so. this last for a short couple seconds before the boy moved away to see the dazed photographer with a cute grin plastered on his face. he couldn't have asked for a better way to share his first kisses.

seungcheol stopped reminiscing about their past memories over the few couple months once he noticed to flower boy waddling back to his seat in the middle of the black and blonde haired boys. he had cleared his throat before smiling sheepishly at the two, "they were really pretty" he muttered before saying a small 'sorry' after.

"we're buying us more plants, okay?" jeonghan spoke sternly, "you aren't allowed to apologize for loving something as precious as you are"

feeling the need to agree and slightly excited to raise flora of his own to take care of, joshua nodded and grabbed both of their hands, turning to the quiet photographer who had watched the scene unfold. "cheollie, love. have you tried taking a photo of the cresent moon up in the sky?" he asked softly, "it'd make a great addition to your collection up on your wall"

turning his head to take a look at what the other had been referring too, he could only let out a gasp as he saw dark, foggy clouds cover a portion of the moon. it looked like a cool effect and the thought of capturing the photo made the photographer extremely eager to take it. so he balanced the camera on his neck on his knee and slightly tilted it to zoom in on the cresent to perfectly get it.

when it began to focus on the space object, he long pressed the shutter till he heard the faint clicking noise. after doing a quick check up, the boy smiled in satisfaction and turned back to his two lovers, "thank you, shua" he said happily and turned to the blond male, "hannie is the food coming yet?"

"of course, they said about five minutes since taking food up here and setting it up might be a bit" he spoke and stared at both boys, "in the meantime, i'd like to appreciate my two beautiful boyfriends and celebrate our finally finished exams"

so they decided to have a conversation, free from the stress of exams and now able to talk about themselves and what they're going to do in the future. on the more exciting side of things, joshua had quietly spoken up about wanting to learn more about flora and how to take care of them, even getting a job at a local flower shop near their apartment.

it was an amazing thing they had met in that elevator when they did. many words were spoken, but they were able to get to know each other through that interaction. all three had broken out of their shell in some form or another. making a promise on that lit roof that night they would stay with each other for as long as their love stays alive.

luckily for them, the three end up being a very strong and loving couple. of course, their were their moments, but it was the memories from their college years that kept their relationship blossoming. they were in love and that was all that mattered.

word count ー 1293


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