Chapter 19

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Desmond's POV

I wake up early, a strange feeling in my gut.

It's the same feeling I've had twice already.

I quickly change into my clothes and run to Edward's cabin.

"Ed! Edward!" I yell, banging on his door. After a couple moments, he opens the door, rubbing his eyes.

"What is it, Desmond?" he asks groggily.

"I'm leaving soon. I can feel it," I say.

"What are you talking about, lad?" Edward asks.

"I'm leaving. I'm going somewhere. Probably America in the 17th century, if Leonardo's hypothesis was right. American Revolution time," I say.

"Calm down, Desmond. Talk in sentences, for God's sake," Edward says, holding his hands up.

"Edward, I'm leaving this time period. It's because of the Animus jinxing," I say. Edward sighs and runs his fingers through his shaggy blonde hair, which is out of its usual ponytail.

"Wow... um, so, what do we do?"

I shrug and chuckle.

"I guess we hug it out like bros, then I disappear in front of your eyes before appearing in front of your grandson and scaring the hell out of him!"

Edward laughs and gives me a bro-hug.

"Make sure Connor teaches you how to shoot a bow."

"I will," I reply.

I start to fade, and Edward waves goodbye.

"I'll miss you, Desmond."

"I'll miss you too, Edward."

I then disappear from in front of him and everything goes black.

Connor's POV

I aim my bow at a deer and take a deep breath. Before I can let the arrow fly, something heavy lands right beside me with a heavy thud. I jump, the arrow goes limp and falls to the ground, and my bow follows.

"What was that!?" I gasp, holding my heart. I look down at the thing that just appeared out of nowhere, and my jaw drops.

That's Desmond. There's no doubt about it.

"Desmond?" I ask as I pick up my bow and arrow.

"Did I scare you?" he mumbles.

"Yes, you did!" I exclaim.

"That's good. Edward would be proud."

I stare at him, completely confused.

How did this happen?

A/N: Yay Connor!

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