𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 4

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Hinata, As usual, the first to arrive at the gym. She waited but still, no one came for about 30 minutes. She decided to call Kenma but she remembers that it about 4:30 am so she decided just to text him about her current state and make it a secret for the team.

After she sent it, she fell asleep making her bag as a pillow.


I met suga all the way to school. It is 5 am so we thought were the first in the gym when suddenly saw Hinata at the gym doors. She was sleeping so we decided to place her beside suga.

"What time does she go here?" questioned suga

It was 5:30 when all of them are on the bus. They saw Hinata sleeping on Suga's lap. They got a blanket from Yamaguchi for Hinata. Halfway through the ride, Hinata woke up and saw suga

"good morning, Hinata"

"good morning, mo-, I mean, Sugawara-san"

She is in the window seat so as the ride goes, she was leaning in the window. The bus stop at a convenient store.

"You have 15 minutes to go to the bathroom and buy some snacks"


We have 10 minutes left. I'm pretty fast because I have no one to share with in the bathroom except yachi and Kiyoko.

I am now currently in the snack aisle picking what should I buy when suddenly It went dark. I'm not unconscious and it's not because of the electricity in the store. I felt something was close then I heard "Hey cutie, you alone?" I turned around and saw a man that has ear piercings.

"I gotta go, my team is waiting."

I was panicking inside. I walk as nothing happened.

He then grabs my wrist and covers my mouth to prevent me from screaming.


I was about to go to the snack aisle when I saw a glimpse of orange hair. I was about to ignore it when something tells me to follow it. I walk into the aisle when I saw an orange-haired girl crying while her mouth is covered by a dude who is about to put his hand into her lower back.

I told the man to let go but he refuses, saying:

"Oh, uh you see this is my girlfriend so can you just ignore us?"

I glare at the girl's eyes screaming for help and yes, I recognize her by her looks.

"I don't think she's seeing as a boyfriend"

He let go of her and said

" you've been saved this time but I'm coming back for you."

I comfort Hinata while walking towards the bus. All of them ran to Hinata hugging her. "Shoyo, Why are you crying?" asked nishinoya. I explain the incident and suddenly all of them had a dark aura. It was scary but they calmed down when I said he left.

We enter the bus. Hinata is beside Sugawara-san. She is just hugging him while crying avoid eye contact as possible.

Ukai checked if were all in the bus ready to continue the ride.



Hinata's hug loosens so I checked her and she fell asleep. I lay her down on my lap and I fall asleep.


We all woke up by coach ukai. I checked her and she's awake. "Be quiet, others might still be sleeping.". As we go down the bus, we formed a circle around Hinata but she didn't notice it so she is not complaining.


I saw Kenma down the bus so I ran into him. He was surprised resulting in us to fell into the ground." Shoyo!?!" he said while I help him up."yes, it's me. I text you about my condition." I pouted. Kenma's face became red so I thought he was sick. "are you sick? your face is red." I questioned. "I'm okay" he answered. "okay, then let's go!" as we enter the gym.

'She's so cute when she pouted' Everyone who saw her thought about.


So umm... I think this chapter is a little trash but yeah. I might just make something for this. And also I need to research because I don't know the names of the managers. And there is an upcoming character after this arc. I might also make fake birthdays because some of them are so so late now. So you might see some same things from Hinata turns into a girl!?! by Joselin2k16 because it is my inspiration here. so good day, bye


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