꧁part 1 oneshots <3꧂

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Hinata's POV

I am getting ready for the fair or whatever is Tsuki about. I got a little help from the managers since I don't really know what to wear.


Tsuki's POV

I really want to hang out with Hinata but where should I invite her?  I heard there is a nearby fair so maybe I could invite her there. Yeah, maybe that will work.

"Oi, Hinata" as I called her under the tree. "Do you want to go to the fair with me?" I asked. Her eyes sparkled as she answered yes. I tried not to blush (keyword: tried) but I cant handle the cuteness. "shortie" I muttered.

End of flashback

Tsuki's POV

I waited her at the front gate before she came out. She is wearing a white dress. Her hair is braided and placed on the side. Over all, she is very cute. "-ki, TSUKI!" I got out of my thoughts. "You're staring the whole time. Is there something wrong?" she said. "nothing. Come on, lets go before I change my mind."

At the fair

"COME ON, TSUKI. LET'S TRY ROLLERCOASTER!" Her eyes sparkled as she said that. (pls don't attack me, I'm an introverted weeb right here so my knowledge to events are lacking.)

 After the ride, Hinata is very dizzy. What a dumbass. "yeah, maybe we should go to a less terrifying ride." she said. We were there until 4 pm.

I enjoy being with hinata. Maybe I should do it more often.



Kuroo's POV

"HINATA!" I called her in the hallway. "Kenma gave me these 2 tickets to the aquarium so I was wondering if you would like to come with me?" I questioned. I lied on kenma giving these but at least I will got to spend time with her.

"Sure!" she answered."Great, We can meet at the front gate, 7 am."

(I swear, I need to research more about their personalities)

Next day

She is wearing a large light orange t-shirt which is knotted in the side, pants and her hair is in a messy ponytail.

"Lets get going then." I said.

 (hehe, this is gonna awkward at this point. I don't know how to write this part.)

at the aquarium

We explored every part of the aquarium. Its fun seeing her eyes sparkle and her laugh is like an angel. There are some missed calls from my phone but ignored it all. We left the aquarium because Hinata got a text from the team's mom.
OKAY! So i just visit this story again and look what i saw

I- am i dreaming? I just read my story and i dont know how did handle the first 5 chapters like i cringed while reading that

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I- am i dreaming? I just read my story and i dont know how did handle the first 5 chapters like i cringed while reading that. And how did this have 7k reads!? And also, yes i did this at 2am. Im very sorry. I was watching my favorite cosplayer's live video.

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