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Henry sighs as he watches Henry flip open the phone that Steve sent him

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Henry sighs as he watches Henry flip open the phone that Steve sent him. But before he could send a text they feel a distant rumbling, Henry looks at Tony worried before sending a glance to Stephen. "Say, Doc. You wouldn't happen to be moving your hair would you?" Tony asks pointing his phone towards Stephen's hair where one strand was blowing. "Not at the moment, no." Alex grasped Stephen's hand, heart-pounding Henry went over to stand by Tony and grab his hand.

They look up to see birds and papers flying the opposite way, Henry jumps when they hear screams outside. "Stay here!" Tony says to Henry as he drops his hand and runs out the door. "Alex, stay here. Take Henry somewhere safe okay?" Stephen kisses Alex on the lips before walking out the door with Bruce and Wong behind him.

Henry scrubs a hand over his face and steps back towards the stairs. "We need to go to the Avengers Compound." Henry presses his lips together and looks at Alex who shakes his head. "Not yet, we need to stay here. Whatever is happening outside is bad, we need to go upstairs and look out the window. Then we can figure out where to go from there." Henry sighs but nods at Alex and follows him carefully avoiding the hole in the ground and walks upstairs.

"Do you have a weapon on you?" Alex asks glancing outside. "I don't but Tony gave me access to his suits so I can call one if I need it." Alex gulps and nods gesturing for Henry to step closer so he can see the damage that's outside. He gasps and covers his mouth with his hand as he watches Tony talk to some squid-like creature. "We can't stay here Alex, I know that you want to protect the Sanctum Sanctorum that's a terrible name by the way. But you can't do that if there is no Sanctum Sanctorum to protect. That isn't even your job, it's Stephen and Wong's right?" Henry waits for Alex to nod which is when he continues. "We need to go to the Avengers Compound, it's the safest place for us right now."

Henry gasps when he watches as Tony is shot into the air. "Fine, fine. We will in a few minutes when everything calms down. We don't need Stephen and Tony worrying about us right?" He thinks about arguing with Alex but Henry knows he's right. He pulls out his phone and sends a text to Pepper asking her if she was alright. He let out a sigh of relief when Pepper replied quickly that she was safe. "How do you do this Alex?" Henry asks softly when they watch the squid-like creature squeeze, Stephen until he passed out.

"I've had lots of practice." Alex chuckles but when Henry turns to look at him it's a watery chuckle with tears shining in his eyes. They jump when they hear voices from downstairs, Alex holds his hand out for Henry to stay put but he rolls his eyes and follows Alex to peak downstairs, they out sighs of relief when they see it's Wong and Bruce. They portaled back into the Sanctum Sanctorum. "Where's Tony?" Henry says quickly walking down the stairs. "I-" Bruce starts to stay but Alex cuts him off. "Do they have Stephen? Wong?" Alex looks at Wong with his arms crossed.

Wong presses his lips together and nods. "Whoever came to Earth, has Stephen and Tony went after them." Henry sighs and sits down on the step putting his head in his hands. "We need to get you two to the Avengers Compound. That's what Tony told me." Bruce said nodding to Wong who waved his hand and opened a portal to the compound making Henry gasp in wonder and walk through the portal.

With shaking hands Henry grabs his phone from his pocket and dials Tony, he doesn't think it will work but it doesn't hurt to try. He needs to hear his voice again, just to make sure he's okay. "Tony?" Henry presses his lips together when the call picks up. "What's going on Tony?" Henry sandwiches his phone between his shoulder and walks into one of their offices to get some privacy, "I'm fine, I just think we might have to push our 8:30 res." Tony jokes making Henry snort. "I know that, but where are you."

He hears Tony take a sharp intake of breath. "Space, I just might not make it back for a while." Henry pulls the phone away from his face to try and keep the tears at bay, he knew if he cried then Tony would cry. "Tell me you're not on that ship, tell me that Bruce and Wong are wrong." Henry sniffs. "I can't, I promised to never lie to you again Cal. I'm so sorry Honey." Tears well up in Henry's eyes, his heart is pounding. "Come back here, Tony. Come back." Henry's phone beeps, he pulls back to see that the call dropped.

Henry puts his hand over his mouth and collapses into one of the nearby chairs, he looks up when someone knocks on the door. He wipes his eyes or tries to when he sees Rhodey. "Come in." Henry's voice is croaky from crying. "Hey, Bruce updated me. How're you doing?" Henry's lip wobbles. "Not great, I never thought that I might have to lose him again. Now he's up in space and I don't know what's going to happen next Rhodey." Rhodey sighs and steps into the empty office before taking a seat next to Henry. "Well, I don't either. But I do know that Bruce contacted Steve, Wong is back at the Sanctum Sanctorum and I think Alex might've gone with him. Something about how it was stuffy here for him, but if you want something to take your mind off of it you can help me find Vision."

Henry opened his mouth to decline but closed it quickly and nodded, he stood up and held the door for Rhodey as the two of them walked to the computer, sure Tony was in space and Henry thought the last words he was going to say to Tony was telling him to come back, not I love you but Henry can help.

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