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Henry was offered the chance to go to Wakanda with them but he turned it down, stating that someone needed to stay at the compound to watch it

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Henry was offered the chance to go to Wakanda with them but he turned it down, stating that someone needed to stay at the compound to watch it. In reality, he was positive that if he left Tony would call here and ask for help and Henry couldn't leave him alone even though he was in space. So Henry was alone, Pepper when she found out had offered to come to be with him while he waited but Henry told her to don't. She's safer at home in case something bad happens.

Alex had offered to come and Henry debated it knowing that Stephen was in space as well but Henry had turned it down saying that he should stay with Wong because at least then Wong can protect him. Henry had also turned down Paxton coming to keep him company because he had a son and wife to take care of but of course, he didn't listen. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Henry said as soon as he saw Paxton walking through the doors to the lab that Henry was standing in so he can watch the flight path for the quinjet that Steve took. He was watching where Tony was but FRIDAY went offline so Tony lost connection.

"I'm here to hang with my boss, I can't do that?" Paxton smirks as he lifts the bag that Henry didn't notice he was carrying. "Didn't you hear? It's the end of the world, you're supposed to be with your family." Henry mutters as he pulls back the bag to reveal a pack of beer, Henry doesn't drink around Tony but Tony knows that he drinks whenever Paxton brings them which is hardly ever so Henry doesn't feel bad about grabbing one and popping it open. "Hey, my family is fine. Dex is Torch-Lighter you know this." Henry twirls the beer bottle by its neck in between his fingers when a small smile comes out.

"I just can't help but think something bad is going to happen. I tried Tony and he isn't picking up anymore and I tried to check on that kid that I told you about but he isn't picking up either." Henry huffs and places the bottle gently on the table. "The kid that you and Tony basically adopted right?" Paxton asks coming to stand next to Henry, Henry nods so Paxton hums. "Maybe he's just at school." Henry shrugged but fell silent because he knew the truth, he just hoped that Tony didn't drag him into this because Peter is just a kid he doesn't need to go up against someone like Thanos.

Henry pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to May Parker asking her if she knew where Peter was, he huffed when she sent a text back saying that he was on a trip to MoMA today. "What are you doing?" Paxton asks watching as Henry slid the beers aside to start typing on the table that was also a tablet. "I'm trying to find the bus, I texted his aunt to see where he was and she said they were on a school trip to MoMA so I'm looking into their security cameras to see if he is there."

Paxton rolled his eyes but didn't do anything to stop Henry so he began to type in the info, he knew that FRIDAY and IAN would cover Henry's tracks so no one would know he hacked into their systems. "What if they went back to school to be safe because they saw the portal thing in the sky?" Henry opened his mouth to say that was stupid but realized that it wasn't stupid, it was a perfectly wise thing to do. Henry swiped the footage for the Museum of Modern Art away to the end of the screen before he started to pull up the info for Midtown. "Hey, Hen. Don't do this, It's a breach of their privacy." Paxton put his hand on Henry's arm to try to stop.

Henry stepped away from the table and grabbed the beer taking a long swig, he swallowed and looked at Paxton. "Pax, I have to do this. He's not my son but he might as well be, I don't know where he is. I don't want him to be hurt, and it's one thing I can do to keep my mind off of the fact that Tony is in space right now with people who want to kill him. You can still leave as Amaya did." Henry's word stung to Paxton but he did on purpose. "Hey, don't be a dick to me. Amaya left because she got a job with the government and you know that. I'm here because I know my boss who is also my friend will spiral. After all, his husband is in space." Paxton crossed his arms and fixed Henry with a look.

Henry opened his mouth to respond but instead, he let out a wet chuckle. "This fucking sucks, I feel so powerless. I didn't go to Wakanda because I should be here just in case but I also didn't want to see Bucky. Both Tony and I understand that he wasn't in control but I can't help but think that he ruined the relationship." Paxton unfolded his hands and shook his head quickly. "No, I know it's sad but that's why you two ended. You two ended then because it wasn't the right time, now was the right time because look at you two. You're married and you pretty much have a son, if you stayed together back then none of this would've happened." Henry knew Paxton was right, he just still blamed Bucky even though he knew it wasn't his fault but he knew once everything was back to normal and fine Henry would meet Bucky and finally forgive him but with his husband in space, he just can't.

"I'm so fucking scared Pax, I don't want to lose him again." Henry wasn't shamed that his voice cracked he looked at Paxton who nodded in understanding. "I know Boss, but he's Iron-Man. Tony will be fine."


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