Exercise Time! and New Family!

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*POV Time*

*Naruko POV*

I woke up with Mom shouting, " Wake up! You have Training!". I came out and saw Sasuke helping Mom with salad. I like Sasuke because he was genuine in every thing. He was self sufficient too. Since the massacre of his clan, We have been comforting him. Hence, He now was more cheerful than when he was 8. I saw mom open the door and Sakura come in. Naruto just woke up and came here. Mom shouted at him, " Naruto!! Why didn't you wake up sooner?". Naruto got scared and hid behind Sasuke. Sasuke told him to get ready and sit for the Salad.

After 10 Minutes,

We ate the Salad and went for the Exercise. Kakashi was hell lot late. We shouted at him, " You're late!". He made an excuse, " A black cat crossed my path so, I had to take the long way.". Sasuke said sarcastically, " Oh that's a good excuse!". Kakashi didn't react to it. Well he explained the rules of the exercise. I thank Sasuke in my mind for making us eat Salad.

We dispersed into the forest. We went on with the plan. Naruto went all out. He attacked Kakashi. He dodged/blocked everything. While we did it, Sasuke went up from behind and made the fire jutsu. He spew the fireball on him. He dodged it and went up. I lunged on him. I took my Kunai and pierced his pant. We landed down on the ground. I caught a bell and Sakura caught the another. I threw mine at Sasuke and He caught it. I and Sakura held the bell in our hands intertwined. Sasuke and Naruto did. Kakashi looked at us with a perplexed look on his face.

Sasuke spoke up, " You told us we need to take the bells from you and you made the rules so that we won't work as a team. Well guess what, The very basic of principal of a team is to share the victory. So, We share our qualification.". Kakashi shouted and smiled, " YOU!!!! Pass". I and Sakura hugged while Sasuke and Naruto fist bumped. Kakashi announced, " From now on, Team 7 starts for going on missions!". I cheered like Naruto saying, " Believe it!". Sasuke commented with a sigh, " Ususratonkachi." and smiled. We went to our homes as we need to be ready for tomorrow's mission!

The Next Morning

*Sasuke POV*

I got ready and went to Naruto's House. He asked me pick the him and his sister. I knocked the door. Aunty Kushina opened the door. She opened it while sleeping. I wished, " God Morning. The Blonde's wanted me to pick them up.". She replied, " They're still asleep. Why don't you come in and make yourself at home?". I went in and sat on the couch. She sat beside me and asked, " How are you coping up?". I answered, " I am coping well in my skills.". She said, " Not that. I am asking about yourself?". I got uncomfortable at that. She was asking about my trauma of my parents death. I have not that much moved on from it. I answered, " I am sorry to say that I can't get out of it and I..I.. miss them!". Hearing this, She hugged me. I put my face inside her hold.

Suddenly, Someone hugged me from behind. I turned and saw Naruko hugging me. I asked, " Were you listening?". She answered, " I did and so, I am going to smother you just like Mom.". I don't know why but Aunty Kushina said something, " No! I'll be the one to smother and spoil him.". She pulled me to her and put my head b/w her breasts. I don't want to sound like a pervert but, They were SO HUGE and SOFT!. I enjoyed the sensation so much. Naruko pouted, " No! I'll be!". Naruko pulled me to her breasts. Now, I think my teenage hormones are going get activated. When I thought they'll lose control, Naruto saved me by asking, " What is going on here?".

Kushina and Naruko looked at him. Naruko conveyed something to him through her eyes. Naruto then, " Sasuke! I am happy that you have made your loneliness known to us.". I didn't get a thing he said. He then announced with fire of enthusiasm, " C'mon now. Mom, Naruko. Let's give Sasuke a hug to crush the Loneliness inside him!". I was so scared!. This is not going to be well. Both Naruko and Aunty Kushina smothered me inside their breasts. I thought that this will end in some minutes but NO!. Naruto made an Announcement which could make this worse. He said, " As of now, We are going to take Sasuke in! It's the best solution.". I thought they'd refuse but no!. His Mom said, " It's going to be great with him Dattebane.".

Even though Sakura talks a lot of wanting to play the key role of the victory, Naruko and Naruto enthusiastic about being the greatest,Aunty Kushina happy about spoiling me and Kakashi wanting to read icha icha tactics all his life. I am happy that I met these people. They are my new Family.

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