Minato Approves and Harem Start

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* Naruko POV *

When we heard what Tsunade said, Mom looked straight at us. Sasuke looked at us. I asked, " How? ". Mom said, " His Chakra is still inside you! You can talk to him inside your consciousness. ". I asked, " How? ". She said something to Sasuke. Sasuke activated his Sharingan. He told us, " Naruto, Naruko and Kushina. Look into my eyes. I looked into his eyes. I felt like I teleported.

[ Inside Naruko ]

I was inside myself near the Kyuubi. It shouted, " What the hell is the Uchiha doing here? ". Sasuke asked, " I know their father is here. We want to talk to him. ". Suddenly, a voice came out saying, " Well, Who do we have here? ". Naruto, I and Mom hugged the man who came out. The Fourth Hokage, Dad, Minato Namikaze. Sasuke came near us saying, " It's nice to meet you! ". Dad looked at him and said, " How are you Sasuke-Kun? Long time no see. ". Sasuke asked perplexed, " We've met? ". Dad replied, " Yeah! When you were a baby and when you were a little kid. ". Sasuke then asked, " I'm honored!. But, We're here to discuss an important matter. ". Dad sighed and answered, " If you are talking about the " Mate " concept ", Worry not. I knew this would happen and I want to thank you! ". We were confused as hell!. Mom asked, " What do you mean by that? ". Dad replied, " Kushina, When the Uzumaki dies, The Mate lives on. But, When the Mate Dies, So does the Uzumaki. If Sasuke wasn't born, You'd died leaving Naruto and Naruko alone or worse, killing them. From the moment I saw him as a baby, I knew that he was a second mate. I just thought that it was an Uncertain accident. But in the end, His birth played a vital role in your lives. Sasuke has saved your life, Kushina, and let our children have at least one parent. And For that, I thank you Sasuke!. I thank you for being born and play a vital role in their lives. The Reason I trust Her to you s because I can see my body language in you. Plus, You saved her dignity without even thinking about its consequences. So, Will, you do this for me? ". Sasuke said something I never thought he would. He said, " I Promise! ". He promised! Sasuke always keeps his promise. Mom asked him, " Sasuke, You don't need to do this. We can find another- ". Sasuke cut her off by saying, " There is no other way! You've done this sin of loving me and making me your mate. So, You better act on it! ". Dad said, " It ain't a sin Sasuke. ".

* Kushina POV *

Minato kissed me and started disappearing. He said, "It seems that my time is over. Goodbye! ". Naruto and Naruko shouted, " DAD!! ". He said leaving, " Help them get control on Kyuubi too! ". Sasuke asked, " I think that we got our answer! ". We looked at him. Naruto said, " Sasuke, I agree on this because you both can be happy but do not expect me to call you dad!. ". Sasuke replied with a disgusted face, " Me? Your Father? I'd rather die than be that. ". We all laughed at that. We are finally back into the family mode. I went near Sasuke and examined his injuries. He took my hand off saying, " It's okay. ". Sasuke also said, " Look, I know nothing about love, but if me 'mating' with you is going to make you happy, I'll do my best to make you. That's my promise. ". I said hugging him, " Sasuke, You don't need to promise. I know you'd keep me happy. ". Naruto commented, " Is it me or are they acting like a couple? ". Naruko looked broken and told him, " They are now technically. ". Naruto asked her, " Why the long face? ". Naruko shouted, " That's it. I'm not going to hold back! ". Naruko pulled him from me and kissed Sasuke. I knew her feelings. But, I am not going to lose. I pulled him from her and kissed him. Naruto pulled him from me saying, " What is going on here? ". Sasuke asked, " What are you both doing ". Poor Sasuke, Having no clue. I brought Naruko near Sasuke and told him, " Sasuke, Take her as well. ". Sasuke asked me, " Where?". I explained, " I didn't tell you to take her to a place. I told you to 'take her' ". Sasuke got it and asked, " What?! Why?! ". I replied, " She has loved you from the start. It's unfair for me to take my daughter's lover. ". Sasuke asked, " Then, What about you? ". I said, " I'll be with you too! Just hidden. ". Naruto commented, " Sasuke is going to have a Harem! ". Sasuke said, " I'm not like that! ". Naruto said, " Well, You're gonna be. Look, I consider you my brother. Become one for real. ". Sasuke got it. He came near Naruko and asked her, " Are you okay with it? ". She said, " I don't care. I don't care. I'm not going to hide my feelings anymore. You can have a big harem of a hundred women. But, Let me be with you! ". Sasuke said, " Look, I ain't having a Harem of hundred women. If you think I can make you happy, then. I'll damn will ". I and Naruko hugged him and kissed him on his cheeks.

[ Outside ]

Finally, I got rid of my Guilt. In the End, Minato switched me in his place when the Kyuubi attacked us because Sasuke was alive to keep me alive. I turned Sasuke around and said, " Thank you Sasuke. ". He said, " No! Thank you for giving me this family ". Tsunade said, " Seems that You've settled differences. Sasuke, I've something important to talk to you! ". I and Naruko kissed him and left with Naruto to our home.


I'm planning on adding a few more in this Harem. What do you say? Next girl(s) to the Harem: Sakura and Ino. Please comment if you want Temari in. What about Samui? Mabui? Ayame? Hanabi? Hana?

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