Kushina's Suffering and a New Mission

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{ A Few Weeks Later }

* Naruko POV *

I was at home with Mom as Sasuke and Naruto went to the Hokage tower to report about a mission alone. We were watching some movies. I asked her, " Mom, When is Sasuke's birthday?". Kushina replied excited, " Next Month! ". I just now noticed something on her. She never used to get this much enthusiastic about Birthdays. Speaking of Birthdays, Doesn't she look a lot younger. I asked her, " Mom, What's your Age? ". She replied, " 43 ". I asked her shocked, " Seriously ". She asked me, " What about it? ". I told her, " Mom, You don't look like you're 43. You look like you're 22-24.". Mom laughed and said, " Stop Joking Naruko ". I told her, " I'm not joking!". She got serious. She asked, " Really?". I nodded and brought her to the mirror. She looks as young as she was when we were born.

 She looks as young as she was when we were born

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 She said shocked, " No Way!!! ". I looked at her. She was so beautiful. I complimented her, " Mom, You look so gorgeous. You Know What, Let's dress you up and go out!". She asked, " What? No!". I pulled her into the room. I passed some clothes and told her to try it. I came out of the room and went upstairs to get some of my things from Sasuke's room.

{ After Naruko Went Up }

* Kushina POV *

I just got off my robe and was in only a Bra and Panties. I felt a pain in my Womanhood. I went inside the bathroom and checked but found nothing wrong. She came out and saw Naruko. She asked, " What happened MOM? ". I assured her, " Nothing! ". I put on the clothes she picked for me.

{ The Next Day, Evening}

I had given my blood and urine for a test in the morning. I was summoned to the Hokage tower. I went in and asked the Hokage, " Did you summon me, Tsunade? ". Tsunade faced me and said, " Kushina, I don't know you'd be happy or sad about this. But, We've found the reason behind the Pain you felt!". I asked relieved, " Really? What is it?". She said, " You have found your mate.". I asked perplexed, " Mate?". She said, " It's so rare for this to happen. You have found a second mate. Minato was your first one. Now, there is someone else.". I was so pissed. I hissed at her, " What?! What are You talking about?!". She replied, " Uzumaki's have a separate type of chakra which chooses their partner or life, Especially Uzumaki Women. It only happens once but, You are a rare type which has found a second mate after the first's demise. That's What caused your aging in reverse. All that I can conclude that You're new mate is younger than you". I was so shocked. I couldn't speak. I asked her, " What if I didn't mate with my so-called 'mate'?". She answered, " The Pain will Continue. I can't do anything in this. I am Sorry Kushina.". I went home with guilt in my heart. I knew who my mate was. It'd be the most inhuman thing to do.

{ At Home }

I just came home. Naruto and Naruko left me a note that they'd are in an Emergency mission. I sat on the couch. I couldn't take this. How can I tell this to Naruto and Naruko?. How can I say that I have a new Mate?. The ears I held back fell from my eyes. I couldn't take it. I wanted to drown in these sorrows. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms hug me. I saw who it was. It was Sasuke. He asked me, " What happened? ". I didn't want him to worry about me. I replied, " No, it's nothing. ". He looked at my eyes and said, " I don't see you okay. Kushina. Whatever pain you have, You can express it to me. I'll be here to comfort you like you were for me when My Parents died!". I hugged HIM!. I just hugged the man who is responsible for my condition. I love Sasuke. Not as a kid but as a man. He is my Mate. How can I mate with him?. I think I'll deal with this pain. But for now, I'd be in his arms, Weeing my sorrow away. I'll do my best to support him, Even if I can't be anyone in it!.

{ The Next Morning }

* Sasuke POV *

I woke up and got ready. I checked on Kushina and found out that she was still asleep. I went on to the kitchen and made breakfast. I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and Anbu informed me that I and Kushina have a mission. I told him that we'd report to the Hokage after breakfast. He went away and I continued on breakfast. After preparing breakfast, I went into her room and woke her up. She woke up nuzzling, " Why did you wake me up early?". She revealed that she was in bra and panties only as the sheet on her fell. 

She realized what happened and screamed, " AHH!!!"

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She realized what happened and screamed, " AHH!!!". I ran outside blushing and shouting, " Sorry!".

  I ran outside blushing and shouting, " Sorry!"

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 She came out wearing her shirt. I went to her and apologized, " I'm sorry. You overslept and the Hokage wanted us to go on a mission. So, I had to wake you up. But, I never knew you'd sleep in those!". She asked me, " So you did see me?". I apologized again, " Sorry, I couldn't react faster as you were so captivating!". I put my head down. She placed a hand on my head and smiled. 

She then said, " It's Okay

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She then said, " It's Okay. It was an accident! ". We sat on the table to eat breakfast.

{ After Breakfast, The Hokage Tower }

Tsunade ordered, " I want you both to deliver this scroll to The Village South to Konoha. The Leader in it has to sign this to let our trade grow. Please try to convince our profit.". We said in unison, "Hai". We took the scroll and took off. She asked me, " Where do you think we should camp?". I replied, " Don't worry. I have a high-class tent. We can camp anywhere.". She smiled at me and said, " Smart Man". I complimented her, " Cute and Concerned Woman.". She blushed at that.

 I don't know why but It was cute

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 I don't know why but It was cute.

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