The Mission

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* Kushina POV *

We were currently in the village to get the deals done. They gave us a room in which we can stay. And it had to be only one room. We were currently in a restaurant. The Waitress was flirting with Sasuke. That kicked something in me. I told him, " Order fast!". He ordered the food fast and sent her away. He then asked, " Tomorrow, We'll convince about this deal and take off from here.". I told him, " Yeah! Let's do that.". We finished that and went to our room.

[ Inside the Room ]

It had only one bed. I was blushing in the thought that we'd sleep in the same bed. Sasuke said he'd take the floor. I retaliated, " No!, You can sleep with me in the bed.". He told me, " I don't think that'd be a good idea as you're so attractive and I might lose it!". I blushed at that. He thinks I'm Attractive. That made me want him to sleep with me more. I told him, " Then lose it!". He was startled. I was so embarrassed that I pilled him in the bed. We both separated and Sasuke put a pillow b/w us. I found it cute. I slowly cleared my mind and went to sleep.

[ The Next Morning ]

We were in the Daimyo's office. He welcomed us. We sat in a seat and Sasuke initiated the negotiation. The Daimyo was keen on eyeing me. It was so creepy!. I sat a little near to Sasuke. He then kept his hands on mine. My nervous feeling was gone. The Talks were subtle but, none of them agreed. He suddenly shouted, " NO! I won't even raise a penny!".Sasuke said calmly, " Sir, The Agreement says that each year, 7 million will be raised. From your earning, It's not even 1% of it". He darted at him, " This year, we've run short of crops. So NO!". Sasuke said casually, " Yeah! That's why people are throwing sacks of crops away like waste!". That's true. We saw it!. The Daimyo's lying. The Daimyo got angry. He shouted at us, " Capture them. ". Guards came in. We stood up. Before we did anything, The Daimyo said, " Don't think about retaliating. If you do, We will freeze all the money we used to give!". The Guards caught Sasuke. I asked him, " What do you want? ". He looked at me with lust in his eyes. He told me, " What I want is... You! ". I was shocked. He then told me, " Strip before me and sleep with me. ". I was so disgusted. I went to take off my top. My hands shivered while doing that. He came to me and tore my dress. I closed my eyes. I thought I'd feel An old, Ugly hands all over me but, I felt a piece of cloth and a manly, warm and caring hands hugging me. When I opened it, I saw the Daimyo knocked out cold. The guards were Knocked out cold. Sasuke had knocked them out and was now covering me. I could feel the pain he felt when he saw me in that state. He had tears in his eyes. He said, " I'm sorry I couldn't break free from there in time. I failed to protect you!".I held him and said, " no! You protected me again, Just like when you did years back. Sasuke, Thank you!". We hugged each other for some time. He parted and took out his sword. He was going to finish the Daimyo but I stopped him. We escaped from there and headed for Konoha.

[ In the Forest near Konoha, At the Tent that Sasuke built.] [ Start of little Lemon ]

We were currently in the forest. I still had the cloth Sasuke put on me.

 I told Sasuke, " Sasuke, I feel cold in this

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 I told Sasuke, " Sasuke, I feel cold in this.". He took off his shirt and put it around me. I could see his chest. He was heavily toned. I felt myself getting wet. My Uzumaki bloodline is getting awake. I tried controlling myself. I got up. He looked at me and asked, " What Happened? ". I took off the shirt and jumped on him as I couldn't hold this feeling in me anymore. I Love Him. He gave the closure I need when I needed it. He gave me the love I needed. Now, I have fallen for his attitude, care, nature...His everything. I told him, " I can't hold it anymore!". I kissed him and I could feel his lips respond in a second. 

I slowly kissed his neck and went down to his chest

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I slowly kissed his neck and went down to his chest. He groaned and then pulled me up to his face. He started kissing my neck and then went down to my collarbone. He took off my Bra and groped me. I moaned in pleasure. He sucked one of my nipples. I moaned like hell in the sensation of his lips on my nipples. Even though We can go on, We chose not to move any further. We made out in a passionate and slept in each other's arms.

[ The Next Morning, After reporting to the Hokage ] [ In the Uzumaki Household ]

We just reached the house. I still had guilt on this. Minato, I'm So Sorry. Hope you could forgive me. Naruto and Naruko welcomed us. I went on to my room to sleep in my guilt. But, The One more guilty was Sasuke. He is the one feeling more guilty. I hope he can forgive me for this shameful act!. Thinking about this, I drifted to deep sleep.

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