Instances and Reunion

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[ As we all know what happened. I'll only state the changes in these missions.]

Sasuke and Naruto won't be fighting each other in the Bridge Builder escort mission. Sasuke will be the one to notice the water and the ninjas in it. Naruto and Sasuke will be fighting Zabuza and Haku. Sasuke wouldn't go down by Haku as he will Break through all the ice. The Bridge will be named as  'The Naruto and Sasuke bridge' for their kindness and war skills. In the Chunin exams, The Third Hokage won't be killed as Orochimaru wasn't rogue in the first place. Gaara and his siblings will be here to take part in the exams. Hiruzen stepped down and let Tsunade become hokage. Sasuke went to train under Orochimaru. Naruto and Naruko went to train under Jiraya. Sakura trained under Tsunade.

After 4 long Years,

* Naruto POV *

I and Naruko was coming back from training with Ero-Sennin for 4 years who was recommended by my mom. 

We just entered the village and shot in to my home

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We just entered the village and shot in to my home. I went in and said, " We're Home, Dattebayo!". My mom came down and hugged us. She asked us, " How was the training?". I replied, " It was very good!". Naruko continued, " Except the part that Jiraya put his erotic thoughts in our brains.". Mom got pissed. She had her hair flying. I was soo scared!!!!. She shouted, " How Dare He!!!!". We calmed her down. I asked her, " Mom, I want to taste your cooking. I sorta lost it while eating out these 4 years.". She said happily, " C'mon. Mom's going to do your Favorite Ramen, Dattebane!". We eased off and sat for dinner. Suddenly, A snake came in. It was damn huge. I got in a battle stance! Mom said, " Stop Naruto. It's not and enemy!". A voice so familiar was heard, " East or West, Naruto is a Pest!". 

It was Sasuke

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It was Sasuke. He was with the guy on a snake. Naruko intertwined her fingers with Sasuke's in a manner of hugging.

 Naruko intertwined her fingers with Sasuke's in a manner of hugging

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I asked him, " Who is that on the snake?". He replied, " He is Orochimaru, My teacher. He was also the team mate of your teacher, Jiraya!". I greeted him, " OH!! It's nice to meet you!". He replied with a smile, " It's nice to meet Minato's son!". My Mom greeted him, " Well, How did Sasuke do?". He replied, " He did exceptionally great. I can't hope for a better student. Well, I have to give The Hokage Information. So, I'll be taking my leave. See you all later!". He left the House and head to the hokage monument!. Mom gave Sasuke a bear hug. Poor Sasuke!. Have to get a bear hug. But, He hugger her back!. He was still alive. I have to get tips from him on how to survive from Mom's Bearhugs. We sat for lunch. Mom's ramen is heaven!. It's so good! Dattebayo!. The weird thing was that Mom was staring at Sasuke all the time for no reason. When she takes her eyes off, Sasuke looks at her.  He then face palms. I don't get their attitude. Well, It wasn't important so I chose to ignore it.

After Breakfast.

I, Naruko and Sasuke went out to hangout. Sasuke didn't agree at first but we made him to. Outside we saw Sakura. She has grown more prettier in my opinion.

 She has grown more prettier in my opinion

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Sasuke called her out, " Sakura!". She looked at us. She smiled and ran to us. She came and hugged Sasuke saying, " Welcome back, You three!".

 She came and hugged Sasuke saying, " Welcome back, You three!"

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We greeted her, " We're Back.". Sasuke asked, " By the Way, How did you train?". She replied, " I trained very hard under Lady Tsunade and now I feel stronger!". Sasuke replied, "Can feel it in your bear hug!". Sakura pouted cutely. Naruko put her arm around Sakura and said, " Let's go and meet the others.". We started running to the training ground. We saw our friends there. Hinata, who was nervous for a reason I don't know blushed.

* Naruko POV *

Hinata was blushing at Naruto.  He still doesn't get it that she loves him. We also saw the rest of our friends. Shikamaru was talking with choji and Ino. We went and sat near them. Sasuke said, " Shikamaru, I think I am ready for a game!". Shikamaru took out the shogi board and said, " Let's go". Their going to start their shogi. Oh boy! They will do this for hours. Ino interrupted it by hugging Sasuke from behind. Somehow, That hit a nerve inside me. I pulled him to me and placed his head b/w my breasts.

Sakura got angry and pulled Sasuke off me and hugged him

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Sakura got angry and pulled Sasuke off me and hugged him. Sasuke yelled, " What is happening here?". He got out of it and stood up. All three of us hugged from all  three sides. Naruto pulled him off us. We gave him the death glare. Sasuke ran away in that gap. We were yelling at Naruto for that.

* Sasuke POV * 

I just ran away from those three. They just show their care in a more 'violent' way. I went in the house in which I and the Uzumaki's live. Kushina, She told me to call her by her name, was seated on the couch. She saw me and called me, " Sasuke. what happened? You came back so fast! Miss me so much?". She was trying to tease me. I replied, " If I did, Will you spoil me?". She motioned me to sit with her on the couch. I sat near her. She put my face in b/w her breasts. She should know that I'm a teenage boy with hormonal imbalances. Damn it! These breasts feel so good. So Soft!. I think I might get addicted!. Kushina shows how she cares about me in a more silent way now, Unlike the bearhug!. I think I might get used to this ' Spoiling Me ' thing. Well, I think this is what a family is.

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