Mission Assigned and An Admirer!

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* Naruko POV *

I just woke up from my usual nap in my room. I heard Sasuke call out for us. Mom had a small errand to run, so she was not here. Naruto is roaming as always. I stalked out of the room quietly and jumped him. He caught me in time and we kissed in the same position. He let me down after that. He told me, " Inform the others, I'll be on a Mission. ". I replied, " Okay. What kind of mission is this? ". He replied, " I am going to Suna as an Envoy to manage things on our behalf for the Chunnin Exams in Suna.". I was surprised. I asked him, " When did you become an Envoy? ". He replied, " Don't know, I'll be going now.". Mom asked me suddenly, " What happened? ". I explained the situation to Mom. She said, " Good Luck in your Mission. Be back a little fast so that you get to enjoy some.....' Services'.". She gave him a seductive pose. Sasuke was smirking at her. I wasn't going to lose. I started to seduce him. He smirked at me now. Mom didn't give up. She started touching him increasing the temperature. I did the same. Sasuke said with a tinge of pink in his cheeks, " Hey! I have a mission. This is not a time to do this! ". Mom said seductively, " I-think-it-is! ". Sasuke was hard! I could feel it! He suddenly disappeared. We were shocked. How dare he leave like that! He's in for some real punishment When he comes back! [Narrator: Oh O! Sasuke in for some Real Trouble!]

* Sasuke POV *

I was on the gates when Naruto came in mission gear. I asked, " Why are you here? ". He told me, " I'm going with you on this. Granny told me! Dattebayo! ". I said, " Let's Go! ". We bumped fists and took off.

[After 3 Hours]

We made a tent to rest. He took out the instant Ramen. I facepalmed and asked, " Can't you anything else than Ramen? ". He replied, " No! Ramen is my Life! ". I snatched that Ramen away. He looked at me with anger. I told him, " Ramen only for Tonight ". Naruto said, " Alright ". I handed it to him and took out my Rice Cakes to eat. After the meal, I stayed on guard while he slept. We switched the job after some time.

[Morning 7 'o' Clock]

* Temari POV *

I woke up and went up to brush my teeth. Today is the Chunin Exams. It's going to be one hell of a job. Well, I have to report to the Kazekage. I took a shower and dressed in my gear. I went out, locked my door, and headed to the Kazekage tower. When I entered, I saw Him!!!! It was Uchiha Sasuke. He greeted me, " It's good to see you Temari! ". I replied, " It's good to see you too! ". Gaara told us, " Temari, You and Sasuke go to the ground while we will supervise from the top. We said, " Hai!!".


I asked him, " Had breakfast? ". He replied, " No! ". I asked him, " Want to get some? ". He replied, " are you asking me on a date? ". I blushed and said, " No! I just asked if you wanted Breakfast not- ". He interrupted me by laughing. He was just teasing me. He said, " You're so cute you know that! ". I blushed again. He told me, " Lead the way!". I brought him to my favorite restaurant. We sat and ordered our favorites. I used to know the waiter so he asked me, " Finally found a Boyfriend eh? ". I became super red. I replied in panic, " N...No! It's not like that!!! ".He replied, " Whatever you say! ". he went away and we focused on our meals. I asked him, " Well how is life going. ". He replied, " Great! Except some part of it! ". He asked me about me. I told him that it was fine. We finished our meal and he paid for it. I told him, " Why? I'll do it!! ". He shut me off with an 'It's ok'. I was admiring him while he was observing the buildings. Sasuke is a handsome friend with a kind heart and an Amazing Combat Skill. He is the Ideal Ninja. He was the one who helped me find closure. Now, I feel attracted to him. Hope this doesn't come in the way of the mission.

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