Chapter 3: Crimson Red

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Mumbo needed a workshop, somewhere out of the way of anything important. He would've used his industrial district, but there simply wasn't enough space. It was also far too cold there. So, after a quick chat with Scar, he scored an area off the coast of the SD. It was very close to his old campaigning HQ, which he needed to take down anyways so at least that was convenient.

After a slightly embarrassing crash landing on the mustache-shaped building, Mumbo got to work. He'd really built it as a joke, not exactly investing in his campaign. He was more of a filler candidate, the real competition between Stress and Scar. And now it was time to tera the place down.

A couple boomer-worthy explosions and half a shulker of grey concrete later, Mumbo had replaced the HQ with a large platform. He had several shulkers of redstone materials scattered about, and had set up a few tables. Mumbo quickly built up the sides and placed a roof on top, as well as plenty of lighting to avoid mobs.

It wasn't much, but it was a workshop. Open enough that any unexpected explosions didn't do too much damage, warm but not too hot thanks to the sea, and it was away from anything important.

So Mumbo got to work. He built a mock-up first, a smaller robot that was basically a box with limbs. After a couple calculations, Mumbo scrapped the design, keeping the mockup but building the final product differently.

Rather than having one central unit, Mumbo opted for a torso and head. He also made the torso a little more triangular, not quite avoiding the blocky middle. While the mockup was barely a block tall, the final was lifesize, standing just a little shorter than Mumbo. And as Mumbo began putting some details on, he began to ponder names.

He wanted to name it Mumbot at first, but it felt a little obvious, a little bland even. As Mumbo was searching for something to add onto the name, he noticed how the robot's "hair" looked similar to Grian's.

It sounded silly, but "Grumbot" had a nice ring to it. Maybe he could make the mockup it's little brother and name it "Jrumbot" or something. Mumbo chuckled at the thought.

Now for the internal components.


"So, how's it coming along?"

"Our 'ally' will be done in a couple days." Taurtis answered, rubbing his eyes.

Grian grinned. "Ally, huh?"

Taurtis stretched. "You sound a lot more cheery."

"Exy's yucky void medicine really does do wonders." Grian agreed.

Ex nodded. "And now that you're feeling better, I should take that mission. I need to arrive before that plan we discussed is set in motion. I'm actually ready to go, I was just waiting for you two to wake up."

"Hey Exy?"

"Yeah Gri?"

"When you see him, um, could you tell him I'm sorry for leaving him behind?"

Ex laughed. "Don't worry, he already knows that. I'm off, I guess. I know it's abrupt, but I need to get there as soon as possible."

Taurtis nodded. "Alright, just stay safe. You're sure you remember the IP address?"

"Yes Tortoise, I'm sure. As soon as ET's distracted, I'm gonna blip away. Already changed the message in advance."

Taurtis open his mouth to say bye, but Ex muttered something under his breath before as he said, blipping away.

Set world spawn to -1000, 876


ET frowned as a message popped up.

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