Chapter 17: Downhill

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Mumbo dropped to his knees in utter shock.

No, no he had to be dreaming. He was dreaming, right?

Mumbo took a shaky breath and put a hand to his mouth. He'd just... He just lost Jrumbot, just like that. Gone, taken by the enemy.

He felt sick, his gut churning and threatening to empty itself. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

Jrumbot was gone. Missing. Somewhere he'd never be able to find him.

Arms wrapped around him, stirring him from his thoughts.

"WE'LL GET HIM BACK. I PROMISE." Grumbot did his best to comfort his father.

"That guys just... That guy just kidnapped a small child!" Iskall's voice was full of shock. "This guy's a psycho!"

Xisuma, meanwhile, was typing on his communicator, letting EX know what had happened.

Xisumavoid: something happened

Evil-Xisumavoid: tell me

Xisumavoid: Jrumbot was just kidnapped by ET

Evil-Xisumavoid: That's bad. But, we do have some good news

Xisumavoid: We could use some about now

Evil-Xisumavoid: We may have figured out the next course of action

Evil-Xisumavoid: In order to stop the sickness, we have to find the source. That means finding ET.

Xisumavoid: That's news alright, but I wouldn't call it good.

Evil-Xisumavoid: You have a point

Evil-Xisumavoid: For now, just make sure no-one else gets infected


Jrumbot had began to realize that the situation he was in wasn't normal.

At this point, he just wanted to go home. He'd been in this end city for about an hour now, unable to leave the room. He already missed Grumby and Papa. They were probably worried sick.

He was helpless, trapped in this place. He didn't know what was happening, and wasn't sure he wanted to know.

He just wanted to go home.


Hels smiled as he walked around the shopping district. It was lush and green, not a block of mycelium in sight. Well, no bother. he had work to do, after all.

Making his way to the hill near the proud Goat Mountain, Hels spotted his victim.

Sure, the sickness only worked on alters, but that wasn't his responsibility. Wizard Scar was in charge of infecting. He on the other hand, was just having fun. Ah, once Beesuma was recruited, things would be more entertaining, with admin commands on their side. For now he just had to make do with a death loop trap.

For other players, that was easier said than done, but once the sun began to set, all of Bdub's attention was on his bed, ready to sleep the night away. That gave Hels plenty of time to set something up.

Perhaps a pit with lava, fully surrounding the bed. Yeah that would do nicely. Hels hummed to himself as he danced around the sleeping hermit, setting the trap up. He stood back when he finished, sitting on a shulker with a lever by his side.

His favorite part would have to be the obsidian trick. Encasing the bed in obsidian and adding torches would force the player to spawn on a specific block upon waking up. Thanks to the obsidian, Bdubs wouldn't be able to break his bed and escape to spawn island. He'd be right where Hels wanted him.

The night passed quickly, and right on cue, Bdubs appeared on the exact block Hels wanted him on.

The panic was fun to watch, Bdubs frantically trying to figure out what was going on.

"Wha-?! What's going- Wha?" Bdubs spotted Hels, looking nervous.

Hels laughed. "You know, I was bored and you were an easy target. I hope there's no hard feelings."

By now, Bdubs had figured out the trap. The fear settled in, the builder looking terrified.

"Of course, there's no use waiting. Hope you like lava!" And with that, Hels pulled the lever.

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Keralis: Oh no!!! Bubbles!!

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Joehillssays: This is bad

ZombieCleo: Poor BDubs

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Docm77: I'm gonna try to rescue him

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Iskall85: Try dropping him a fire res

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Stressmonster: Would he be able to drink it time?

Bdoubleo100 tried to swim in lava

Docm77: one way to find out

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