Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Eli, please stop." I pushed as hard as I could to get out of his hold but it was to no prevail. I was left with no other option, I kneed him in his groin and he slowly rolled off of me in pain. He grabbed himself and groaned. I backed away slowly towards the door watching him as I went. I debated whether to run or not but as soon as he started to growl I kicked off the heels and took off down the stairs and out the backdoor.

That was probably the worst mistake I have ever made, for one, as I looked behind me Eli was sprinting out the backdoor, eyes glowing gold and coming right for me. Two, I didn't even think of where I was going to go, so now I'm running through the woods in just a dress and no shoes. His footsteps were getting closer and his growls more animalistic. Those sprints at the track with Cousin Jake are finally starting to kick in. I ran until I came to a clearing, breathing heavy, I looked around not seeing Eli anywhere. "Where did he go?"

"Well, well, well, look what we have here boys." I spun around towards the voice, and there stood eight shirtless guys all very muscular. You would think this would be every woman's dream, to see eight hot guys but no. The one who spoke stepped forward, he had dark brown hair and a scar that started from his hairline and went down to his chin. "What's your name beautiful?" I didn't say anything, I was too afraid, they all look like they could kill me with their bare hands. "I asked you a question?" he snarled. I took a step back but he grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked me towards him.

His other hand took hold of my chin, his lip pulled up in a snarl which soon changed into a smirk. "Since you don't seem to want to answer, how about I just call you...Darlin." I never wanted to smack someone so hard in the face with a chair, then I did at this moment. "Let me go." I growled out. Scarface pulled on my hair again, "You're not goin anywhere Darlin. Boys, how's we show this little one how we like to play." I looked over his shoulder to see all of them smirking and moving in closer. Going with what I've seen in movies, I spit in my captors face and kneed him in his groin.

He bent over and groaned, "You bitch." I took that as my chance to run, so I sprinted off in the opposite direction. I didn't get far, because the next thing I know, I was being tackled to ground. Not by a man but a giant brown wolf.  Before I knew it the wolf was biting into my shoulder tearing flesh. I screamed, the pain was unbearable it felt like thousands of sharp knives cutting deep into my skin. The wolf was knocked off me and growls filled the open woods. I rolled over onto my back watching as the black wolf tore apart the other wolves. My vision began to blur and it was getting harder to focus on what was in front of me. More wolves joined in, and all I could hear were growls and snarls before complete silence.

"Emily! Come on open your eyes."

I didn't even realize my eyes where even closed, when I opened them Eli stood in front of me with no shirt and a pair of shorts. Blood ran down the side of his mouth and out of a wound on his chest that looked to be healing fairly quickly.

"Hey look at me, it's going to be okay I've got you." I nodded or what I hoped was a nod. He lifted me off the ground, my head resting on his chest. The pain in my shoulder intensified, as he moved my body. Everything after that became a blur, it became harder to keep my eyes open. I wanted to tell him to stop but no words would come out, and by then the darkness covered my eyes.


"Is she going to be okay?"

"I-I-I'm not sure yet alpha." The sound of something hitting the wall made me flinch. I wanted to open my eyes but my body wouldn't comply.
"Figure it out!"


"You need to eat." A man's voice? The man sighed and set the tray down on a table.

"I'm not hungry."

"Eli, you need to take care of yourself. Don't let her see you this way." The mans voice was rough and sounded like an older Eli.
"Dad, don't. Just leave."


I slowly opened my eyes, the light from the room making me wince. I looked down at my arm to see an IV. I pulled the oxygen mask off my face and went to pull the IV's out when a hand stopped me. My eyes met Eli's, his face looked warn out, he had dark bags under his eyes, his hair started growing back and he was wearing the same shorts from yesterday, or I think it was yesterday.

"How are you feeling?" his voice was a whisper.

"I should be asking you that." My voice cracked and Eli handed me a cup of water which I took eagerly. I cleared my throat after downing the whole thing. "Thank you." Silence filled the room, I became more aware that Eli was still holding my hand. I moved to sit up but the pain in my shoulder made me halt my movements. I stared at the bandage that was wrapped around my shoulder and sides.

"I'm so sorry Emily." Eli's voice brought my attention to him, he had tears in his eyes. "I shouldn't have left you in the woods like that, it was stupid of me. All of this is because of me, I chased you into the woods. What happened in your room the other ni-"

"How long have I been here?"

"A week." My jaw dropped there was no way I was out that long. It felt like it happened only a few days ago. "Where am I?"

Eli looked away with a pained expression on his face. He seemed to think over whether he should tell me or not. "Eli."

He kept his gaze on the floor as he said, "You're at the pack infirmary."

"The what?" I was cut off by shouting coming from the hallway. "Where is she?!"

The door swung open, three guys trying to hold my mother back. "Mom?" She walked over to me, eyes filling with tears. "Oh, my baby, are you okay?" She grabbed the hand that Eli was once holding. Speaking of Eli he was standing over by the group of guys that came barging in with my mother. They all whispering to each other, when all I eyes looked over at me I looked back at my mother. "I'm fine, mom. How did you even know I was here?"


Authors Note:

Things are starting to get intense.. Thank You for reading :)


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