Tweek Tweak // Stay With Me

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Date: 4/26/2020
Time: 4:52PM
Age: 16
Extra: You're an orphan who travels across the country. You've been doing it since you were 13. The world is way less technologically advanced, phones don't exist, computers don't exist...basically like the old world but more politically advanced (for ex: slavery is already illegal and everyone is able to vote). Basically the only thing that changes is tech.

I tied Atlas, my black horse that I'd had since I'd started this adventure, up outside of the only café that I could find in this town. I stroked his mane for a second with a small smile.

"I'll be back out soon bud," I muttered quietly to him. I pulled my bag off of him and tossed it over my shoulder. I looked up at the sign before I walked into the café or, as the sign read, Tweek Bros. Coffee. I walked up to the counter and sat on one of the stools. There weren't many people there, but there were a few.

I pulled my notebook out and started to write while waiting for someone to take my order.

'South Park - Day 1 - I have just arrived in South Park after a two day trip from Kansas. It seems to be a small and quiet town but I've learned before that looks can be deceiving. It is almost night but I need something warm to drink before I find a place to sleep.'

I stopped my writing as a blond boy walked up to me on the other side of the counter. I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.

"S-sorry if you've had to w-wait a while-gah-w-what would you like?" The boy asked. I furrowed my eyebrows. I suppose I should've thought about this while waiting.

" you have [Favourite Hot Drink]?" I asked. He nodded. "Could I get one of those, please?"

He nodded once again and walked away, presumably to make my drink. I pulled out the little money that I had as he walked back up to me.

"How much is it?"

"$1.15," he said. I handed him the money after he sat my drink on the counter.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said after a short pause. I understood why he paused. I normally worked as a waitress in the places I went and most people were generally rude or just didn't say please and thank you.

He walked away after a few seconds to help another customer.

I took my drink in my hands and held it up to my face. The heat from the drink warmed me. I hadn't been prepared for the cold up in the mountains. Luckily it wasn't too cold, though I didn't know how long that would last. I drank a bit of my drink and sat it back down.

After a few minutes, the boy came up to me carrying a plate with a piece of cake on it. He sat it down in front of me and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"C-courtesy of the guy in th-the corner booth. J-just a warning if you go to th-thank him, though, he's a b-bit of a flirt," the boy said before walking away once more.

I turned to look at the corner booth and there was a brunet boy in a school letterman jacket. He had a shit-eating grin on his face as he winked at me. I turned back to the cake and rolled my eyes.

I grabbed the fork and took a bite of it. It wasn't bad and not just because I hadn't had cake in months. When I'd finished, I got up and walked over to the brunet, leaving my bag sitting on the stool and remembering the warning that the blond had given me.

"Thank you for the cake," I said, standing in front of him. He looked me up and down, eyes scanning every part of my body. His eyes rested on a part of my body just a little under my head for a few seconds too long for my taste.

"You're welcome, miss. You wanna come back to my place and really thank me?" He asked, locking eyes with me. I solidified my eyes into a glare and scowled at him.

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