Kyle Broflovski // Touch-Starved

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Date: 7/11/20
Time: 4:42PM
Age: 16
Extra: You're a succubus, meaning you get energy/power from things like kissing and holding hands and stuff(the only info I have about succubi is from Seduce Me: The Otome). So, wattpad does this weird thing where the oneshot looks fine until after I post then it's like...double entered or whatever. Its probably something with where I copy-paste from but I have to go through and delete the enter and redo the enter but I gave up, like, halfway through this one so I'm sorry. Love you guys!

I sighed as I lay down in my bed, silence ingulfing the house. I had just got home from work and a migraine was quickly making its way into my head. Both from the annoyance of the people that came into the coffee shop and from the lack of touch I've gotten since moving to South Park.

I wish I had stayed in {Hometown}. But, no, my parents had to send me to live with my grandma.

I groaned as I heard my phone ringing, the sound piercing my head like a knife. I grabbed it from my pocket and saw that it was Kyle calling me. I clicked the answer button and held the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Kyle. What's up?" I asked quietly.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you good? You're being unusually quiet," he said.

"Oh, I'm good. I just got a bit of a migraine. Anyway, what's up?" I asked again, staring up at the ceiling of my room.

"Not much. The guys and I were just wondering if you wanted to come over to Cartman's and hang out. But, I mean, if you're really hurting that badly, you don't have to," he said.

"Oh, I'll come over. I took some Tylenol so that should kick in soon and I'll be perfectly fine. Are ya'll over there right now?"

"Nah, we're heading to his house right now. We walked to Tweek Bros. hoping to catch you but I guess we were too late," he said with a chuckle.

"Ok. I'll meet you guys at Cartman's. Why are the other guys being so quiet?" I asked as I got up.

"They're a bit ahead of me so you probably just can't hear them," he said.

"Oh, ok. I'll see you guys at Cartman's."

"See ya."

I pulled my phone away from my ear with a sigh as he hung up. Moving slowly, I got up and changed from my work clothes. Instead of brushing my hair, I just ran my hand through it and pulled a jacket on. As I walked out of the house, the cold air nipped at my exposed face and neck. I stood on the porch for a few seconds with my eyes closed, trying to forget about my pounding head.

When it didn't work, I started walking to Cartman's. The walk was a bit hard, the sun shining down into my eyes. My head was pounding the entire way.

When I finally got to Cartman's house, I knocked on the door and prayed that it would be open quickly.

To my luck, it was opened quickly.

"Oh, hello, Y/N. Come on in. The boys are in the basement," Mrs. Cartman said as I walked in.

"Thanks, ma'am," I said before walking downstairs. Kyle, Stan, and Cartman were sitting on the couch and Kenny was in one of the two chairs. I plopped down in the other chair and closed my eyes, listening to the boys playing Mario Kart.

"Fucking shit! Where'd the fucking red shell come from!?" Stan yelled, making my ears ring. I bit my lip in pain and closed my eyes tighter.

"God dammit! Fuck you, Kyle! Damn fucking blue shell! I was gonna win!" Cartman complained.

"Well, you aren't gonna win anymore. Sorry, fatass," Kyle said, calmly.

This type of dialogue went on for a few minutes before...

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