(St.) I thought i told you!

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"I thought i told you to do something once i came back home."

Silence filled the room.


What Author Sees :

Tae just sat there nervous while Jungkook looked at him coldly eyes twitching and having a dark stare towards Tae. "Tae keep on sitting there and it will get worser."

Tae quickly ran to the room shutting the door forgetting to lock the door. going to his closet then grabbing a piece of clothing that would be a lingerie he was then stripping off his clothes and changing into it not seeing a bunny staring at him changing into it getting hard.

Tae was done then went on the bed uncomfortably sitting there he then heard a door knock.

"Are you done changing baby boy." Tae was certainly scared nothing coming out of his mouth but just staring at the door in front of him for a good two minutes.

"Tae, you just made it worst for not responding to daddy." Tae gulped and decided to talk since he knew he couldn't go back and fix the problem he was already in much worse danger.

"C-come in i-im d-d-done." Tae stuttered while tears build up his eye but quickly wiped them away before Jungkook could see and it showed that Tae didn't look like he just haded taers.

Jungkook walked up to the beauty in his eyes if that's how he would explain it in his POV.

Tae was nervous so he scooted back more which Jungkook noticed then he went to the side of the bed and started to tower over Tae which made Tae blush and whine from such sensation between the two.

Jungkook harshly grabbed Tae's wrist then said. "Why back away huh?" Tae just squirmed to lose the grip but Jungkook just hold on tighter.

"I asked you a question and your gonna answer." Tae then replied. "S-sorry." Was all that came out Jungkook thought it was pity so he squeezed Tae's thigh tighter enough to make Tae whine by the sudden feeling. Jungkook lifted Tae's head up and said. "Baby boy either don't say sorry or let me fuck you ten times harder but i need a response." Tae was shocked.

Tae decided to think but Jungkook took it as fuck him ten times harder since he didn't answer him he didn't even tell him he haded time to even think.

Jungkook then made his way over Tae's neck and started to suck and nip at it for some time making Tae moan out loud. "Ahh~ Ju-jung-jungk-." Tae was cut off by a loud SMACK! in his ass making Tae moan since his skin is sensitive. "Call me Daddy baby boy ok." Tae then nodded but Jungkook wasn't even satisfied so he gave him a loud SMACK! in the ass again making Tae moan even more.

"Words baby." Tae whined then said. "Okay Daddy." Kookie was satisfied after he heard the words that managed to come out of his baby.

Kookie then slammed his lips onto his baby making Tae kiss back forgetting to tell kookie that he didn't even give him his answer if he wants it ten times harder or say something else than sorry.

Kookie smirked as his baby boy kissed him back. Kookie deepened the kiss making it feel hot around them Kookie then started unbuckling his his pants unzipping it.

Kookie then separated the kiss leaving a trail of saliva then breaking Kookie then started to be turned on even more after seeing Tae's glossy lips pouting.

"Get on your knees and start sucking Daddy off okay." Tae didn't even hesitate to say. "Okay Daddy." Making Kookie groan Tae suddenly felt turned on like it was his first time with his Daddy being top. 'Next thing i know is that i won't be able to walk while picking up the child hope he doesn't find us doing anything disturbing.' Tae then got oh his knees and started to pump Kookie's big and veiny cock that stood up like a stick.

Tae's Daddy let out sweet groans and moans that were music to his baby boy's ears Tae then started to give it kitty licks. "Don't tease or i'll go extra hard on you instead of ten." Tae then put the head of it inside his warm mouth making Kookie groan and moan.

Tae then started to take the whole thing inside his little mouth Kookie has a little mouth to but he can take Tae's cock in whole as well.

Tae then started to swirl his mouth then bob his bead up and down.

Jungkook then started groaning loud and moaning loud making Tae turn on even more Kookie then took Tae off of him which made Tae whine. "You needy slut." Tae whined again at the the pet name. "Get on all fours."

Tae went on all fours ass up in the air in front of Kookie's face Kookie undressed himself first then Tae taking the lingerie off of him grabbing his waist then slowly pushing himself in Tae first felt uncomfortable while Kookie groaned at the tightness.

After a couple of minutes Tae felt the uncomfortably sensation go away and felt pain once Kookie pushed in and out slowly tears building up his eyes.

Kookie kissed the tears away to distract the pain still moving Tae then started to feel pleasure. "Ahhhh~f-faster D-daddy." Was all that came out Kookie didn't even hesitate to even move faster making Tae moan at the pleasure he feels Kookie quickly found his prostate and kept hitting it groaning as Tae's walls perfectly wrapped around his cock.

"AHHHH~D-DADDY R-R-RIGH-T TH-ERE DEEP-ER F-F-FAST-ER." Was all that came out Tae's mouth Kookie then quickened up his pace and moved quickly "I-IM C-CUM-MING D-AD-DY." Kookie quickly quickened up his pace again not even caring and only focusing to his release. Tae moaned out loud his eyes rolled back as he came all around the bed and his chest.

Kookie thrust the last three times and soon aftter he came inside Tae making Tae moan as the hot liquid was inside of him.Tae came again as well because it took Kookie like a good fifty minutes to cum.

Kookie got himself out of Tae then Tae whined feeling nothing inside of him. "Still needy huh whore." Tae blushed as he looked away then sat down Kookie went to the bathroom grabbing a towel cleaning him and Tae up.

Then they both fell asleep. "Hey Tae?you awake?" Tae hummed at the response. "We will get the adult tomorrow ok." Tae then nodded then fell asleep after the experience they just haded plus Jungkook lended Tae a big huge blue hoodie which reached his mid thigh he was completely naked under. While Jungkook just wore some sweat pants and of course underwear since he didn't like the feeling of being completely naked down his lower half and then wearing sweat pants like ew no.

They slept peacefully while Jungkook's hands were at Tae's waist. And Tae snuggling his head of the crook of Kooks neck.

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