(St.) Toxic.

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"Good." Said Kookie after that he opened the door and saw how Yoongi and Tae looked a mess he bit his lips. "Ready for round two but with light." Said Kookie smirking making Tae and Yoongi smirk at the sudden comment Kookie gave them.


Tae and Yoongi didn't know what to do suddenly Kookie approached them. "Looks like none of you can answer but can blush hm." Said Kookie making Tae look away while Yoongi looked down nervously.

Tae wanted to say something but didn't know what to say then he felt something touch his chin rising it up Yoongi felt something go to his chin rising it up as well.

By a sudden bunny... "Say something." Said Kookie. "S-sorry i just i- um tired." Said Yoongi but Kookie knew he wasn't Yoongi tried to get away... Again but he was lying at the same time...

"I don't like fibbers kitten."

A fibber means someone who lies just incase you didn't know but if you did you might've not or did read this.

"I- i know but i don't wanna do any-" Yoongi was cut off by a sudden kiss Tae didn't dare try to look because he thought something was going to happen which did...

"Tae baby don't look away but if you are then you could get on your knees happily but if you don't want to look at me instead." Said Kookie but what happened next was unexpected...

Tae got on his knees.

"Oh i see you decide to look away but get on your own knees on your own like a little slut you are." Said Kookie sending shivers down Tae's spine.

"Um uh i- i- di-dn't mean to i- i- just don't w-wanna l-look." Said Tae with fear. "Finger yourself the both of you but i want the both of y'all looking at me and make sure i didn't stutter." Kookie said Taegi were shock. 'Did he really just say that.' The both thought.

Tae and Yoongi sat spreading their legs in front of Kookie creating a show for him.

Tae then inserted himself by his own finger making him moan lowly while Kookie only groaned.

Yoongi then inserted his own self as well moaning then after that the both putted two fingers in.

Moaning loudly the music Kookie could hear moaning loud enough then they both inserted three moaning loud enough then four pulling in and out soon after they added the fifth...

They started moaning loud very loud Kookie groaned loudly but got tired so he took the fingers out of Yoongi and rammed inside of him. "I don't want none of y'all to cum unless i tell you to." Said Kookie making the both whine.

Kookie then started to groan feeling the tightness of Yoongi soon after he cummed but squeezed Yoongi's cock to prevent him from cumming."AHHHH~D-ADDY TH-THE-RE RI-RIGHT TH-AHHHH~" Was all Yoongi said maming Kookie smirk.

Then he added Yoongi's fingers back in still squeezing he even squeezed Tae's. "Ahhhh~ D-ahhhh~ddyyyyy~" Taegi moaned but differently.

Kookie entered Tae making Tae moan loud. "AHHHH~ TH-THERE D-AD-D-D-YYYYY AHHHHH~" Said Tae making Kookie smirk devilous at the sudden action there was.

Once he cummed inside of him he putted Tae's fingers in squeezing both of them. "Ahhhh~ D-da-daddy c-can i pl-please c-um~" Said Tae. "Ple-please i-i wa-wanna c-um a-as-w-e-e-ll." Said Yoongi both of them begging.


"Cum." Was all Kookie said letting go without hesitation the both of them cummed.

"Ahhh~" was what Tae and Yoongi said feeling their hot liquid go on their chest and some on the seats. "Come on let's you both cleaned up." Kookie said calm and since he was muscular he carried Yoongi while Tae was on his back.

They reached the bathroom then Kookie cleaned both of them up.

"I-im sleepy." Said Yoongi. "M' sleepy too." Said Tae Kookie dressed them up Yoongi in shorts and a shirt and Tae a shirt and some sweatpants with underwear of course. Taegi slept Kookie was exhausted as well so he slept as well.

They slept peacefully after little snores leaving their mouths.

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