(St.) What Happens Under The Blankets Again!

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Yoongi ate some cum looked like no one noticed.


What Author Sees:

Once Yoongi was done eating some cum he went to grab a bag of snacks but it turned out that Tae gave it to him.

Yoongi went and laid down looked like Tae wanted Yoongi's comfort.

But what Yoongi didn't know was that Kookie was getting another boner and Tae haded to help him again.

Tae sat on Kookie's lap so that Yoongi could adjust his lap. Kookie grew another boner Tae felt something picking his ass so rised up a little and look under the blankets to see but he saw Kookie having another boner.

Tae was Shocked Kookie pulled down Tae's pants and underwear again and did the same to himself. They saw that Yoongi was awake and just watched the tv.

Kookie then slid himself in making Tae let out a low moan Yoongi noticed he had really good ears but he didn't wanna go and tell them that he knew he stayed quiet then he felt a little bit of movements he took a little glance at them Kookie saw him they made eye contact.

Tae noticed and made eye contact with Yoongi as well soon after Tae grabbed Yoongi's wrist harshly pulling him in front of them making Yoongi yelp.

"S-stop your hurting my wrist." Yoongi said feeling pain in his wrist soon after Tae pulled down Yoongi's pants and underwear making Yoongi gasp.

Then Tae putted Yoongi above him then rammed himself inside so Kookie was fucking Tae and Tae was fucking Yoongi.

Kookie groaned since Tae went deeper Yoongi haded tears from the sudden action Tae haded. "S-top im-im alre-ady sore Ahhhhhh~" Yoongi said Tae smirked and bounced Yoongi up and down while he bounces on Kookie.

Soon after their position changed.

Tae was thrusting in Yoongi's little pink hole while Yoongi gave Kookie a blowjob. Tae kept on thrusting harder every second making Yoongi moan since he felt pleasure and the moans vibrating Kookie's cock.

Kookie threw his head back and so did Yoongi arching his back.

Then Tae flipped Yoongi over so that Kookie could thrust into him and Yoongi could give him a blowjob.

Kookie thrusted harder and Yoongi moaned sending the same vibrations to Tae's cock.

After about 5 minutes Tae and Kookie went in front of Yoongi so he could give both of them the blowjob.

Yoongi put both of them in his mouth swirling his tongue on the tip then sucking and swirling at the same time then putted both of them fully in his mouth.

Tae and Kookie groaned they couldn't take it anymore Tae and Kookie flipped Yoongi over then thrusting inside of him.

Yoongi moaned loudly like it was his first time doing this with them but it wasn't his tongue hanged out of his mouth saliva went down plus his eyes were squinting.

Tae and Kookie loved it soon after Yoongi passed out while he cummed.

Tae and Kookie got out him knowing that he passed out since they did at least four rounds.

"Looks like Yoongi was exhausted yet he's still tight." Said Tae panting Kookie decided to tease Tae by rubbing his ass against Tae's cock in his whole Tae smirked Tae wasn't tired nor was Kookie since they already putted Yoongi on the couch with a blanket.

Tae licked three of them without Kookie noticing Tae fingered him he had really long fingers Tae went fast and rough making Kookie moan loudly.

"Huh what's that you like rubbing against me don't you." Said Tae making Kookie moan louder since he's really sensitive Tae licked his neck forming a hickey.

"Ahhhhhhh~s-so g-go-od." Kookie said moaning out loud Tae kept on thrusting and they both finally cummed.

After that they took Yoongi to the room they changed him into something mid- thigh and some underwear Tae wore sweatpants underwear and a shirt while Kookie decided to wear shorts underwear and a shirt and cleaned the house both limping but Yoongi will mostly limp since it was two days straight.

Once Tae and Kookie were finished they went to sleep in the same position as last time.

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