Coffee Accident!

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Yep the clothes are the same as last time the clothes would be in every single story of the 24 Day Smut Challenge just keep a reminder of that and yes Yoongi's till a femboy.

No Ones POV

Yoongi was in the cafè as usual making some coffee for the customers,Yoongi's cafè is well known a lot of people come here usually,even some celebrities come here and thank Yoongi.

The Cafè!

But today was a whole other day,Yoongi wasn't feeling his usual feeling when he sees someone come in his cafè he just seems a little down.

The reason is because he doesn't see those usual men who come here almost every day Yoongi just thought that they were busy and that they couldn't make it.

It was midnight yet they still hadn't arrived the cafè slowly got less crowded there was at least some people.

After 1 hour 54 minutes of giving out people their drinks Yoongi's cafè was closing every one already exited the cafè leaving Yoongi there all alone cleaning up their mess.

Yoongi was so close and i mean so close to turn the sign to closed but suddenly some one just lets him keep it to open and those people were the two men that always came to the cafè... Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung...

Basically those two people are known all around the world since they are apart of a boy band which is technically BTS they have at least won tons of awards from attending grammy's.

Taehyung and Jungkook had a sorry expression once they entered. "Um we are really sorry but could you make us some coffee right now im kinda down for some since i have a lot of paper work to finish by the next two days and i wanna finish some today just to keep make it finished faster." Taehyung said while Jungkook nodded which gave Yoongi a sign that he has to as well.

Yoongi just softly smiled and nodded he made his way to the machine to make some coffee while Taehyung and Jungkook just sat down,but Yoongi didn't need to order them something since he already knew what they'd order.

Yoongi started making their order silently while humming a soft sweet song technically that's called Pied Piper by BTS Yoongi hummed it in his mind not wanting to be embarrassed just by singing their song in front of them.

But what Yoongi didn't know was that they both were starring at him giving him a cold glare because they just wanted to act dominant in front of him since they knew Yoongi more than a person should know.

The Information They Know!
-Yoongi is a femboy no one knows that but only Taehyung and Jungkook from spying on him.

-Yoongi's usual scent is green apple but no one knows that because he uses perfume that lasts about 24 hours. Yoongi just applied some to make it last longer.

-Yoongi wears girls clothing but way to revealing clothes.

-Yoongi plays with himself and has sex toys.

-Yoongi missed a day of work because he got stuck with a vibrator up his ass so he haded to put his fingers in to take it out.

-Yoongi wears rose shampoo.

-Yoongi's address is at xxxxxxxxx

-Yoongi has at least 1.4 people who like him for his cuteness and loving self.

-Yoongi attends to get distracted easily just by someones looks or a type of cute thing.

-Yoongi's favorite animal is a cat because it describes him a lot.

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