The Library

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"You're quiet today." Evelyn comments, leaning against the oak bookshelf.

Jeanine looks away from her book, locks eyes with her and smirks, "Nobody plans murder outloud."

Evelyn laughs a little before freezing when Jeanine just continues to stare right into her eyes.

"You are joking right...?" Evelyn knows that Jeanine could be dark but she hopes that she will never cross the line and become a murderer.

Jeanine's smirk only grows, "Maybe... maybe not."

Evelyn grins and shakes her head, "You are an absolute bitch, you do know that right?"

"All part of my charm." the blonde states matter of factly, turning the page of her book.

Evelyn crawls across the small space between them and sits next to her girlfriend. She slings her arm around her. "So who is Jeanine Matthews' victim because they don't stand a chance against a brain like her's."

Jeanine blushes a little before telling her, "Marcus Eaton."

"The son of our council leader?"

"That's the one."

"Hmm I see and what has he done, other than be the son of an enormous prick that is."

Jeanine turns back to the book she is reading, "Bloom into an enormous prick himself."

"Ah, I see. What did he do?"

Evelyn began to study Jeanine's body language. She definitely seemed agitated and... distressed? No that's not quite the right word but she was definitely upset about something.

"I don't want to talk about it." she mutters.

Marcus had been taunting Jeanine for months but he had turned it up a notch and in all honesty, it was beginning to get too much for her anway. Evelyn didn't know that though, she didn't know everything Marcus had done and Jeanine had never had any intention of letting her know how it has affected her. Evelyn thought that Jeanine was fine, well with Marcus at least.

"You can talk to me Jeanine." Evelyn urges.

Jeanine sighs, she has to tell her now, she should have kept quiet.

She sets her book down on the carpeted floor and attempts to find a way to explain it.

"Well you know he has been taunting me for, well, a while..."


"He just umm well it was beginning to get too much anyway but now... I don't know he just took it too far."

"I can't help you if I don't know what the issue is."

"He told me that my parents exploded their lab on purpose because they were ashamed of me, okay?"

Jeanine tries to stand but Evelyn catches her arm and pulls her back down.

"First of all, you know that's not true. Second of all, why on Earth would your parents be ashamed of you? Look at you, you're beautiful, so intelligent, kind, there's so much to be proud of."

Tears begin to stream down Jeanine's face when she looks at her. "Because I'm homosexual Evelyn."

"Yeah well that's just Abnegations for you, your parents were Erudites."

"I can't give them grandchildren. I can't pass on my genes. I can't do any of that."

"That doesn't matter. You don't even want kids Jeanine, why are you letting him get to you like this?"

"Because I feel like I have a bomb strapped to my chest and at any second it could go off. At any second he could tell everyone. He could catch us."

Evelyn sighs, "Yeah I know what you mean. How does he even know about you, I never asked?"

"He found out when we were little. I said something stupid and he thought he would test if it is still true. Everyone else just overlooked it."

"What did you say?"

"It's stupid really... I just, kind of, kicked off when I was forced to partner with a boy for this Valentine's Day thing."

Evelyn laughs a little, "That sounds about right."

Jeanine smiles a little, "Yeah... I knew from a very young age."

"You are the reason I know that I'm bisexual."

Evelyn pulls her close.

"Well I'm honoured."

"As you should be."

They both laugh.

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