Evelyn's 'death'

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'Evelyn Johnson-Eaton is dead' those four words rip through me like a sword to the heart. She can't be gone. She just can't.

I look back up at my assistant, Erin, who is standing there sympathetically after telling me the news. She knew. She knew about the affair. Only she knew how we cared for each other.

"How?" I choke out.

"Miscarriage." she replies, her eyes filled with empathy and sadness.

"She wasn't pregnant...."

"She must have been in the early stages." Erin suggests, it appears that she is still trying to make sense of it herself.

"Yeah... she must have been..."

It doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't she have told me if she was pregnant? I'm a girl and I loved her, I would have understood and I would have been there for her. It doesn't make any sense.

Did I do something wrong? Say something wrong? Did she never trust me like I trusted her? I'm using past tense. Oh my God, I'm using past tense. She's gone. No,she can't be gone.

I must have spaced out because when my surroundings come back into focus, Erin is crouched down next to me.

"Jeanine? Jeanine can you hear me?" she asks, shaking me gently.

"Yes. Yes I can hear you." my voice is quiet and it makes me cringe.

She puts a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"You really loved her didn't you?"

A silent tear falls down my cheek.

"More than anything."

"Oh Jeanine." she whispers, pulling me towards her.

My head rests on her's and her arms are wrapped around my waist. She is on the floor and I am still on my chair but it's actually not as awkward of a position as I would have thought.

"You know, she really loved you too."

I sadly nod. She did love me. Even if she hid her pregnancy from me, she still loved me.

"I have to seem okay." I realise aloud. I can't appear affected. I can attend the funeral because she was the wife of a faction leader. I can appear sympathetic because I should, despite my cold and emotionless persona. I can feel sad because we were friends as children. But she went to Abnegation and I remained in Erudite. We shouldn't have had any sort of relationship for seventeen years. 

"Not in front of me."

Erin begins to stroke my hair in a comforting manner and my eyes fill with even more tears.

"You kept it a secret for two years," I whisper, "thank you."

"Thank you for telling me."

I smile a little.

"You're my only friend Erin."

"What about Cara?"

"We are acquaintances but you know how hard it is for me to open up."

"Yeah... I do."

We just sit there in silence for what feels like forever before I decide that I have work to do.

I stand, "Erudite must keep going, it can't stop for me and it won't stop for her. I have work to do." 

"I can take care of that Jeanine." Erin tries, still sitting on the cold floor.

"I know but it's my job, not yours. Go take your lunch break, it was an hour ago."

"I really don't mi-"

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