Chapter Seven: Odd Quads

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    "Oh? I recognize that uniform...You're a Ringtown Ranger?" As soon as I walked into the Ranger Base of Summerland I was approached by a cute girl with short blonde hair. Her uniform, like that of the guy standing behind her, looked like a jungle explorer outfit.

     "Yep. My name is Serena and I'm here investigating the Go-Rock Squad. Word has it they're here," I explain. She has a nice demeanor and a smiling face, an unchallenging and non jealous face. Unlike someone else I know....

     "Go Rock Squat? What's that? Is that like a new dance?" Her eyebrows raise in a genuine look of confusion, and I just stare back incredulously. I explain about who they are, or rather who they say they are, and she replies, "Oh, the Go-Rock Squad. I've never heard of them. I'm Leilani by the way!"

     The other guy walked up to us then, followed by a Politoed. "Wasn't it hard to get to Summerland?" Now its his turn to receive my incredulous look. 

     "No, I rode on the back of a Lapras. It was so calming and relaxing and I got here quick. Leader Spenser sent me here for the investigation."

     "Oh, the Ringtown Leader ordered you here? Wow, that sounds really strict. Our Leader went off to the Capture Challenge again today the first thing in the morning. We're usually free to do whatever we want. I mean, Summerland's so peaceful anyway that we're not busy ever." Something tells me it's not a matter of being busy but rather being lazy. Both Leilani and this guy are pretty laid-back, I can only imagine their attitudes if presented with a dangerous situation, or any problem at all for that matter.

     "Also, I'm Percy. I'll go fetch the Leader for you. Come on Politoed." "To-tohd!" Both then left out the door, leaving me with Leilani, whom I noticed did not have a Partner Pokemon by her side. I resolved to ask her and others about that later. I wondered why only some Rangers had Partners and some didn't.

     I didn't have to wait very long because someone who could only be the Leader came into the Base. "Wahah! Another great day capturing!" He was a bit of a big guy, like Murph but older. He had a wet towel around his shoulders, shortish shoulder length brick brown hair, and cargo shorts. His Capture Styler was hanging by his belt. I was pretty sure this was Cameron.

     He was also pretty aloof because it took him a moment to notice I was even in the Base. When he did, he asked me who I was, and the same exchange between Percy, Leilani and I repeated with Cameron.

     "It's good and all that you came here for the investigation, but..." He started to sweat more and look confused. "That, uh, Team Go-Rock, was it? Whatever they're called, we haven't seen neither hide nor hair of 'em."

     Another look of incredulity, this time directed at Cameron. Why hasn't anyone heard of them yet?

     "What? They're sure making a fuss everywhere else. They're these asswipes that dress weird and steal things from professors." I can't help but chuckle a little, because I still can't actually take the Coconut Heads seriously. 

     "Hmmph. Well, I've been taking part in the Capture Challenges for enjoy..Uh, no. For keeping my technique sharp, yup! And, you know, just keeping cool and relaxed a little." Interesting. He wants to seem front of me? Barely not a Rookie and he's a Leader? This whole island is aloof. I bet if I broached the subject, he would persist it wasn't like that here at all.

     "Well, where's Percy? He went to fetch you for me." Changing the subject seemed like a good idea before this got awkward.

     "Oh? Percy went looking for me? I never saw him."

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