Chapter Seventeen: Penny for Thought

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     I felt like I was floating, and I could smell fresh salty air. I could hear waves lapping against a pier, and it was all very familiar. I opened my eyes. There were boats, ocean water rushing into the canal splitting the stone pavements, and sailors busily working along the docks. There was a large library in the far corner, and a calm feeling blanketing the scene.

     I was in Canalave City, a refreshing place I often frequented during my first journey as a Trainer. It had that vibe to it that this was a place of respite after a long adventure, but it's not over yet. This place inspired a lot of reflection in me, but right now everything was hued in purple. Suddenly, my attention was inexplicably drawn to the small house in the northernmost street corner. That particular house held significance, because this was where I helped the son of a sailor named Eldritch, and I encountered a Darkrai as a result. I wonder if another Darkrai is the mysterious entity trying to send me a message?

     I sort of floated towards the house and attempted to pry open the door. It wouldn't budge, but I heard a noise coming from inside. Or was it around the back? I proceeded around and saw everything get swallowed up by the purple haze, consuming everything in sight and leaving me completely alone in the fog. Then a voice spoke to me, clearly this time.

     "You...I have seen all that you've done...for Pokemon..." It was such an alien voice, yet familiar, that I felt afraid and trusting of this thing at the same time. The voice was also neutral, not specific to any gender. "You...I"

     "What? What is it that you need? Who are you?? Where are you?" I called out and I didn't have to shout; my voice was just as loud and clear.

     I see something dark begin to materialize in front of me. An orb, or balled up figure, was slowly coming into focus. Shining, bright purple eyes opened within the orb. They were just light; they had no pupils or other details, but I could feel them staring straight at me.

     "You...have come are about to go can save us...You must come to me. You must find me! Oblivia...come..." The voice begins to fade.

     "No! Wait!! Where are you? Why do you need help? Why do you want me?? How?" I frantically call out to the figure, but it too begins to fade.

     "You will see...soon...remember..." Soon a new thundering noise is enveloping me, and the color of purple everywhere begins to take on a bluish tint. "Remember..." A flash of lightning, and a blue orb replaced the previous purple one. A new voice, very familiar male voice, issues out.

     "I am resetting everything to zero. Nothing can remain. It is all for making the ultimate world. A world of complete perfection. Nothing so vague and incomplete as spirit can remain." The orb begins to shake, then cracks, then splits apart and disappears into the darkness. I know that voice all too well. 

     "That was...Cyrus?" That was exactly what Cyrus said to me on the mountain that day, all that time ago. Why was the entity making me recall that?

     " us...come..." I could barely hear the voice anymore. The darkness was now all consuming, and I knew I was about to lose the vision and wake up.

     "No, wait, I need more! I need answers! Wait!!" But I couldn't even hear my own voice anymore...


     I start to hear a rustling of leaves, like wind blowing through the trees. After the gloom and doom of that dream, this was a welcome sound, bringing with it the scent of fresh yet cold air. Then a muffled voice begins to grow clearer.

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