Chapter 1

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"Kageyama-kuuun~" Yuki Anasati latched onto Kageyama's arm, pulling it into her breasts "Eh- ah.. Hey Ana-chan," Kageyama said awkwardly and they continued down the hall, talking the entire time "Eeeeh... How disgusting~" I turned from the window and took off my hood, cocking my head I gazed after them "Yuki Anasati. Commonly known as Ana-chan. Popular but not to popular for anyone to really care if she went... Missing." A small smirk appeared as I chewed my bottom lip "Ahh... what a pity~" If anyone had walked down the hall or looked out of a classroom they would have seen a face that could freeze blood. Wide hungry blank eyes and a sadistic grin,

this certainly did not match the happy go lucky boy from the volleyball club

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this certainly did not match the happy go lucky boy from the volleyball club.

"Ana-chan, hi!" I tapped her on the shoulder, smiling, she turned around in her seat "Hey Hinata!" Her face was cheerful as ever "Can you wait for me after school?" I put on my best innocent face and she fell for it in a beat. What a idiot. "Sure thing," I let a grin spread over my face "Yay! I'll see you soon!" She turned back around and I left the classroom, letting a smirk replace the grin once I was out of sight "Stupidass bitch." I skipped away feeling excitement swell as I got closer and closer to the gym, then I was inside. And there he was. My one and only. My Kageyama. "Kageyama!" I called and he turned "There you are dumbass, you're late" I put on the act perfectly "Sorry, I got held up," I nearly sighed longingly when he turned around again but stayed silent. We went over to join everyone in stretching and I quickly fell mesmerised as his arm muscles rippled and-

"C'mon Sho!" Nishinoya called and I smiled "Coming!" after a quick practice match everyone was sitting around drinking water and wiping their faces, I sat as close as I could near Kageyama without seeming weird and watched as he drank from his wat...

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"C'mon Sho!" Nishinoya called and I smiled "Coming!" after a quick practice match everyone was sitting around drinking water and wiping their faces, I sat as close as I could near Kageyama without seeming weird and watched as he drank from his water bottle. I wish I could drink from that- "What are you staring at dumbass?" You. Duh. "Nothing," I quickly picked up my bag so he couldn't see the blush dusting my cheeks "Whoops," Kageyama glanced at me "What now," I put my bag down and turned to him "I forgot my water bottle," I said meekly "Seriously? You're such a idiot" I rubbed my head sheepishly than brightened "Can I use yours?" Kageyama stared "No way" I put on my best pout "But i'm really thirsty... Please?~" He looked away and gave the bottle to me "Whatever." I felt my face lit up with joy and tried to keep my excitement contained "Thank you!" I just barely stopped myself from grabbing it and put it up to my mouth.

An indirect kiss with Kageyama

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An indirect kiss with Kageyama. I drank some and gave it back to him, struggling not to blush and scream. He snatched it and wiped the lid with his towel "Thanks Kageyama," I stood up and grinned before skipping to the toilets, as soon as I reached it I got the towel from my neck and screamed silently into it. A indirect kiss. Basically the same as a real one. This proves that we are meant to be! I'm so so happy...

"Hinata! Over here!" I turned and saw Ana-chan waving near the gate "Hey, thanks for waiting!" I skipped over and grinned "No problem, what did you need?" She asked, smiling that stupid smile of hers "I'll tell you on the way! Lets go" we started walking, somme small talk was exchanged and after like 15 minutes I decided we where far enough away "You have a crush on Kageyama don't you, Ana-chan?" She blushed, confirming it "What.. No I don't.." I rolled my eyes and stopped walking "Don't deny it, Its as clear as day," she stopped and turned to me "Is it that obvious? Okay fine.. I really like him and I am going to ask him out tomorrow!" She blushed and hid her face "Lucky him! But let me just tell you a little secret," she looked up "What is it?" I beckoned her "Let me whisper it into your ear" she came closer and I leaned over "He's mine." I shoved her and she fell into the deserted alleyway "What are you-" She went pale as I pulled a knife from my bag "Stop! What are you doing?! Stay away from me!" She scrambled backwards and I smirked "Aww~ Don't run, it will only make it last longer!" She was sobbing as she ran down the alley and I walked after her, I heard her cry out as she saw the dead end "Poor little kitty all alone... let me help you!" She screamed as I came closer "Don't hurt me please! I'm sorry! I'll stay away from him!!!" I stopped and cocked my head "You'd do that for me?" She nodded, sobbing "...You can go then," She cried with relief and staggered past me "Stupidass bitch," She didn't even have time to scream as I stabbed the knife straight through her back "Whoopsies~" blood spurted as I pulled the knife out and she turned around, seeming to be about to scream but she collapsed "......" Nothing but gurgles escaped her lips as I crouched down "What was that? Speak up please," She gasped and cried as I raised the knife above her chest "Bye bye now, Ana-channn~" I swept the knife down and blood splatted my face and hands, I stabbed her again and again and watched as the light faded from her tear filled eyes "You made me dirty..." I dabbed the blood on my face and sighed before standing up, I looked down at her- No. Its, bloody corpse and frowned before looking around "Ah.. Perfect!" I grabbed its hair and dragged it over to the huge dumpster "So heavy... What a fatass" I heaved it over and into the bin, it landed with a splat and crack "Oops, sorry Ana-chan~" I called as I saw its leg was now broken "hmmmm... One last thing.. Ooh!" I tapped my chin then grinned as I saw the pile of full bin bags lying near the wall "Heave-ho!" I picked up one and chucked it in, giggling as I heard the crash of heavy bottles and crack of bones "Ahaha, another!" I repeated the process until its mangled body was completely hidden "....Oh theres no more bags, how boring" I sighed before grabbing the wet wipes from my bag and wiping my face and hands "All clean!" I grinned into the small hand mirror I was holding then snapped it shut and disposed of the dirty wipes before putting the packet and mirror back in my bag, "Time to change~" I pulled out a fresh pair of clothes and put them on before wrapping the bloody ones up and stuffing them in one of the bin bags "I'm hungry now, time to go home!" I closed the lid of the dumpster before skipping out of the alley and back to the school where I picked up my bike and started riding it home, "The incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout... hmhm hahmm hmmhm..." I hummed and giggled as I started my long ride home.

I hope you guys like the first chapter! I really enjoyed writing this one as its something new, I have never really tried to write yandere/gore so sorry if its bad TwT

Have a great day/night!

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