"Beep beep beep beep-" I slapped the alarm off and the room fell silent again. I groggily raised my head and groaned, it was 6:30 in the morning and I had to get up. Since I had the keys to the gym I have to get there earlier than usual.
All I wanted to do was sleep since I had been up since 3:00 playing with Kenma, who by the way seemed to be the luckiest person because he had been the imposter 5 TIMES in a ROW and had never once lost.
I rolled over onto my back before sitting up and slowly getting up and out of the warm bed, I unplugged my phone before stretching, grabbing my uniform and walking to the bathroom.
Once in I locked the door, flicked on the shower, undressed and stepped into the downpour.
I closed my eyes and let the hot water wash away my frustrations and annoyances before quickly switching the water to cold. I hissed at the cold water but at least now I was awake.
I flicked it off and stepped out, grabbing my towel I dried myself off before wrapping it around my waist and looking into the mirror.
I had small bags under my eyes and I looked pissed, well I was so whatever. I rubbed my eyes before slapping my cheeks and trying for a smile,
*Why do you try to smile? You look ugly.*
The smile dropped from my face and I got dressed before hanging up my towel, styling(?)my hair, brushing my teeth, turning off the lights, unlocking the door and walking back to my room.
I picked up my school books and notebooks and plopped them into my bag.
Zipping it up I hauled it over my shoulder, put my phone in my pocket. And walked out of my room,
Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen I saw a bento sitting on the bench with a note, I walked over and picked up the note:
I know you have to go early today so I packed your bento. I forgive you for last night but don't do it again please! Have a great day sweetie, xxx Mum.
I put it in my bag with a tiny smile before making some toast, getting my water bottle and going to the front door.
I slipped my shoes on, opened the door and stepped outside into the crisp mountain air.
I closed the door behind me, readjusted my bag, walked over to my bike and got on it.
I ate the toast, drank some water, took a breath and began my long ride to school.
I unlocked the gym and went inside, I stretched before sitting down, I might as well catch a few winks before everyone showed up and practice started...
My eyes drooped a few times before I shut them and welcomed sleep.
Kageyama's pov
I tested the door and found it was unlocked, I went inside and looked around before freezing.
I stared at Hinata's sleeping form and frowned.
Why the hell was he sleeping here...
Wait was he here all night?
I panicked and checked his mouth, a sigh of relief escaped me as I felt air brush my fingers.
I rubbed my eyes before sitting down beside him, I stared at nothing for awhile before pulling out my phone.
Usually Wren would have texted or called my by now... I unlocked my phone and went to messages.
Tapping on Wren I quickly texted him.
Good morning cutieKageyama:
You awake?Kageyama:
You usually text back straight awayKageyama:
I called u cutie.Kageyama:
Aren't you gonna react?Kageyama:
WRENI stared at the screen in confusion. Was he mad or something? He always texts first and never goes this long without answering.
I mulled over it for a second before deciding it call him.
I held the phone up to my ear and waited.
Wren never -not even once- had missed any of my calls-
Hi!! This is Wren Katachi! If I don't pick up it's probably cause I'm with my amazing boyfriend right now! If it's a emergency just keep on calling and I'll pick up, if not leave a lil message and I'll call you back. Wren out!
-beep-"Hi Wren, it's Tobio. Why aren't you answering? Are you asleep? Or did I do something? I'm sorry if I did... Im worried, please call me back."
Okay I was seriously scared now. He always picked up! M-Maybe he was just busy..
I tried calling a few more times but he didn't pick up.
With every missed one and message I left I felt my voice becoming more panicked and my messages becoming desperate.
"Wren I'm sorry if I did anything or if you don't like me anymore o-or if you want to break up b-but please call me back- I-I'm scared. Your s-scaring me. Please call. Please.. I love you... I l-love you! Please hurry up and answer..."
Meanwhile in a dark alley full of boxes and rubbish a bloody phone silently vibrated.

He's Mine
FanfictionHe's mine. Only mine. And anyone who gets in my way deserves to be... Removed. Hinata was extremely in love with Kageyama, but he didn't know how to tell him. One day as he came out of the gym and saw Kageyama with a girl, something inside of him da...