Chapter 14

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Kageyama's pov

I fucking hate this guy.

If you told me to describe the emotions that I was feeling I wouldn't be able to, simply because not even I knew what I was feeling.

I stared at the name that lit up the glowing screen and tried to calm down. Breath in. Breath out. Simple as that.

"Shit..." I groaned and kneaded at my forehead,

Why am I feeling like this? Why should I care about who Hinata is friends with and who he talks to? It's none of my business...

Another ding rang out and I gritted my teeth, this guy really pisses me off.

Before I could think about what I was doing I opened the messages:


Yo you there


I thought reading the messages might make me calm down a bit but they just made my blood boil more.

I was tempted to reply and tell him to piss off but I resisted, Hinata would see it and probably suspect me....

Wait. Why did I care? This is so stupid! I don't care. I don't care about Hinata.. I have a great boyfriend, I'm happy with Wren... Right?

I closed the phone and put it back in his pocket before resting my head against the wall, wishing it would just swallow me so I wouldn't have to deal with all these stupid emotions.

Closing my eyes I let myself drift, pictures of Wren grinning and laughing faded into view and I smiled. See even my mind loved-

The pictures of Wren rippled and suddenly all I could see was Hinata.

His face, his laugh, his grin, his voice, his body. Jumping and slamming the ball down, that face he has made when I first set to him, full of pure happiness.

My eyes snapped open and I quickly let go of Hinata and placed him on the ground, grabbing my bag and jacket I stiffily walked over to the door and opened it.

Rain poured outside but I ignored it and stepped out, I resisted the urge to go back in and dashed out, the freezing rain instantly soaked me but I didn't care.

Putting my bag above my head I ran. But no matter how fast I ran the thoughts didn't disappear,

I opened my mouth and let out the cry that was building inside me.

"Why can't I get you out of my head?!"

Inside the gym, the orange-haired boy shifted slightly but didn't stir. His mind clear or nightmares for the first time in years.

I am so sorry for not updating lately! I had been logged out of my account and I couldn't log back in so I contacted Wattpad support and it took longer than I thought for them to get back to me, but luckily I'm back! So I will be updating again ^w^


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