Chapter 2

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I parked my bike and locked it in before walking over to the gym doors, it was open and I heard the sound of talking from within,
"-Hear about Ana-chan?" I stopped "Yeah... Thats like the 5th person to go missing, its kinda scary.." It was Daichi and Sugawara. I slipped into my act and walked in "Morning guys!" They turned and greeted me "Good morning Hinata," "Morning," I frowned a little "You guys seem down, everything okay?" Daichi glanced at Sugawara who shook his head slightly "Yep, all good here. Nothing for you to worry about," I nodded "Well okay then-" I stopped as Kageyama slammed the door open "Damn -hah, hah- it! You beat me -phew- Hinata you dumbass!" He panted, I burned his sweaty face and body into my mind and grinned, keeping the urge to leap at him at bay "Guess I did! You owe me a pork bun, haha!" I put my hands on my hips as he glowered and stalked up to me "You only won cause I got up late!" I felt my eye twitch slightly from his closeness and took a shaky breath "W-Whatever I still won," I was really struggling not to act seriously weird now "Sure... Also are you sick or something?" I cursed at myself inwardly "Whaa~at? Me? Nope! I'm right as rain! Why?" He narrowed his eyes slightly "Your acting strange and your face is... Never mind," I held back a relieved sigh as he shook his head and went to greet the others.

"Good job everyone!" Daichi called as everyone finished cleaning and packing up "See you guys tomorrow!" I called and went to leave but Sugawara stopped me "Umm Hinata! Maybe someone should go with you?" I cocked my head to the side "Eh? Why?" I asked in a perfect confused tone "Uhhh no reason! I just think it'd be a good idea..?" Daichi came up to us and Sugawara whispered in his ear "Ah.. Yeah, maybe you should Hinata?" They both were trying to make it sound casual but it wasn't working "But why?" Everybody else gathered near us since we where at the door and Tsukashima sighed "Why don't you just tell him," I frowned and looked to Daichi "Tell me what?" He scratched his head awkwardly "Nothing..." I jumped as Kageyama came up behind me "Whats the holdup?" Sugawara cleared his throat "Ahem.. I was just saying that maybe someone should go with Hinata?" Everyone exchanged knowing looks "But why? Whats the secret? I know you guys are keeping one!" Tsukashima rolled his eyes "Its because your weak and people have been going-" Sugawara hit him in the ribs and he doubled over "Ahaha! Ignore him, He's just joking around!" I crossed my arms "I need to go home, So bye!" Before they could react I slipped under Daichi's arms and dashed to my bike "Hinata wait!!!!" Sugawara yelled as I unlocked it and got on before starting pedalling "See you guys tomorrow!" I shouted over my shoulder, "Hinataaaa!!" Once I was out their sight I let the act drop. God their annoying sometimes, I scowled for awhile before letting the images of Kageyama flood my mind. Sometimes I was tempted to ask him out. I had thought about it plenty of times, but when I tried something always seemed to get in the way... I unwillingly flash backed to that day.

I had made up my mind. Today was the day I was really gonna do it, I was going to tell him. I blushed then shook my head. Nothing was going to stop me, "Where's Kageyama?" I turned to Nishinoya who was drinking from his water bottle "I think he went outside," I nodded and went to the door, nerves where running wild and my heart was pounding in my chest as I took a shaky breath. You can do this. Its just Kageyama. You talk to him all the time! C'mon! Okay here I go! I walked out the door and turned. "Kageyama!-" My vision dimmed and my heart thudded. The smile slipped from my face and something cracked, Kageyama whipped around and I realised I had dropped my water bottle. "-------" Kageyama was talking but no sound was coming out, I just pasted on a teasing grin and laughed "Kageyama's got a girlfriend~" I called and Tanaka dashed out "What?! How did you------" I slowly pushed back through everyone as they gathered near the door to tease Kageyama until I was at the back. Something blackened and twisted as a dark blank expression spread over my face, "But he's mine."

I shook myself before letting a smirk slip free as I remembered how I had made that girl suffer, until she had begged to die

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I shook myself before letting a smirk slip free as I remembered how I had made that girl suffer, until she had begged to die. For me to kill her. And so I had. Slowly. Kageyama had been depressed for ages when she disappeared, I didn't like that Kageyama. That Kageyama was boring. He eventually got over it though, and he was fun again. But I had decided on that day that if anyone tried to get close to my Kageyama they would have to be... Removed. So I had gained the trust of basically every single girl in the school and like the stupids they were they all fell for it,  I felt my phone vibrate and pulled it out, it was a text from.. Kageyama. My heart leaped and throbbed as I unlocked it and went to messages,

Sugawara's gonna kill you tomoz you dumbass

I rolled my eyes and quickly texted him back,

Ahah, I got annoyed at them for not telling me soooo... ~_~;

Whatever. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?

My heart sped up,

If Sugawara hasn't killed me by then I'm free, why?

We have been invited to go to karaoke.

I excitedly tapped a reply than hesitated.


Yeah, from some people in class 3-B

I mentally assessed my knowledge on that class and frowned, there where loads of girls...

Are you going?

Yes, you?

I guess i'll come :)

I closed my phone and scowled, there was no way I was letting MY Kageyama go there alone to be surrounded by all those bimbo's. Not happening. I will protect him. Even if it means removing them too.

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