Chapter 19

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You motherfucker.

My hands twitched and I struggled to hold down the urge to yeet myself at this fatass chickenfaced fucker and choke his lights out.

"Oh.. Is this true?" The officer asked me, I pasted a confused awkward smile on my face.

"No...? I was never close with him so we never walked home together, I'm sorry but I think you saw someone else?"
My voice was coated in innocence and dripping with "This old guy is confused! I never walked home with Wren!"

"There's no way I could! Look at your hair! I could recognise it from a mile away." My smile twitched before I let it fall to be replaced by a confused frown. "I can assure you I never walked home with Wren. We never-" 

"It wasn't him."

Kageyama's voice cut through the air, I turned around to see him looking at us. "W-what did you say boy?" The old fucker asked.

"I said it wasn't him... he's my.. my friend and I was with him 2 days ago." I felt my heart flutter but also break at the word friend, the officer scratched something down in his notebook before addressing the fatass.

"Sir, are you positive you saw this boy?" He asked intently. The old guy opened his mouth again seemingly about to protest when he saw my face.

Pure fear filled his face and I let a tiny smile loose, his eyes widened and he seemed about to scream when- "Sir?"

He looked at the officer and said in a quiet shaky voice. "O-Oh.. now that I think about it I think I must have confused him with someone else..! Haha my mistake young man." The officer looked taken aback before slowly scribbling something and turning back to me as I shook my head,

"It's okay, mistakes happen." The now paled face man bowed and apologised before hurriedly shuffling back to his house. "Was that all officer?" The cop just nodded "Uh yeah, yes. Thank you for your time." I bowed my head slightly as he walked away.

"Where you lying?"

I turned around to meet Kageyamas blank stare.

"What are you talking about? you're in shock. This is me we're talking about! Useless idiot me right? Ha ha.." I walked up to him and adjusted the blanket around his shoulders.

Kageyama opened his mouth before closing it again and just looking back down at his clenched fists.

I sat beside him and looked up at the cloudy sky.

*.....Useless idiot.*


It was 1 month after Wrens body had been discovered and Kageyama had been absent for 4 weeks, The gym wasn't the same without Kageyama either yelling, setting or just being there in general.

The day after all that happened I had been questioned by everyone when Kageyama didn't show up, I hadn't said anything until the 3rd day when Sugawara literally cornered and forced me to.

The shock horror on their faces when I told them was nearly comical, "Katachi was killed by Psycho..? But I thought they only went after females!" Nishinoya had exclaimed in horror.

Psycho is the nickname that I had apparently been bestowed upon. Nice, though I would have preferred something more cool- not the time!

Anyway after that everyone had tried to keep the mood uplifting and ignore the massive elephant in the room.

That was until Asahi broke the silence.

"Do you think he's okay?" Everyone knew straight away who he was talking about.

"I don't know... maybe we should-"

The gym doors creaked open and everyone turned around as Kageyama came inside.

Visible shock could be seen and I felt my heart shred.

Bags, pale face, dull eyes,
You could have called him a walking zombie from the way he shuffled in.

"K...Kageyama!" Before I could stop myself or even realise what I was doing I ran over and hugged him.

"Oi Hinata!" "Hinata?!" "You idiot." "Get off him!" "Hinata don't!" Daichi pulled me off him and suddenly I found myself behind everyone else as they crowded around him.

I couldn't hear what was being said as I struggled to get back In but to no avail. No one was paying me any attention and I nearly screamed in frustration as they made shocked noises. *What the fuck are they talking about?! Move the fuck away from him!!*

I clenched my fists, ready to barge in when they parted. I looked up in surprise as Kageyama came out and walked over to me.

"Kageyama? Um I'm sorry that I hugged you before! I got carried awa- Oof!" Kageyama's head dropped onto my shoulder and I nearly buckled under his weight.

I stood there for a second before slowly wrapping my arms around him and patting his back. Avoiding everyone else's stunned gazes awkwardly.

"Sorry. I have to go." Just as unexpectedly as he had came Kageyama untangled himself, turned around, mumbled he had to go and left.

I was frozen for a minute before I snapped back into action and ran after him, Ignoring everyone who yelled at me.

Something was wrong with Kageyama and I'd be damned if I didn't go after him now...!

Sorry for the late update guys! If u saw my post than u will know that I've been pretty stressed lately and haven't had much time to write this chapter! Hopefully it'll calm down soon and I can update more quickly 😅

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