Rain poured and thunder rumbled, the sky was a dark carpet in the growing darkness.
I was leaning against the cold gym wall, listening to the ball being hit inside. I shifted my position slightly and shivered, it was getting colder but I couldn't bring myself to go inside.
I wrapped my arms around my knees and despite the chill in the air I felt my eyes drooping, I felt lulled by the repeated sound of the ball and before I knew it darkness swept across my vision.
Kageyama's pov
I glanced to the window and frowned, I could have sworn I saw someone... Shaking my head I resumed serving the ball into the wall before stopping to catch my breath.
Something felt off... I looked back to the window and pursed my lips before sighing, dropping the ball and walking over to the doors.
Opening them I shivered as the cold wind blew some rain my way, I hadn't planned to stay this late but the rain had started pouring and before I knew it I was stuck.
I rubbed my arm before glancing around, I froze. "Hinata..?" I could see his bright orange hair and some of his body peeking out from behind the pillar thing.
Walking over I saw he was nestled up in the dip in the wall under the window, I frowned. *Was that him before...?*
Kneeling down I shook his shoulder but he didn't stir, how could he be sleeping outside in this weather?! I shook him harder but still, no response.
Sighing in frustration I mulled for a second before giving in and just picking him up, huh, he was lighter than I thought he would be.
I carried him back inside and placed him on the ground leaning against the wall before hurrying back to the door and closing it with a clang.
"Mmmm...." Hinata's head dipped slightly and a bit of drool leaked from his mouth, I closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose.
"What a child."
Deciding to just ignore him I picked the ball back up and continued to practice, hoping the rain would let up soon.
Hinata's pov
It's warm, I feel like I'm floating... Around me was nothing but grey and white mist that seemed to move and drift with no end.
I let out a relaxed sigh and snuggled further into the warmth, *Tired...* I suddenly stiffened as the warmth disappeared and blackness filled the mist, I tried to move but black tendrils tangled around my arms and legs as I struggled and thrashed,
"Help!- mph-"
I tried to call out but black slime dripped into my mouth, my eyes widened as it poured down from the mist and filled my mouth, nose, ears-
*drowning.. I'M DROWNING!!-*
I strained against it as it pulled me down, my chest was pounding and tears poured from my wide eyes as a silent scream filled my mouth,
It crept down my throat as I choked and suddenly I realised it wasn't slime. It was blood, thick red coppery blood. It filled my nostrils and senses and I just managed to thrash enough to get my head above it before it engulfed me entirely.
Down I was dragged, down into the suffocating mass, no matter how much I struggled I couldn't break free, blackness tinged the edge of my vision and my lungs screamed for air.
My struggles grew weaker and weaker as the blackness grew until only a pinprick of light could be seen amongst the red,
*I'm dying.*
That thought echoed and drifted to the surface of my mind and for some reason, it calmed me.
I had stopped moving entirely but instead of panic a feeling of numbness had washed through me,
*That's probably not a good thing,*
Just as The darkness was about to swamp me entirely a light suddenly appeared.
It flickered and grew stronger and stronger until it beamed. It swept the darkness away and the blood vanished, I could breathe again and I was floating in what felt like a warm cocoon.
A feeling of safety had replaced the numbness and I felt my breathing slow as a voice echoed and swept the last bits of panic away.
"It's okay.. I've got you, "
The last thing I remember as my eyes drifted shut was the feeling of warmth and that same voice whispering soothing words before darkness.

He's Mine
FanficHe's mine. Only mine. And anyone who gets in my way deserves to be... Removed. Hinata was extremely in love with Kageyama, but he didn't know how to tell him. One day as he came out of the gym and saw Kageyama with a girl, something inside of him da...