Chapter 4

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I yawned and shivered, I had left earlier than usual today and I had realised I didn't have the gym key so now I was leaning against the door waiting for someone in the cold morning air. How fun. I felt a prickle on my neck and froze, I usually got that feeling when something to do with Kageyama was about to happen, I called it "My Kageyama Sense" I looked around slowly and zeroed in on him straight away. He was walking this way but something was off... Suddenly a shorter guy came out from behind him, laughing and tugging on Kageyama's arm. As they came closer I see that Kageyama was laughing as well which made me want to both strangle the other guy and laugh with him, "Morning Hinata," They reached the gym and stopped, I straight away assessed the "competition." The guy had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles and seemed confident enough. I narrowed my eyes slightly before returning the greeting "Morning! Who's your friend?" Kageyama rubbed the back of his head "This is Wren Katachi, Wren meet Hinata." Wren elbowed Kageyama in the ribs and grinned "I can introduce myself baka. Hi, its nice to meet you," He held out his gloved hand and I shook it "..Nice to meet you too!" Kageyama conked Wren on the head "Ow! What was that for??" Kageyama rolled his eyes "You elbowed me first, and anyway. Aren't you meant to be meeting someone..?" Wren rubbed his head then gasped "Crap! That girl wanted to see me today... I gotta go turn her dow- I mean talk to her!" He waved and ran off, I waited until he was out of sight before asking the question that was bugging me "You seem to know him and his schedule pretty well," Kageyama looked up from warming his hands "Yeah.. I've known him for awhile, he's a bit of an airhead," I laughed but inside I was seething with jealousy and questions, how did I not know about him? How long have they known each other exactly? He clearly said he was gonna turn that girl down so did he like Kageyama? Should I get rid of- "Ding" I jumped as my phone vibrated "Sorry," I said to Kageyama before I opened it.

Number one💞:

Who is this..?

Number one💞:
Its me, Hikari Ikuto :)

You named your contact "Number one💞?

Number one💞:
Mhm, cus I'm number one!

I'm changing it, and I have to go. Bye

Okay then, have a good day :)

I blinled and put the phone back in my bag "Who was that?" I looked up at Kageyama "What?" He scowled and crossed his arms "Who texted you?" I pasted a confused face on "Umm.. Hikari Ikuto from last night, why?" He looked away "...No reason." I cocked my head "Okay..?" Confusion laced my voice but Inside I was squealing. He was concerned about who texted me! I'm so happy- "Stop grinning like a idiot, you dumbass." I pouted "Don't be so vulgar, Bakeyama!" Kageyama stalked right up to me until he was towering over me, "I said don't call me that." I gulped and tried in vain to stop the blush spread over my face, "You got a fever or something?" He put a hand to his forehead and mine "a- w- h-h-" I stuttered as my face went tomato "Your really red, are you-"I pushed him away and checked the watch I didn't have "Whoops gotta go! Sorry!" I ran off with him calling after me in confusion "Eh? ah wait!- You don't even have a watch you dumbass!"


Once I had calmed down I went back and saw the gym doors were now open, I was about to go in when suddenly someone said my name and I froze, "-at are you talking about? Hinata said you texted him and told us to wrap it up," Shit. It was Kageyama and he sounded very bewildered. "I didn't text Hinata last night, I haven't talked to him since yesterdays practice." Daichi replied in confusion and I heard Kageyama's intake of breath, "Then why did he say you said to wrap it up...?" I could basically see his confusion, and thinking face in my mind, "I don't know, why don't you ask him instead of me" I heard Daichi's footsteps walk away and I nearly groaned, why did Kageyama have to bring that up? It means more annoyance for me. Not that it was that hard to make Kageyama fall for stuff, it just meant more trouble... I was feeling slightly pissed now so I put up my best front and skipped on in. "Hi! Sorry about before, I had uhhh... A few things to do, ahaha" Kageyama narrowed his eyes as he replied "Uh-huh whatever, I have a question for you." I did my best to keep my front from slipping and pursed my lips "What?" He crossed his arms "Why did you say Daichi texted you last night at karaoke when he didn't?" I pretended to shrink away and put up an air of nervousness "Umm.. Well.. I was feeling a-awkward being around all those g-girls and I kinda panicked..." I ended it in a mumble and glanced up at him, I straight away saw his body relax slightly and his frown lessen "Oh. That kinda makes sense.. your afraid of girls, got it," I widened my eyes "W-W-W-What??! I-I-I'm not scared.." He smirked and rolled his eyes "Yeah yeah, whatever" as he turned around I balled up my fists and glowered, "Y-You trying to start something??" Kageyama just half turned back around and fixed me with a glare, "E-Eek!-" A shiver went through my whole body and I held up my hands just as I was picked up by the scruff of my shirt and put aside "Kageyama, stop scaring Hinata. Hinata, stop annoying Kageyama, if you have free time then use it for practice." Daichi's face was stony and we both backed away "Y-Yes sir!"  "R-Right.." Once he had turned back to Asahi we both looked at each other "I bet a pork bun that I could beat you in a fight."  "You really wanna try it??" I glared and he scowled "I said, PRACTICE!" Daichi yelled and we both jumped "Sorry Daichi!"  "S-Sorry!!"

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