The gym went silent. Nishinoya's shout had echoed through the whole thing and now everyone had turned around and was staring. At me. Then everyone snapped into action, "HINATA??!!" Sugawara went into full mama mode as he stormed up to me and grabbed my hands "Who are they?! I need to kill- meet them NOW!" Daichi was hot on Suga's heels along with Asahi who was basically panicking. Tanaka was clapping me on the back laughing with Nishinoya while Yamaguchi just looked shocked, Tsukishima made a pffting noise and smirked and Kiyoko ignored everyone and congratulated me along with Yachi, me meanwhile was stuttering and trying to speak but my voice was lost in the chaos. Than all of a sudden the back of my shirt was grabbed and I was dragged out the door, outside, around the corner, to the back of the gym and slammed into the wall. It had happened so quickly that I barely even registered what had just happened until I looked up at Kageyama's anger twisted face. "Start talking. Now!" I winced at his tone and looked down, "I-I didn't-" "Who was it?Hikari?! Did you do it with that fucking creep?!" I hated it when Kageyama was mad at me. It made forbidden tears well up in my eyes and my chest tighten, "No! It was a misunderstanding-" I whipped my head up in frustration and suddenly our lips connected, Kageyama's eyes widened in shock and I froze. I realised what had happened a moment before Kageyama basically flung himself away from me, "W-What the hell!? You dumbass!" His hand was pressed against his mouth and his face was twisted in anger as he yelled at me before storming off, I stood there for a bit before my legs gave way and I slid to the ground. The tears that had threatened to spill before had been replaced by a silly grin and blushing face, I sat there for awhile before I finally went back inside. I had barely enough time to get back into the act and take a step in when I was cornered by an extremely crabby Sugamama (very lethal XD) "Now Hinata, sweetie, care to
explain?~" I felt a shiver run down my spine and I swallowed, "Nishinoya misunderstood, I d-didn't g-graduate." I stuttered nervously and he let out a relieved sigh "You really had me worried there for second! Anyway now thats out of the way, what did Kageyama-" Daichi clapped his hands loudly and we jumped "In case anyones forgotten, we have practice." Everyone jumped into action straight away from the icy tone in his voice and the terrifying aura that was emitting from him. "We'll talk later." Suga said before going back over to Daichi, I went to pick up a few balls that had been hit into the corner before looking around. Kageyama was nowhere to be seen, I frowned then jumped as a ball smacked into the ground near me, "Sorry!" Yamaguchi called apologetically "Its fine! Can someone help me with these too?" I shook away my anxiety and concentrated on practice before Daichi got any madder.*Finally done, History is so boring...* I thought as I walked down the hall and yawned then stumbled backwards as I hit someone, "Hey watch it-" I rubbed my nose and looked straight at Wren, "Oh." He looked just as surprised as I felt "Hey..." Wren trailed off and I nearly sighed "Hinata, Hinata Shoyo." He smiled "Hinata-kun, sorry about that." I shook my head and shoved down my hatred, "No i'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going ahaha..." He smiled then seemed to remember what he was doing, "I totally forgot! I have to go Hinata-kun, sorry! Bye!" Before I could speak he was off, running down the hall. I barely wasted a minute before following him, he went downstairs to the ground level. Turned a few corners, went out a side door, and into the back courtyard. I hid behind a tree as he sat down on a bench near the path that led back around to the front of the school building, I felt confusion rise as he just sat there. I nearly turned to leave when he stood up "Tobio! I've been waiting ages!~" My teeth clenched as Kageyama came into view. I stared, They where hugging...? "Sorry Wren," Wren pouted and crossed his arms, "I know we agreed but... I'm sick of hiding all this in public! I want to be like a normal couple..." Time slowed as that word fell from his mouth, "I know but I'm not ready for.. I dunno... My team- my friends to find out I suppose," Kageyama said awkwardly, scratching his head "Who cares what they think though? Babe, If their your friends then they'll accept it, us!" Wren smiled before standing on his tiptoes and planting a kiss on Kageyama's lips, they then sat down on the bench and talked quietly. I slowly turned and sat down, something wasn't quite right.. My face. What did it look like right now? Hahaha... Wait, why did I laugh? Oh right... I get to kill him now~

He's Mine
FanficHe's mine. Only mine. And anyone who gets in my way deserves to be... Removed. Hinata was extremely in love with Kageyama, but he didn't know how to tell him. One day as he came out of the gym and saw Kageyama with a girl, something inside of him da...