You're the Jack to my Rose

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You're the Jack to my Rose

This was when Little Mix were in Australia promoting Black Magic. The girls were singing an acoustic version of How Ya Doin; when suddenly a huge bug decided to join the party & caused havoc to the girls most especially to Jade, this was according to the girls' POV focusing on Jerrie and w/ the support of Lesy.

Jade's POV:

We are in Australia! I am totally buzzing right now! I cannot believe the reception we are having here ever since we have arrived! The Australian Mixers were very sweet since the airport with adorable signs, gifts and greetings which were much appreciated from us girls.

I only slept for 2 hours on the plane due to my excitement (and I think I went a little bit overboard with the Disney-filled films in the plane and the countless sweets they keep giving me) which was probably a bad idea since I'm now drowsy AF.

I'm now dressed in a stripped black and white dress and I decided to wear slippers since my feet were killing me while I'm holding my second cup of coffee just to keep me awake for another hour or so before the performance. I was about to refill my half drank coffee when someone took the hot pot away from my reach. I was about to give that someone a piece of my mind since you can guess by now I'm not in a friendly mood but once I looked as those blue sparkling orbs looking at me with a concerned smile plastered in her face, I can feel my scowled face suddenly lightening up. I knew then my girlfriend although my SECRET GIRLFRIEND (for now) is just concerned for me since she knew I had enough and it might affect my vocals during our live performance in less than an hour or so. I just sighed since I have not enough energy to even try to grab the pot from her. I just turned my back at her and drank my half cup of coffee.

I then felt her arms wrapped around me and I couldn't help but smile like a idiot. My Pez knows that her hugs from behind are my definite weakness. She then kissed me my cheeks;

Perrie: "Hey babe, you know why I did that right?"

Jade: "I know but I still hate you for that but I don't have the energy to fight you for that."

Perrie: "(giggles) Well, I guess I'm lucky then. (winks) I did tell you to get your rest and not eat those candies."

Jade: "You did, but then you slept on me while we were watching Tarzan and I kind of lost track of time and number of candies I've eaten."

Perrie: "Tarzan was our 3rd movie during the trip you would have guessed I would be asleep by then. (Kissing my temple)"

Jade: "Well, it was indeed a bonus to have you sleeping my arms."

Perrie: "Ew, did you watch me sleep? What a creeper!"

Jade: "Don't flatter yourself babe, I was too engrossed by the movie to even watch you sleep and drool."

Perrie: "Hey, I don't drool! Not that I can remember."

Jade: "Hehe, just funning you babe, you sleep like a princess. Don't worry! (Kissing her cheek at the process)"

Perrie: "You sleep like a princess too when you're asleep."

Jade: "Now who's the creeper!"

Perrie: "I SO am not!"

Jade: "Ugh! (clutching my head) I just need energy to get through this. I don't want to disappoint our fans."

Perrie: "You won't babe, I believe in you." She says kissing my temple again. "And if you need energy, I might know how to boost your energy up." She then puts my hair to the side the starts kissing my neck and slides her hands across my arms.

Jade and Perrie - Jerrie One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now